When called the Savior responded "Not my will, but thine be done." He offered himself a ransom for me. So often I take for granted the simpleness of the atonement. If followed we have a promise that he will lead us out of the devoureer's reach. He will deliver us to the place we want to be...forever with him for eternity, For some that maybe hard to fully comprehend.
Because of the Savior Jesus Christ you and I have the ability to go back and live with the father again. A temporal blessing of accepting this gift is true happiness. Yes, it takes work. It takes trial and even sacrifice but if we are willing to shirk off the world and the natural man we will be happy.
Deliverer means to me that I will be lead to a better place than where I have been. That the Lord will guide my footsteps as I am humble and pliable. When faith is exercised Christ is there to hold me up. When trial comes and my heart grows weary Christ is there.
The Lord knows our pain. He suffered so he could help us. He had to know what it felt like to show us the Eminence amount of love the father has for us. What a beautiful thought it is that he is guiding me.
My favorite portrait of the Savior is of a Young man in heavy seas stirring a boat. The Savior is pictured standing behind the captain of the ship pointing the way. The Hymn says "Dark the night of sin hath settled loud the angry billows roar. Eager eyes are watching longing for the lights along the shore" He is the light on the shore that will deliver us to the Father of Heaven and earth.