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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Christlike Attributes - Knowledge

Becoming more like Christ is gaining as much knowledge as is possible. That comes from multiple sources we live in a classroom. Life, just living is a grand experience. What are we doing with that life? Are we utilizing everything that is given to us. 
Are we reaping the most blessings in the time that has been allotted to us? Each must answer that question on his or her own. The parable of the talents comes to mind. Are we seeking to expand our horizons? Or are we hiding them not willing to use them for fear that we might loose them? 
Each has much to give. That is what makes this life so great. We can learn something from everyone that we come in contact with. 
Where do you gain knowledge? Where do you seek for answers? They are available sometimes in the most unlikely places. Truth is truth as I have recently heard from a bishop. Sources of light are available to each of us. As we share our light we gain light from others. 
Some time ago a brother went out on ministering visits. He was assigned a brother whose family had not attended in years. There was not a welcome for the visit. The brother was turned away. He returned as requested by the local leadership. Each time the same reaction. The brother went each time with love in his heart. He went with a desire to bring another to Jesus Christ. What ended up happening was a change in the brother. His testimony only grew. His love for the savior grew. He knew he could do hard things through this experience. His hard work did finally pay off. The family did allow him in. The family continued to grow in the gospel. All from a faithful servant willing to share what he had come to know. 
Knowledge gained must be shared. It is of no use if it is not shared with others. Imagine if a young boy had not shared his knowledge of the Savior and his Father in heaven coming to visit him. Imagine if Lehi had not shared his knowledge of the destruction of Jerusalem and stayed there. What if Paul failed to listen to Christ that day on the road to Damascus. Each shared vital knowledge to get us where we are today. 
What are you willing to share? Knowledge is gained and sown. Share yours today!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Power of the Atonement

Trying to understand how much the atonement of Jesus Christ entails is beyond all comprehension. Just the thought of someone taking away the pain of all is baffling. Then add to it the sanctifying of every soul. Even more through the Atonement we are blessed with peace. 

The atonement is for everyone. No matter who you are the atonement was instituted with you in mind. Each person is literally the son or daughter of a loving Heavenly Father. As such he desires to bless us and longs to protect us with his loving arm. 

The atonement is much more than a bandaid for the sinner. When life has wrapped around and frustrated it is there to bolster and lift you up. When concern stirs the heart and mind the atonement is there to speak peace to calm the tension. 
The atonement of Jesus Christ is the bridge we need to get back home. So often life seems to get in the way. Trials weigh us down. Yes, we make mistakes it is in those mistakes that we learn who we are. It is through life's trials that we gain a testimony and reassurance that Jesus is the Christ. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Attributes of Christ- Dilligence

There is always something that can be done, something that can be learned, something that will stretch the heart and soul of man. Find something that you like to do, and do it well. Search out new things and add them to the things that you are willing to do and do well. 

Being anxiously engaged in a cause; builds the kingdom of God on earth. As one goes about the business of being engaged one gains respect of those that are being served. Testimonies are shared in example, as the tasks that are given are carried out with exactness and honor. All know that the work performed is being done because of the love for the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Everything that is done should be done in the name of Christ. When one is baptized it must be recognized that they are on his errand. Daily priority should serving him in professional daily work, building up the family,  hobbies; these are all opportunities to bring others to the body of Christ. 

Nephi, taught that when one follows after the manner of the Lord the fruits of labor are success. When the labor performed is after the manner of men the spirit is removed and trial ensues. That is not to say that trials wont come when the spirit is being heeded. Often it comes with great struggle and sacrifice to come off conqueror. 
Enos talked of a great struggle he had with the Lord. Alma talks of wrestling with the spirit. 

Now is the time to stand up and do something!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Attributes of Christ - obedience

Christ, had to be baptized that he might show us the way. More than that he kept the commandments of the father. He was doing the will of him that sent him. 
Nephi taught that if one would learn and do what the father commands then the father promises to nourish us, strengthen us, and provide a way to accomplish the task that is required of us. 
The great blessing of obedience is knowing where one stands. Once the decision is made it is easier to continue making righteous decisions. It is in the gospel of Jesus Christ that we are given aide direction to chart the course home. It has never been more important to stand up stand tall and be what we are suppose to be. Noble servants of a loving Heavenly Father 

This is the Christ

He walked among the humble. He was concerned about the things of the heart. He is the only one that can plead our case. He is the one who loves with out condition. 
He is the Christ!
He is there to ease my pain. When the world weighs me down, He is there to strengthen. He is there to be my rock, my protector from those that long to destroy.
He is the Christ!
He brings healing to the heart. He touches the eyes and gives sight. He whispers to open the mind and bids all to come.
He is the Christ!
All glory and honor he gives to the father. He seeks to gather all in and is willing to leave the group to fetch the individual.
He is the Christ!
He is real! Jesus Christ lives and waits to bless us as we faithfully, dilligently, seek to know him and his will, and love and serve one another!
He is the Christ!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Lehi was commanded to leave and go into the wilderness. He did so taking only his family and a few provisions. Lehi was faithful enough to trust the spirit. Trust that things were going to be ok. He had a  knowledge that God would provide. 

In those little moments are our priorities such that we are willing to trust our Heavenly Father? It all comes down to what are we willing to do and say. Is our faith strong enough to leave home? Is family the only thing that matters? 

Turning our hearts from the world and toward heaven requires simple steps that navigate us home. Prayer, Scripture study, building strong family relationships,  and learning that the stuff around us really is no more than that. Putting our priorities in order brings us closer to obtaining what really matters. 

The gospel of Jesus Christ allows us to put into our lives a plan that brings happiness. Living within the gospel standard provides for peace and harmony. Ultimately these priority shifts build a roadmap that guide the humble and bless the meek and lowly to feel the spirit working in their lives.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Of all the senses the most influential, the hardest one to hone is the ability to listen.  Sit back for a moment and listen to your surroundings. What do you hear?
A supervisor once said smile when answering the phone. They can hear it. The wonder of listening is taking the oppertunity to really pay attention to what others feel. It is learning the needs of others and then quietly filling those needs. 
A father and son were on a hike. The two were passing the time talking to one another. The son asked a question and the father answered this went on for a few minutes. The father recognized that the son was just thinking of questions while his father was answering. So the father had the boy stop. He asked his son if he had heard the answer or was he too busy thinking up his next question. 
Are we willing to Listen and learn? The only way to find lasting peace is by heeding the voice of God. It is within thes quite moments that we find the thing that speak to the heart.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Recognizing the Power of God In Trials

Every day we are faced with some kind of trial. It is how we deal with it that matters most. Things are going to happen to us. But do we look to our Heavenly Father to help us?
Until we can recognize that without the power of God around us we are nothing we cannot grow. Nephi's brothers could not understand that principle until they were close to death. Only then did they release Nephi and allow a prophet of God to save them.
The power of God is real. It is the only thing that will pull us through when everything else is gone. It is the only power that we can hold onto.
The power of God is only present when righteousness prevails. Keeping the Commandments is the only way to make sure that one can prosper and have the power of the spirit as a constant companion.

Go To The Temple

Nephi taught that talking to the Lord allowed him to know how to build a ship. He said that he went to the mount oft. He said he prayed often; that he could know the way of the Lord. 
One of the ways that we are able to arm ourselves is to attend the temple. In the temple we learn from our Heavenly Father. We learn his ways, and not the ways of men. 
Many in the world scoff and scorn about the way that we do things. The only way that we can be strong is to look to our heavenly father. In the middle of all of the haze of the world we can find great hope and guidance by going to the house of God. 
In the temple we are taught. The lessons learned therein gives answers to prayers. Those who attend the temple or seek heavens help are provided with solace, courage, and the ability to fend off the adversary.
Stand today in holy places. Create a temple atmosphere around you. Seek to be taught in the house of the Lord. Attend the temple as often as possible!