Christ invites the reader to a sacrament meeting. As people arrive they are greeted and invited to be seated. Christ authorizes the sacrament to be prepared. A thought comes to mind,what should one be doing while waiting for the sacrament to be blessed and passed? Thoughts are to be centered on the reason for the attendance. Preparing mentally for that opportunity.
Then as the bread is passed, Christ tells us that we are baring our testimony to the Father that we will always remember him. In turn there is a blessing that we will have the spirit to be with us. Water is been passed to the apostles and then to the multitude. That represents our willingness to keep the Commandments. That we are humble enough to repent. That leads to being willing to utilize the atonement and remember the great lasting sacrifice of the master.
Nephi records that if we are willing to do these things that were built on the sure foundation. However, if we vary from being obedient and penitent then we are on shaky sandy ground.
Partaking of the sacrament one realizes that he must always watch and pray. Meaning, that we have to always be vigilant. Avoiding temptations that the adversary throws away. We have to be willing to stand up for truth and righteousness. We have to recognize the true light that comes from following the ultimate example, Jesus Christ.
A word of caution about the sacrament, it must be taken worthily. The person partaking of the sacrament must be willing to recognize that it is a honor and not a right.
Christ knows us and he knows how to give us what we need. That is the beauty of the atonement. We must be willing to accept his wonderfully amazing sacrifice.