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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What a great time of year

There is so much to be thankful for. During this time of the year have you taken the opportunity to recognize what matters most? In just a few days we will move on from the lights, the carols and into a brand new year. What weighs most on your heart this time of the year?
Take the time. Take time to hold those you love. Take time to pay a little more attention to the story of a little babe born in Bethlehem. Take time to remove yourself from all the hustle of the season and just take it all in.
Merry Christmas to All and a wonderfully shining New Year!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Seek To Be Taught

The greatest institution for teaching is to seek our Heavenly Father. He wants to teach us. But first we have to have a desire to learn, then we have to be ready to be taught. 
The best place for this learning to be received is at the temple of our God. We need to go there with the purpose and we need to prepare to enter. We have to have a testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ. We have to do certain things that will help us to be more prepared as we entered to be taught by the Spirit.
When we have questions we need to ask those questions and expect that our Heavenly Father will answer.
Those questions are worth taking to the temple. The temple can be referred to as the University of spiritual guidance. The spirit will bless us with knowledge that we seek.
In the temple the things that we learn lead us to Jesus Christ. The lessons taught there strengthen our testimony of Jesus Christ. 
As we go to the temple we are taught as we are ready to receive. The teachings of the Spirit is a two way conversation the spirit asks us questions; just as we are asking our questions. That way we are being taught as if we are having a conversation with our Heavenly Father. 
As we gain that knowledge of our questions we are also gaining knowledge of the life of Christ. We learn of his birth his mission,  the way the world treated him, we learn how to strengthen  a testimony of The master and his called leadership.
We leave the temple ready to serve with the knowledge that we have been given. These are tools that will assist us in being messengers of the Savior Jesus Christ. We learn how to follow Christ's example. By 1: visiting the sick 2:visiting those who are afflicted with disease 3: reaching out to those with devils and unclean spirits. This is truly exercising the priesthood. And those who we visit and help will be healed as we learn to exercise the priesthood of God. 
There is a real battle going on right now. The world would have us believe that there is no other purpose other than to follow our own wills. People suggust that we are to just succomb to the natural man.
 We know that that is false teaching! 
We can stand in holy places. We can reach out to others. We can come to know the real purpose of this life to learn to recognize the spirit. And be taught by the spirit as we attend the temple.

Who Can We Follow

Who can we follow? That's a hard question. Especially when there are many who are saying do this and you'll be saved. There are many who are just doing their own thing. These people are lost. 
There is someone that we can look to, to bring us to safety. That person is the prophet of the Lord. 
The prophet has been prepared for our day. Like many that have come before him they were to guide their people through the torent of worldly wisdom. The prophet speaks for our day and time to bring us to safety.
The heavens are not closed. The Father loves and expects much from us. We need a leader who has a knowledge of and experience with listening to the father. The scriptures have taught that "surely the Lord God will do nothing, save he will reveal his secret to his servants the prophet. (Amos 3:7)" The prophet speaks with the Father. 
With that knowledge then... that we have a leader. Someone who is willing to guide us through the storm. We have to then choose to follow him. No one is going to make us choose to follow him.
Just like everything in the gospel of Jesus Christ we are free to choose. We are given the things that we need to make it through this life. Christ tells us that he'll take care of us. As long as we are willing to follow him (2nd Nephi 2:27-29). One of those tools that has been given to us; is following the prophet. 
Once we have set off on that path it is important for us to recognize those who have wandered far from that path. Those who have had the knowledge and encourage them to come back. Take the opportunity to share your testimony  every chance you can. Invite others to recognize the loftiness and pride of the worldly wisdom that is all around them. Be willing to share your testimony of how the Gospel has changed your life. Be able to offer examples of how your testimony of the prophet and following  his example has led you to come to know more of your Savior, Jesus Christ.
This is truly the work of the master. Bringing others to the knowledge of the Savior. Helping others back when they have fallen short. Ours is not to judge. It is but to be a help in facilitating our Heavenly Father in rescuing some of his children.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Why Is Any of This Important To Me

The purpose of any gathering is to offer a safe haven, a place where people of like mindedness can meet together and gain a better insight. 
People attend conventions to hear experts offer the latest and greatest gadgets that will hopefully add to the bottom line of the attendees business. 
Professionals attend continuing education so that they have the perfect knowledge of their trade. This done so that when you and I need them we have the very best.  
So, it is with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We gain a testimony and want to be with others who have that same testimony. More than that we feel as the Prophet Lehi did; we wish to share with others what we have learned. Like the prophet Jacobonce he had recieved a remission of his sins his thoughts were turned to his family and friends. We are to invite all to come unto Christ (doctrine & covenants 115:6). We feel it a blessing to share that sweet message with others. 
For all, the church is a place where we can feel the love of others. We feel an acceptance. We feel happy. Members of the church embrace one another and build one another. 
At church all members are on different levels of learning. However the youngest can teach the oldest profound truths. That is because the spirit of the Lord is present. 
We do things together and serve with each other providing opportunities for growth, enrichment and just feeling close to one another. 
Why do we read posts like this? Why do we share the gospel? What motivates us to give of our time talent and all that we possess? It can be answered in one  word. Christ! 
Jesus Christ offers us the shelter that is the gospel. It is his Church that provides  the shelter needed to wheather the wickedness that is all around us. Why go to church? Why read the scriptures? Why pray?
Each of these lead the honest in heart to a testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Don't give up just because you think you're done

There are those who are struggling...fighting really to endure to the end. When they think that they have arrived at their destination they think all is done. They let go of the rod, the staff that carried them there and they good at first but our world being what it is slowly these once faithful stewards are lost in strange paths. 
The testimony of Christ is what will ultimately win the day. Nephi speaking to his brothers told them 6 times to follow Christ. That counsel a lone is that enough to drive us to go and do. 
It is time not to question God but to lift up his light and life. It is time to follow Christ.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Wake Up!

It is time to wake up! Wake up and say enough is enough. The idea that we can be in and around the world and not be affected is false. Too many have idolatrous behavior in their own homes. They either choose to ignore it or out right condone it. It is time to call it out and cast the world far from the home. That is not to say that people are to be offensive but they can say unequivocally with the prophets of old; "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord"
The praise and love of men is what will bring the righteous down. We want to be liked we want the respect of others. It is through that example and living as the Savior would have us that we gain the respect of the world. 
The strength and power of God are with us as we rely on him. He will guide us through the darkness to light. He will be our protector. 
The time to be about our Father's business is now. The blessings are sweet to the taste and very desirable. May each one of us take the challenge of living in the world. Be bold inviting all to come unto Christ and taste of his goodness. 
Christ made it possible for all of us to return home. Christ is the way through to the father. He loves us and knows You!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Greatest Blessing Is A Testimony

Much was said at this last conference about not standing on borrowed light. One must take the time to learn for themselves the immense love that comes from a loving Heavenly Father. One much search out a knowledge of the truthfulness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Why is that so important?

Getting a testimony brings one closer to God. The individual begins a relationship with their Savior. It is so much more meaningful if the person knows for themselves. It is the difference between duty and love. We act out of love when we have a testimony. Until we have that witness born to us there is we merely run through the motions.

Once we have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we are able to make clear choices. The world focus is on the material wealth. The Gospel of Jesus Christ through the spectrum of the natural man is old fashioned and not worth the time.Yet it is the gospel that moral clarity that allows one to find the peace of mind to move forward.

Our testimonies guide us to serve the master a little better. At best the world demands human decency. The Gospel requires something of the person. We are to serve in the communities in which we live. Shed light to the weary and build the kingdom as we are obedient to the will and command of the Father.

A testimony must be nourished constantly. Daily sustenance is needed as to avoid falling into dark paths.Feasting, drinking deeply from the well of the scriptures brings one closer to Father in Heaven. There is a constant barrage leveling against the things of the spirit. It is time that each of us stand up and build a relationship with God. PRAY, to know what you are to accomplish. Seek what president Eyring terms a constant stream from heaven.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This is the Lord's Work

Doctrine and Covenants section 1 and 5. These sections do not deal with the same subject matter. However the one thing that they both have in common is that the Lord Jesus Christ wants the reader to know, this is his work. 
These two sections declare unequivocally  that this is the church of Jesus Christ.  He tells us that he has something to say. The commandments are his. The Lord covenants with us. It isn't the prophets. It isn't local leadership. It is the Lord. He is the one that directs and guides this church. 
It is through him that the authority is given to translate the Book of Mormon. It is him who is going to fall his sword on those  unrepentant of the world. 
He gives a promise that three things will happen if people will speak the name of the Lord Jesus Christ even the savior of the world. One, that faith will increase in the earth. Two, that the everlasting covenant would be established. Three, that the fullness of the gospel might be proclaimed to the world.
Over the two sections of scriptures The Lord says 121 times that this is his work. And that we will have the word of the Lord given to us through his prophets.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

An Uncircumcised Heart

Personal revelation comes as we follow the example of Christ and keep the Commandments. Romans two shares with us that we need to judge the way that we are willing to live our lives. 
We learned that we are gods children and that he wants to bless us. But he demands obedience. Those who follow him will be blessed with the spirit. He is not a respecter of persons. 
Our Heavenly Father asks us to cut the things out of our lives that will take us down foolish paths. Defined a little bit more clearly in today's vinacular that is the ways that are of the world. Taking part in righteous living as the scriptures. If we are willing to turn our hearts to godly things and focus on what really matters most, the dues of heaven will distill upon our hearts. 
Elder Joesph B Wirthlin that treasures of knowledge will come to us if we are willing to avoid addictive substances an addictive behaviors that will allow Satan to block the Holy Spirit from us.

Ezekiel 16

The prophet Ezekiel makes clear that God wants to talk to us. He sees us he knows us. He wants to build us up and then we are given our free agency to do with his blessings as we will.
16 times in the chapter the Lord reminds us that he is speaking to us through his prophets. Pretty amazing that he wants us to know that he is talking to us not that we recognize that a prophet is speaking. In the doctrine  and covenants we learn, that either by his voice or by the voice of his prophets it is the same. 
Then he tells us 41 times using the word "I" am going to do something. He uses "I will" or "I am" to tell us what he expects of us and what he will do for us depending on how we use our free agency.
We have to learn to recognize his arm in all things. Are you counting your daily blessings? Are you willing to cast on him your every care? Learning to recognize the hand of God is learning to recognize how God is working in your life. We have to learn to seek him first instead of seeking the praise of men. That comes from following his plan for all of us.
Some of the ways that we can do that is to set goals for ourselves to act as milestones. Learning to recognize what is really important. That is what can really strengthen our testimonies and edify others.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

He Knows Us.

There is a great truth that Christ teaches us in the gospel of John 10:14-16. Christ says that he is the good shepherd. Meaning he cares for those in his charge.  So much so that in another story he is willing to leave the whole to search for the one. Which means that he must know those that he is responsible for.  He knows us not just casually but intimately.
He knows us! He allows us to wander. Ultimately those who accept him know him and want to follow his commandments.
Christ, then says that the love he has for us is so great. He gladly would give his life for us that we can have a relationship with him and the father following this life. What a blessing, a hope in what we have to look forward to. I am forever grateful for the bridge that is built for me by the Savior. 
The mission of the Christ is that as one is found there are others that are lost. They must be visited with the truth. They must be given an opportunity. 
It is hard when those who hear do not find it a priority to put these things to the front. The savior just asks that they have the oppertunity to hear and then they must act. He will never force us he can't. But what joy is had when we gather together as one! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Justice & Mercy

Jesus Christ is the only way to the father (John 14:6). It is he who makes it possible for us to return. It is him that offers himself a sacrifice for our sin. I don't think that I will ever fully understand  how that works. But I am grateful for it. I am grateful for the knowledge that he will be there on my side when I come to him with a contrite heart.

It is the job of each individual that when they have received that  knowledge and it is burning within that they should share it. Share What you have. Lehi talking to his son Jacob said " great the importance to make these known unto the inhabitants of the earth.... Now is the time that each one who has received these things must stand up and declare the great things that our Heavenly Father has done.

Lehi goes on to teach his son that it is only through the Messiah that ressurection of all mankind will come to pass. Because he has done this we are able to come to God. What a powerful lesson. Christ allows us to come and stand before God and he will plead our case. If we accept him and repent.

There is a law. That law has a penalty. All have transgressed that law. Just being human we will and do have a need for the mercy to be extended to us! We would be lost without our elder brother Jesus the Christ. He stands to make in Lehi's words an Intercession for man. He will bridge the gap.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Being There

The Lord watches over all of us. He is looking to help. He will send his spirit. He offers us his consolation to be comforted; to call on him and he will comfort us. The Lord also has said that as brothers we need to go forth, visit with one another. Find out things that are going on in the lives of the people that were serving. Being patient in all things. The main purpose is so that you can be an instrument in the hands of the Lord being a good example first and then going forth to save many souls.
When we are watchful over those who we come in contact with and have our eyes open to the needs of our friends and family. We can be led by the Spirit to ask certain questions. Those questions give answers to prayers. Those who have been or are very patient in  their sufferings. They might never let on or tell you that something is wrong. But the spirit will guide if you have your eyes ears and hearts open. 
When trials and heartaches come it's important that we listen to the Lord that we pray. The Lord has promised us that he will be there for us. He will use his servants as instruments to be guided to those who need help in the time of need.

Scripture chain: Alma 17:10 - 11; 20:29; 26:27