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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Lord is My Fortress

Moroni in Chapter 50 of the book of Alma in the Book of Mormon fortified the cities. He did so in a very unique way. He dug up the earth creating a bowl effect he created spear fences. He was caring and preparing for when the enemy might return.

The interesting thing about Moroni is that he was fortifying a city but how could we fortify our individual lives. Before we can expect to fortify a city, the individual must take measures to fortify themselves.

A missionary shared the following example.
While Satan has refined his tools the things that we have to be doing is making are war chest stronger as well. So whats inside?
The Scriptures
Our Family
Church Magazines
Church Activities
Magnifying Church callings
Family History
Missionary Work

Each of these things build up our defenses and provide in us an unshakable faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in his Church on earth today. As we are willing to put aside the things of man we pick up the things of God!

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