Becoming a Zion people gives pause to the mind. What does that mean? Who will be there? Where do I fit in there? Will I be there?
The question needs to be asked what is Zion? It is God’s kingdom on earth. In the last days when the dust settles the only people that will reside there are the holy people of God. Those that followed Christ. There will be many from all faith backgrounds there. Many that chose to live the best that they could.
This group of people are and will be defended by the Savior, even Jesus Christ. Isaiah 4:5 there will be a defense for all that enter in mount Zion. What a powerful thought. The people of the earth can call on and receive divine help on a daily even a minute by minute basis if needed. The knowledge, that one can glean from the Father, is there for the taking. At any moment that any person on earth needs help all that is required is that they ask for that help. Ours is to Ask, then to Act, and Expect to Recieve.
To be a Zion people it is to put faith and trust in a loving Heavenly Father. He knows the individual and the need. He will not however intercede until the attribute of humility is excersised. Faith is placed in him and hope builds within to carry a burning to the heart of the alter of God the Father.
Isaiah further explains in 29:8 that the things of God must have a place within our hearts. For one to seek to serve they must be willing to change. Change from a carnally minded man to one that seeks the mind and will of the Father.
A Zion people communicate with our Heavenly Father. Isaiah 30:19 speaks of the Father seeking to bless our lives. He really hears and answers prayers.
The only constant in the lives of all that have lived and will yet is God the Father and his son Jesus Christ. People come and go from our lives. Some my stay but a brief moment. Others will linger. However, the fact is all of us eventually will go our own way. It is of utmost import that all recognize that the only constant in their lives is the Father and the Son.
That knowledge offers us the opportunity to plant in our hearts the gospel of Jesus Christ. People will seek out the true joy that only comes from the constant relationship with the spirit. Through building a relationship with and talking too God each can and will be a Zion people.