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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

 During church on Sunday one of the speakers talked about the little things. He shaped his talk around Pres. Uchtdorf's talk. He talked about how because of life he was missing out on the things that matter most. He talked of calling his father who helped him recognize that he needed to put back in his life the things that made him who he wanted to be.

So, many times in our lives we are just trying to make it through. We are trying to recognize the good and live in a hectic fast paced world. It is Hard! We have many things vying for our time and talents. Many of which are important.

We have to prioritize! We have to be willing to see things for what they are. The first and foremost must be our own spiritual welfare. Make sure that whatever you are doing it is building your own testimony. Second, One must look out for his family. Family is what this life is all about. We are to take care of one another. Make sure that as a immediate family we are moving forward. Then, we are to look out for those time busters. Seek to better yourself while serving your fellowman.

There is great joy that comes from service spent to our Heavenly Father. It is more important than any other activity spent outside of the home. We have callings, Priesthood assignments, and we have the things we like to do. Notice that comes last. Normally, when you choose rest or recreation something important gets put on the back burner.

It is my prayer that we as men will recognize what is important. Then  make those things, the things that we want to do!

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