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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Don't Give Up

Some my most favorite sections of the Doctrine and Covenants are 121- 123 all written when when the prophet was in the Liberty jail. I find great comfort in them because he is asking the Lord how long will the oppression last. The Lord tells him to keep pressing forward. The things that you are going through are for your experience.

I really enjoy it when I can relate to the experiences that the prophets talk about. I find many times that unless I am really looking for it I miss the lesson. I pray that as I start my study I might get what I am suppose to. With these sections I can really relate.

I have never been in jail or anything like that. However I have felt many times like Satan keeps getting in his licks how much more can I take right now. I feel like I am alone or just want to throw my hands up and quit. these are the times when I need to focus. Go to work and make sure I gain the experience but press forward.

How important it is for us to receive that experience. Often times we may just need to slow down and look at what is around us. Satan longs for us to be miserable. The mundane of life eats at our time and we keep crowding in things and before you know it we have a very hectic life. We fail to recognize the simple the beautiful.

I loved president Uchtdorf's message to settle down and enjoy the simple things. It is after the little things that will bring us closer to Christ.

If you are right on the edge and want to throw your hands up, will you think about two things? Remember how much your elder brother truly does Love you. Second, stop and look at all the beauty that is around you. Allow for only the important and clear out the mundane and of little value. 

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