Much was said at this last conference about not standing on borrowed light. One must take the time to learn for themselves the immense love that comes from a loving Heavenly Father. One much search out a knowledge of the truthfulness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Why is that so important?
Getting a testimony brings one closer to God. The individual begins a relationship with their Savior. It is so much more meaningful if the person knows for themselves. It is the difference between duty and love. We act out of love when we have a testimony. Until we have that witness born to us there is we merely run through the motions.
Once we have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we are able to make clear choices. The world focus is on the material wealth. The Gospel of Jesus Christ through the spectrum of the natural man is old fashioned and not worth the time.Yet it is the gospel that moral clarity that allows one to find the peace of mind to move forward.
Our testimonies guide us to serve the master a little better. At best the world demands human decency. The Gospel requires something of the person. We are to serve in the communities in which we live. Shed light to the weary and build the kingdom as we are obedient to the will and command of the Father.
A testimony must be nourished constantly. Daily sustenance is needed as to avoid falling into dark paths.Feasting, drinking deeply from the well of the scriptures brings one closer to Father in Heaven. There is a constant barrage leveling against the things of the spirit. It is time that each of us stand up and build a relationship with God. PRAY, to know what you are to accomplish. Seek what president Eyring terms a constant stream from heaven.