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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

They Watch and Wait

When I was a scout we did a lot of camping. For me my favorite part of these trips, was the night games; particularly the game called "Capture the Flag."
This game included many people working together for a common goal. To get the other teams flag. I was usually the watch man that stayed back and guarded the flag and the prisoners. I also alerted the others when people were invading.
One of my friends was exceptionally good at just lying in the grass waiting for others to come across. He watched carefully and patiently and watched the other team at times just walk right by him. He brought many in who would get brave and try to beat him at his same game. He always seemed to me to have night vision or some extra help.
Part of the reason that I was always stuck in the back with the flag is because I could not be patient enough to sneak in. I was always the one who got caught first. So, I was of better use at our jail than being in jail.
Satan, is watching us. He is seeking to make us his. He lurks in the grass and springs on us when we have lowered our defenses. He seeks for ways that will chip away at our exterior. If we are not careful and fail to repair what has been damaged we will loose what has been built up.
We have been promised that those who seek to put the work of the Lord first will be built up. The Lord will strengthen us and we will be able to withstand those blows of the adversary. Likewise those who seek evil and call evil good will be thrashed and destroyed by the Father.
Now is the time for us to rise up and call on the Father to save us. Put off the adversary, and seek to be obedient to the mind and will of God.
Just as in the game there has to be someone guarding the home front, continually watching. We must be ever vigilant of that one lurking in the grass studying and searching out ways to claim you, as his prey. When it gets to hard to bear know that you can call in reinforcements to help comfort and guide through the turbulence!

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