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Continuing Revelation

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Does God Really Love Me?

Thoughts swirl when this question is asked. It really is a non sequitur. All things  denote that there is a God. When asked this question thoughts are turned inward and focus is placed squarely on the individual.
When speaking to Zeezrom Alma taught truth when he said we are all going to die. That is undisputed. Humans are born and humans will die. What comes in between the start and the end is what matters most. It is here where we find out how much love the Father has for us. Again Alma tells Zeezrom that because God loves us angels are sent to teach us. They are sent to help navigate the sinner. All we have to do is accept that help. 
The help needed is only offered by the Master, even Jesus Christ.
Through him the atonement is administered. Through  him we are brought back to the father on condition that we repent. That we work hard doing righteous things. 
It is easy to see just how much love God the father has for me! It with wondering awe and gratitude that I look to him who knows me personally and has provided a path for me to return to his presence.