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Continuing Revelation

Sunday, March 4, 2012

When thou art converted strengthen thy brethren.

What does it mean to be converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ? I think for everyone that question is a little bit different. The product is the same. I think that there are two bi products of this thing called conversion. First there is personal growth. Mosiah says...that we are willing to yeild to the enticing of the holy spirit, accept the atonement, put off the natural man and become a saint, to become as a child submissive, meek, humble and full of love. Christ is the ultimate example, he knew what had to be done and had the faith to see it through. When we have been converted we are willing to do what ever is asked of us. It is being willing to stand as a witness of God and his son , even Jesus Christ at all times and in all places. It is being willing to mourn with those that mourn. It is seeking out the sick an afflicted temporally and spiritually.
Seek for opportunities to serve. We live in a sick world! All around us there are opportunities to share not only our testimonies but our time talents and all we have to building up the kingdom of God on the earth. There are none that should be left alone and wandering. The world may leave others behind ours is to reach out and pick them up and walk with them until they can move forward on their own.
There are those who are hurting. They long for aid spiritual and physical. The question that we have to ask ourselves is are we going to be a Samaritan or leave the beaten man for the vultures? It does not take much. I helping hand, a smile, acknowledgment of a job well done. Recognize the little things and develop an attitude of gratitude. These little moments provide the lift that carries others forward. What power and strength lie in the in looking for opportunity.
There are many blessings that come from serving others. It is not something that can be half - hearted. We must be totally immersed in serving others. Otherwise it does not work. Total complete service builds relationships, carries us past our own trials, and provides answers to our prayers.
If your the guy that wonders what is in it for me. Roll up your sleeves an go to work. Try it! Use the advice from Alma and experiment with service. Watch and see what the seeds from your service will produce. You will see a great blessing come to fruition.
Finally, the master invites us to come follow him. He is there to mark the path. He is also there to lend a hand.  He puts others in our path that will carry us through. He puts us in others paths so that we can help them. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Moral In an Amoral World

The world in which we live is much like the people of Ammonihah. Worship has little meaning, church is a social gathering and people care more for themselves than for their neighbor.
Worship has to do with changing ones heart. Seeking to better yourself. Working out your salvation with your Heavenly Father. It is seeking the Lord in prayer. It is a very personal reflection on how your doing in your daily walk. Then as we become strong we stretch out our hand to seek out the those who need our help. Sometimes I think that we use worship interchangeably with caring more about the recent game score than how their relationship with God is. So much emphasis is given to the next big project that has to get done at work, or maybe the huge assignment that has to be turned in at school. What is wrong with success? Nothing, is wrong with being successful, it is the little things that are of high import as well. We must concern ourselves with as President Uchdorf sight "The Things that Matter Most." As we iron out those things that matter most; success will fall into place.
Going to Church needs to be so much more than a social gathering. The "mega " churches have their "Rameumtum" as it were. They have quite the huge edifice were a man stands up pounds a pulpit and someone plays the keyboard to bring home a point to make one feel good and yet the spirit has little to do with the presentation. Although it may be there in parts it is not apart of the service. Reverence is altogether replaced with the full band that sits waiting play out the minister. Then as the audience is released they go for coffee at the "Heavenly Grounds" cafe. 
Finally, Christ taught Peter, "When thou art converted strengthen thy bretheren" (Luke 22:32) The great blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that we are to lift one another up. I love the following picture:

As we help one another up and seek to give a hand. We will feel the presence of the spirit and gain a friend in the process. The social aspect of the church is not a bad thing. It is a by product of service rendered.
It is all the more important for us to be in the world and not of the world. Make the things that matter most a priority and help others make a difference for the better. Help restore a sense of commitment by setting a strong example. Enjoy the social aspect of church but don't make that a reason.