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Continuing Revelation

Saturday, January 15, 2011

When Thou art Converted

Seek the words of Christ! Whereever you can find them. Cultivate that relationship with a loving father. He will guide you. Everywhere you turn there are little bits of the gospel. Put yourself in a position to pick those up. They will, however pass you by if you are not careful. It is those little things that add up over time to create a precious and beautiful work.

As you are working toward perfection, share with others. Help others recognize the light that the gospel has been in your life. Share experiences, the hard times as well as the good. It is in the trial that our faith is tested and our testimony born.

The light that is in you will lighten the lives of others. It will cause peace, harmony, and happiness to come into the lives of those you touch.These are the fruits of your labors here on earth. After this life you will rejoice together. You will be saviors on mount Zion!

What a great oppertunity!

I said in the last post that I was starting my new years resolution this week with Alma 13. I began reading and the first thing that jumped up at me was that as priesthood holders we are the teachers. Teach what you know. Share your anyone that will listen. Make time to be the instrument that your father needs.

It is not about being overbearing. It is a simple nudge, an invitation to come and see! Come unto Christ and be perfected in him.

My prayer is that we teach in our homes the scriptures and words of a modern day prophet. Seek to be there. Help others where ever you can. We must remember that the gospel is for everyone, not a select few!

My Mother In Law used to always tell us "No Empty Chairs" She wanted all of her family around her in heaven. Her goal was to instill in all of us her desire to see all of us together again at the table of the Lord's Banquet.

So, I say to all this life is a time for us to repent... to come unto the Father. and leave:


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