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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Christlike Attributes - Knowledge

Becoming more like Christ is gaining as much knowledge as is possible. That comes from multiple sources we live in a classroom. Life, just living is a grand experience. What are we doing with that life? Are we utilizing everything that is given to us. 
Are we reaping the most blessings in the time that has been allotted to us? Each must answer that question on his or her own. The parable of the talents comes to mind. Are we seeking to expand our horizons? Or are we hiding them not willing to use them for fear that we might loose them? 
Each has much to give. That is what makes this life so great. We can learn something from everyone that we come in contact with. 
Where do you gain knowledge? Where do you seek for answers? They are available sometimes in the most unlikely places. Truth is truth as I have recently heard from a bishop. Sources of light are available to each of us. As we share our light we gain light from others. 
Some time ago a brother went out on ministering visits. He was assigned a brother whose family had not attended in years. There was not a welcome for the visit. The brother was turned away. He returned as requested by the local leadership. Each time the same reaction. The brother went each time with love in his heart. He went with a desire to bring another to Jesus Christ. What ended up happening was a change in the brother. His testimony only grew. His love for the savior grew. He knew he could do hard things through this experience. His hard work did finally pay off. The family did allow him in. The family continued to grow in the gospel. All from a faithful servant willing to share what he had come to know. 
Knowledge gained must be shared. It is of no use if it is not shared with others. Imagine if a young boy had not shared his knowledge of the Savior and his Father in heaven coming to visit him. Imagine if Lehi had not shared his knowledge of the destruction of Jerusalem and stayed there. What if Paul failed to listen to Christ that day on the road to Damascus. Each shared vital knowledge to get us where we are today. 
What are you willing to share? Knowledge is gained and sown. Share yours today!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Power of the Atonement

Trying to understand how much the atonement of Jesus Christ entails is beyond all comprehension. Just the thought of someone taking away the pain of all is baffling. Then add to it the sanctifying of every soul. Even more through the Atonement we are blessed with peace. 

The atonement is for everyone. No matter who you are the atonement was instituted with you in mind. Each person is literally the son or daughter of a loving Heavenly Father. As such he desires to bless us and longs to protect us with his loving arm. 

The atonement is much more than a bandaid for the sinner. When life has wrapped around and frustrated it is there to bolster and lift you up. When concern stirs the heart and mind the atonement is there to speak peace to calm the tension. 
The atonement of Jesus Christ is the bridge we need to get back home. So often life seems to get in the way. Trials weigh us down. Yes, we make mistakes it is in those mistakes that we learn who we are. It is through life's trials that we gain a testimony and reassurance that Jesus is the Christ.