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Continuing Revelation

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I thought many times this week about how my own prayers have been going. How I felt about my relationship with my Savior. There have been some very choice experiences as I have learned about prayer, this week.
I have a new respect for taking time alone. I have recognized the need for finding and preparing a place that I could go to and spend time with my Father. How I love that time. I have learned this week to make that time meaningful. I watched this week as my son; (who has seen me pray at the couch kneeling in the front room.) used the same spot to say his personal prayers.
I have come to know how important it is to follow those promptings to help others. I so enjoy serving others. It allows me the privilege to forget my own woes and help someone else. Even if that help comes in the form of communication. I have a friend who is always in some kind of crisis. I know, I know you could probably put me in this category. However, This friend just needed someone to talk to. they needed to feel validated and to feel hope. I prayed the whole time that I was talking to him that I would say something that might help him. The thoughts came quick. I was talking and I was able to echo the voice of the spirit.
Tonight, I had a truth hit me hard. I learned this equation:

Repentance + Prayer + Obedience = The ability to see the face of God
The verse goes on to say that not only will we be able to see him we will be able to recognize him. We will know him. What a great promise. If we will exercise our agency with these simple concepts we will be welcomed into the presence of the father.
How grateful I am for parents that taught me to pray. They taught me from a young age to be very comfortable in talking to a kind, loving God.
I know that prayers are answered. Often they are not the way in which we want. They are however answered in a time and place of our needs.

Seek the father

Take time to seek the Father. Learn about him. There is much we can glean from what the scriptures tell us. Seek that spirit that will guide us on our journey here below.Add Image
We can do that by reading.
But we seek him through Prayer. We come to him. We bring our cares, our likes, dislikes passions, to him. Through prayer we are able to act on our behalf to invite the presence of the Lord.
It prayer that is an outward demonstration of our faith and committment. It shows the father where he stands in our lives. Each of us has a breaking point as to what we will and will not do.
It is through this thing called faith that starts us building that relationship.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Building a relationship with God

I have many favorites when it comes to songs from the children's song book. One of those being the song "Search, Ponder, and Pray." I love this song because it tells us what we must do to build a relationship with our Father. In very simple terms we can see very clearly a well marked path. Heavenly Father loves us. Because of that great love he allows us the privilllage to come to him on our terms. We have to take that leap of faith and come to him in prayer. For some that may seem a hard thing. Why do I have to seemingly talk to myself? Why do I have to ask? Didn't he talk to Paul and Alma?
He wants us to act in faith. He will not force himself to us. I have recently come to enjoy a new hymn that I did not know. It is called "Know This That Every Soul Is Free" the song repeats in different ways the idea that God will force no man to heaven. He wants us all there. However, we must do somethings first.
First, we need to recognize that we need him. We need to prepare ourselves and come to him. By pouring out our hearts to him we show our willingness to be taught.
John Bytheway said "If you want to talk to God, pray. If you want God to talk to you, read your scriptures."
God helps us understand as we are willing to seek his word. The scriptures are the rod of iron that guides to the tree of life. The fruit thereof is truly exquisite. They bring light and life. I love coming to recognize the voice of the Lord as I am seaching his word.
Finally, Once we have gotten started down this path now we must put into action the things that we have learned. Heavenly Father holds us accountable for the knowledge that we recieve. act on what you hold to be true. Take time to sincerly ponder on the things of the spirit.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pray for ..........

Each one of us at different times and reasons wander. Each of us need direction. Each of us must learn to feel and to recognize the source of that spirit. The only way that we will be able to feel that is to pray.

It is during these hard times that we need to pray for Strength. Ask for the ability to make it through to a new day. Sometimes that is all we can do. Endure we must to see our way back to our heavenly home.

I have two kids, who have recieved the Grandmothers curse that they become exactly like me. They ask questions all the time. Why is this? Why is that? Beware of tuning out that innocent question. That answer to their question may just be the thing that lights them on fire. Through questions we gain knowledge. It is through gaining knowledge we grow to understand the plan that our Father has for us. Pray for the ability to ask questions. Make your life a persuit of knowledge. When we quit learning we are no longer living. Find the new, in everything you do!

In our society today there are many who need help. Many who are crying out for guidence. Many who have left that iron rod and need a hand back. I recieved a call from a friend the other day. He told me of a mutual friend who had been doing some "research" and found "inconsistancies" and that he had to leave the church. It shook his testimony right to the core. My friend that called me asked me to call our friend. He said that he really needed someone who had the knowledge. I told him that I could not do anything more than what he had already done. Bare testimony and Pray for him. We agreed to fast together for our friend. I went to the temple fasting. I put our friend on the temple roles. The thought came to me that our friend knew what was right. and although he might wander he would eventually come back. I have not talked to this friend, since I heard the news. I know that many prayers are being sent to heaven for this brother. I know that prayer has power and it is the spirit that will touch the heart and bring him back. I just need to be the instrument for the Lord to do a great work.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Make yourself a place

Turn off the world!!!
Make time for the Lord. The scriptures are full of people who cried unto the Lord. Before they called on him they made themselves a place to pray. They prepared themselves. They prepared their surroundings to receive guidance from above.

Abram said that he made an alter and called upon God.
Nephi was commanded to get up into the Mountain.
We have been commanded to enter into our closets and offer up alms to the Lord.

The place may be different for each of us. The point being is that we find that place where we can tune out the world and allow the spirit to work on us. A place where we can come and offer up the thoughts and feelings of our hearts. That place could be as simple as our closet, a shower, a car, the office at work. We must find that place!

We must prepare ourselves for that time spent with our father. Come to him with questions. Alma said that he wrestled with the Lord in mighty prayer for those he was trying to teach. Make lists that will help you remember what you are wanting to convey. Seek not to be repetitious but pour out your soul. You can not do that in a place that you or those around you might be distracted.

Have joy in the time you have.

I know that that prayer is real. It is through prayer that a deep relationship is formed that will bring us back into the presence of the Father

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Power of Prayer

I filled out a worksheet one time that had the question on it: Where are your prayers? The idea was showing you, where you felt you were with your relationship with the father. A few of the sample questions were. What do you talk about in your prayers? Do you have an attitude of gratitude?(to steal a line from President Monson) After answering a series of questions you could see how they lined up on a graph in a bulls eye pattern. By the way they lined up showed how much faith you had and if you had sincere, meaningful conversations with the Father.

I liked the idea behind the graph. It was a tool to ask oneself how is their relationship is with the father. To look within and ask those simple questions. Everyone now and again needs that opportunity to self evaluate. To progress forward to be a little bit better. To stretch and pull. that is what this life is all about. Making ourselves better.

The only way that we can make ourselves better is, to seek the will of the father. Sincere, honest, prayer helps us to develop a relationship with our Heavenly Father.

My parents for years had a picture on their wall of Christ standing at the door knocking. He will not force himself upon us. Oh, how he longs for us to open that door and let him in. Allow him to be a part of our lives.

Through our acknowledgement of a need for constant nourishment we are showing our willingness to be humble. We show that we realize that we cannot do it all on our own. Prayer is that conduit that allows us to develop a sincere relationship with the Father. He knows what we need before we ask of him. However, we must be willing to ask. We must be willing to put forth an effort.

I testify that prayers are answered. I know that you can develop a personal relationship with the Savior through prayer. I know that the blessings of prayer bring great power. Through sincere, meaningful prayer our families with have the power to crush the fiery darts of the adversary!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Power of Scripture

I once herd a story of a man who was seeking great treasure. He searched high he searched low but never could find enough to satisfy his needs. He gave up every earthly possession that had any value. He wanted to find the treasure that would bring him fantastic wealth, happiness beyond measure and with them love that was unquenchable. He would travel on a whim to find that diamond in the rough. When he got to the place. The picture was the same. There was something rare and worth much money. He could buy momentary pleasure but not what he really needed. So he would set off on his journey with his few possessions to find that treasure. He carried a change of clothes a Bible and a pad of paper. Little did he know that he carried the greatest treasure known to mankind. The word of God!

The scriptures have within their pages the power to change lives. I remember as a youth reading with my Dad. We did not read everyday but when we did he brought the pages to life. He wanted to share with us the lessons he learned. My parents instilled in me at a young age to love the stories of Jesus. There was a book that my Brother and I loved called Bible Stories. I was about 250 pages long but we loved the stories of Christ. We loved the pictures that told that story.

Today I liken the words unto me. I love the messages of hope inspiration and the invitation to come unto Christ. That is what the scriptures do they teach lessons that I would get in no other place. they teach the way to eternal happiness, to the greatest treasure known to man. They lead the sinner to change and become like Jesus.

I feel very blessed to be close to by Father as I read. The scriptures literally help us come to know the voice of the Father. We come to recognize his will for us. We find the eternal rewards for following that voice.

A seminary teacher once told me to be on R.E.D. A.L.E.R.T. : Read Every Day And Learn Every Rightous Thing.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stand up for family

Everywhere we look we can see the family being assaulted. From the media that we bring to our home, the numerous activities calling for our attention.

Satan is working around the clock to claim families. If he can claim just a fraction of a hold on a family he thinks he has an ability to cash in. His goal is for us to not experience happiness.

The times when I have experienced pure joy have been with my family. When my children were born, nothing can prepare you for that moment when that child enters your home. Everything changes, you desire to give them everything. The desire to protect and teach and nurture is instant.

I remember when my daughter was born. I was so excited to be a Dad. I was not excited to change diapers but we dealt with that. One day I was driving in the mall parking lot after she had been born. I thought I needed to be just a little bit more careful with her in the car. My wife asked me why I was driving so slow. I told her that I wanted to protect the baby. (I have since learned that it is ok to drive normal.)

If we are not willing to take care of these little ones, the world will! The way of the world is bumpy and tumultuous. Slowly but surely it will be a slow road to destruction for body and soul!

The Nephites were willing to fight to defend their families and their freedoms. So, many of us are stepping back and allowing others to dictate how we are running our homes. They tell us how to think......IN OUR OWN HOMES.

Now is the time to arm our youth. The arming of our youth needs to be with the full armor of God. I am not advocating violence. As a matter of fact I believe that the worlds weapons will never conquor the spiritual Armor of God: Your loins girt about with truth,The sheild of faith, The breastplate of rightousness, feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit.

Stand up and say enough is enough and take the reigns of our homes. No longer will be slaves to a world that is wicked and slow to remember the Lord.

It is time to call our neighbors to action. Arm yourself with the spirit of God! Seek to build up a Zion people!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Stand up for the Holy Ghost

I find great strength that comes when I step back and listen for the sweet promptings of the Holy Ghost. I am so grateful for the times when I have been directed to do things in my life. Sometimes it has been things that I might not have wanted to do but things that I have needed to do.
I am ever grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knew that we needed that help. Before Christ was ready to take on the atonement he promised us,
"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."

When I think of a comforter, I think of a nice warm blanket that I can be comfortable in. In this day and age we need that. We need the ability to feel comfortable. We need to feel that the things that we are doing are manageable. The Holy Ghost gives us this confidence. It may not be easy but with help we are able to face the tough times.

Today, there is more and more shutting out the spirit than allowing it to work in our lives. As men we must have that guidance to help guide our families and help others find their way. We must be willing to turn off and tune in.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stand up for Baptism

The greatest day of my childhood was the day I got baptized. My parents joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints a few short months before I turned 8. I rememeber the faces smiling back at me as I came up out of the water. I remember being told how my friend Billy and I were the cleanest members of the church. (We had gotten baptized the same day.) I remember thinking that it was a good thing to have been Baptized.

Twenty seven years have passed since that day in March. I still feel the same way I did then. It was a good thing to be baptized.

That day I started on a road back to my Heavenly Father. To get back to him all of us have to start there. That gate is called baptism. Following the Savior, the example he set for us to be obedient and be baptized that we might come to him.

This thing called baptism is not just something that we do. It really means something. We are outwardly showing that we want to follow the Savior. We show that we are willing to put off the natural man and become more like our elder brother.

To be baptized is symbolic of the death, burial and resurrection of the Savior. Quite literally we are putting to rest the evil. then we are raised to a new life. We are exercising our faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Paul taught "Why tarriest thou" if you know you should be baptized... why aren't you? Alma the Elder taught at the Waters of Mormon.

"8 And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;

9 Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witneese of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—

10 Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?

The great thing is that this is where it all begins. This is where it all starts to count. We become responsible for repenting and coming closer to Our Father.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Stand up for Repentance

There was a young man who was loud, irreverent and in every sense past feeling. He had a bright smile. For the most part though he was not trustworthy. He had many problems in school and at home. Many people in the church he attended avoided him. They sought to exclude him. Good leadership and lots of prayer got him out on a mission and he was gone from his home ward for two years.

While gone for the two years the young man had changed. He had become a servant of God. He had the spirit. The once boisterous boy had become a very humble man.

When, he returned the congregation only remembered the boy who had gone. They treated him as if he were the boy. They were unable to see the man he had become. He left the ward and became inactive with his faith. He had few that showed interest in his change.

We must must allow others the privilege of repentance.We need that oppertunity daily to plead for forgiveness from our Heavenly Father. Each of us make mistakes and fall short of the glory of God.

Satan works on each of us in different ways. As long as he succeeds he doesn't care how he got there. He just cares that he has. He is working around the clock to claim each of us as his.

The power of the Atonement saves us from our mistakes. If we put our faith in Christ, utilize his perfect atonement and repent. We are then able to come into the presence of the father.

How great the wisdom and the love!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stand up for faith

It is time to stand up! Stand up for faith!

What is Faith?

Paul writes to the Hebrews that "Faith is the Substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen."

Faith guides us to action. Without it the world would be awful depressing. We live in a time when we have to rely more and more on our Father in heaven. Christ truly brings us to the Father.

If we can believe in that and trust that sweet atonement of Christ then we have nothing to fear.

It all starts with a desire to act. A Desire to believe that there is something greater than ourselves. The prophet Alma taught to experiment with the word of God. What is the fruit of what you are learning? Does it make you a better person?

Think of the faith the woman had who just desired to touch the hem of the Savior's garment. Christ told her that her faith had made her whole.

Just think of the power that we would have if we could harness that faith. We as a group could change the world.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Some time ago I felt a need to give a voice to the idea that we need to stand up. I have put it off. I thought what do I have to offer. Well, I have to get out of my comfort zone and just do start somewhere. So, I asked my wife what she thought of the idea. She was super excited about the idea. So, I hope that the ideas expressed here will help someone. Even if that someone is me.

It is important for the men of God to stand up and be counted. Now is the time to decide. What side of the fence are you on? There are two clearly marked sides, right and wrong.

There are to many of our sisters and children who are not seeing a rightous man stand up for the Lord. Too many are caught up in the mundane. They are focused on the worldly treasures that bring little of what really matters.So that then begs the question; What really matters?
For each, that list could be a little different. For each the first three should be the same: God, Wife, Children, and then we must look to our neighbors. What is going on around us that we can help with.
Don't ever miss an oppertunity to serve!
"who's on the Lords side who? Now is the time to show. We ask it fearlessly: who's on the Lord's side who?"
The hymn does not ask us who wants to be on the Lord's side. The chorus is asking each of us to make a conscious decision to choose where we stand. If we are looking deeper, truly it is a rally cry for all of us to step forward.
It would be very easy for us today to be negative. There is a lot to be concerned with. The news headlines of the day are almost redundant in the amount of hate and discontent that is in the world right now.
Much of the darkness that covers our world is complacency. No one wants to stand out of the crowd. Everyone wants to go with the flow. To some extint I believe that people want to do what is right....they just have a hard time knowing where to go and then do not want to be that person leading out.
Comfortable is not an option. If you are comfortable you are not growing! Now is the time to reach up and help those whose arms hang low. There are some who can only be helped by you! Will you Stand with me to help them?