Never has there been a more critical time than now. We have a need of strong willing men that will stand up and guide their families. Guide them through very tumultuous waters. The battle is waging and if we do not use every ounce of effort we will fail.
The scriptures are full of examples that we could look to. Are you a modern day example? Are you holding that banner high for all to see. Are you that light that will guide others through the darkness?
*The Lord is counting on you. We have a great work to do and many are lacking! Nephi counseled in 1Nephi 15:11 we need to pray we need a testimony and we need to be diligent in doing the mind and will of God.
Our families must know that we are prayerful We must be constantly mindful of them. We need the Lord's help to know where to guide them. Prayer is our link to our father. Through prayer we are able to seek the Lord's help and expect he will inspire and answer you.
Answers come as we read the scriptures, as we pay close attention to things around us. That is how our Heavenly Father answers our prayers. He puts people in our path. He speaks as we are reading. Tune out the world and you will find that the answers are not as fuzzy as they might seem.
Strengthen your testimony daily. Expect to be taught by the spirit as you are living your everyday life. Gems are out there every day, in everything you do. Are you your greatest example? What are you doing to build your testimony?
In a church meeting a brother asked What are you thankful for? He went down a list of things that many just take for granted. From the air that we breath, the food that we eat, the job that we have. Our lives are rich with blessings.
Do we recognize that? Do you recognize that all things that are around you come from a loving Father? These are testimony builders. Sometimes, these experiences may come with a price. Sometimes it may require that you loose worldly wealth. It may require a little heartache. But truth and light will be what matters most.
Finally, a little hard work is what it takes. Don't be afraid to get a little dirty. Jump in and give it your all. Family is sometimes not the easiest to deal with. We need our family to be there. We may not show it. If we do our job, if we accept our responsibility than they will know where to turn when Life has gotten them down!
More often than not the greatest memories come from spending time. Where do you spend your time? Are you serving others? Are you serving those you love? I heard from a man not of my faith that the reason why he works is so he go and do things. Camp,ski and be with those he loves. That is what this life is all about. The rest is just fluff.
Now is the time to stand up be counted. Be who the Father intended you to be. Be an example. Share your testimony, pray, put to work those things you have learned from the spirit. Be who you know your to become! The more you build the more your increase from on high.