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Continuing Revelation

Monday, October 25, 2010

Make yourself a place

Turn off the world!!!
Make time for the Lord. The scriptures are full of people who cried unto the Lord. Before they called on him they made themselves a place to pray. They prepared themselves. They prepared their surroundings to receive guidance from above.

Abram said that he made an alter and called upon God.
Nephi was commanded to get up into the Mountain.
We have been commanded to enter into our closets and offer up alms to the Lord.

The place may be different for each of us. The point being is that we find that place where we can tune out the world and allow the spirit to work on us. A place where we can come and offer up the thoughts and feelings of our hearts. That place could be as simple as our closet, a shower, a car, the office at work. We must find that place!

We must prepare ourselves for that time spent with our father. Come to him with questions. Alma said that he wrestled with the Lord in mighty prayer for those he was trying to teach. Make lists that will help you remember what you are wanting to convey. Seek not to be repetitious but pour out your soul. You can not do that in a place that you or those around you might be distracted.

Have joy in the time you have.

I know that that prayer is real. It is through prayer that a deep relationship is formed that will bring us back into the presence of the Father

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