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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Want A Day Off!!

Have you ever just wanted sometime to yourself? Life seems to be running you around in circles just to get on with a new days events. It seems like that has been my attitude of late. I just want to have some time off. Time when deadlines or responsiblity can wait. I just want to be left alone!

At these times I have found great comfort in relying on strong examples. I think of President Eyring who spoke about immersing ones self in work. Just plough through and find joy in hard work. The fact of the matter is that this life is for us to work. We had better recognize that we are always going to be doing something. Even if we are wanting that cherished time alone, our minds are still working our bodies are working. So even when we mean not to we are doing something.

The greatest blessings come from serving others. The service rendered to others allows us to forget our own craziness and work out our problems while helping someone else. Often when we solve issues around us it really was not as hard as we originally thought.

So really what are we wanting to get rid of when we want to be alone? It is all the drama that comes with life. Life can  really throw some curve balls. It isn't so much what happens to you it matters most how you choosed to deal with it. You have to make choices! So now you have to choose to run away and be alone or hit the problem head on.

You don't really need time off. You need to remove all the drama, the extras and  find a balance between the quiet and the loud. Then choose to take everything as it comes never looking ahead until what is infront of you is complete.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Waiting for the Christ

Sunday's lesson was on Elder Robert Hales talk from last conference. I have thought a lot about the lesson over the last few hours. I have thought how much I have come to know and love my Savior even Jesus Christ. I am grateful for his sacrifice for the opportunity that he gives me. He gave his agency that I might exercise my agency. What a blessing that is that we have to choose.
Christ chose to see the atonement through. It was the fathers will that Christ suffer that agony in the garden of Eden. Christ's example to us shows how we are to endure our trials. As we choose to follow his example to make it through our dark hours and seek the will of the father we gain rich blessings. We are able to see great growth and able to help lead and guide our brothers and sisters along the path of righteousness.
Service allows us to find peace in our lives. We forget ourselves and go to work. One of my favorite stories from President Hinckley comes from his father. President was complaining that his mission was hard. He was telling of his misfortunes. His father wrote back and told him to forget himself and go to work. I have often found comfort in those words. When I am having a really hard time it is when I am worried more for myself and not about helping others.
Through, these things called trials we come to rely on the Lord. I love the hymn that says"Come cast your burdens on the Lord and trust his constant care." He is the true Shepard. He will bring us safely home. He is the only way. We must trust what he has said to be truth. He helps carry our burdens. He helps us when we are low. Through it all we can find lasting happiness and peace as we follow the Savior.
As we follow Christ we have the spirit and are able to have his constant companionship. We are blessed to develop Christ like attributes. What a great time to be alive. We are witnessing the unfolding of the last days. Along with that great blessing we are also tempted and tried more than any other people in history. Satan knows that his time is short. He knows what is happening and is desires all to fail. The great thing is we have the     knowledge and ability to combat Lucifer. Trials brings us closer to Christ and farther away from him who is the father of lies.
In times of great trial the best thing that we can do is pray. We must share our concerns with our Heavenly Father and give him opportunity to answer. Wait for him to answer our prayers listen for his answers. Expect him to answer your prayers. All to often we are ready to vomit out our concerns without waiting for our answers. Some answers will come quickly others won't. These are the times when we must sit back and wait. Answers will come but they not come in the way you might think. They may come in the form of service given or received. They might come  through a talk or article read. You can always be assured that answers will come!
As always there is this idea that we have to endure to the end. This to shall pass! We will come to know and feel our saviors love as we push forward even through the mundane of life. Recognize that there is always something to be learned through every trial, every minute of everyday. We just have to seek out that nugget of knowledge. What a blessing it would be in our lives if we could learn to endure our lives well.
I enjoyed Elder Hales concluding remarks "in my Gethsemane, and yours, we are not alone. He that watches over us shall neither slumber nor sleep, His angels here and beyond the veil are round about us."
I add my testimony that Christ does know each of us and cares what we are going through and longs to help us as we cast our burden upon him.  He is my light. He is my rock. I love him and am grateful for his loving atonemnet that will bring you and I if faithful back to the presence of the Father!