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Continuing Revelation

Monday, December 6, 2010

Quiet Noise

Today during Church I was so distracted I could not think. I had so much going on around me (I thought). I felt that the kids were rather fidgety. I heard the bags open and close. I felt each movement around me amplified.
After Church Dedra commented about how good the kids were. I mocked her and said they had been awful. She asked me what meeting I had been in because the kids were great.

Satan, seeks to get at us every chance he can. Even if it means that he can catch you wandering in a church meeting.

The blows from the adversary are subtle. They come when we are not looking because if we were, we would duck rather than be smacked square in the face. I love the story of the frog and the boiling water. If a frog were to be placed in a boiling pot of water he would jump right out. However if the water were warm and the frog was placed in it and the water heated up to a boil. The frog would stay and die. Beware of being affected by degees.

How important it is for us to be ever watchful. People are hurting including those we meet those we rub shoulders with. Paul taught Lift up the hands that hang down and the feeble knees. Lead them to the waters of Christ.

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