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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Being There

The Lord watches over all of us. He is looking to help. He will send his spirit. He offers us his consolation to be comforted; to call on him and he will comfort us. The Lord also has said that as brothers we need to go forth, visit with one another. Find out things that are going on in the lives of the people that were serving. Being patient in all things. The main purpose is so that you can be an instrument in the hands of the Lord being a good example first and then going forth to save many souls.
When we are watchful over those who we come in contact with and have our eyes open to the needs of our friends and family. We can be led by the Spirit to ask certain questions. Those questions give answers to prayers. Those who have been or are very patient in  their sufferings. They might never let on or tell you that something is wrong. But the spirit will guide if you have your eyes ears and hearts open. 
When trials and heartaches come it's important that we listen to the Lord that we pray. The Lord has promised us that he will be there for us. He will use his servants as instruments to be guided to those who need help in the time of need.

Scripture chain: Alma 17:10 - 11; 20:29; 26:27