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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


There is great power in prayer. Prayer influences how we act. It helps us realize how we handle the everyday life. As we take a few minutes everyday to include the father in our lives we actually are guided to better ourselves. 
Christ taught us to Pray always to avoid the temptations of the devil. The world is full of suggestive material. There is a multitude of things that vie for our attention and with out the aid of a loving Heavenly Father we could miss the mark. Prayer guides the way to life. It is the one constant thing that we can do to make everyday life a little bit brighter. 
Have you ever noticed how you feel when you pray and when you don't? Is there an difference? For me there is a stark difference. The things that I am trying to accomplish are just a little easier. I am aided in my decisions and I seek to always know if I am choosing the right. On the flip side when I have not counseled with the Lord, I find that my efforts are bogged down. I feel like I am out of control and have no vision for what to do next.
We are to pray always that we may come off conqueror. We are the ones who benefit from cultivating a relationship with God. Prayer is how we talk with him. We win when we humble ourselves to his will for us. We win when we are actively seeking to know what is the best course of action. The great thing about us having our own relationship with God is that each of are unique to him.  Each one of us learns differently, likewise each of us have the ability to have our own unique relationship with the Father. The great message is that we win, when we talk to God!!!

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