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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Beware of the word Easy

What comes to your mind when the word "easy" is used.

All to often the easy way is not necessarily the right way. Nor is it the most simple. The easy way shows that many a way to cut corners to get a job done. The easy way is broad and fleeting. One can not find lasting eternal fruits worth taking that path.

The path worth taking is the one less traveled. It is the path that leads to life. It is the path that shapes character. It provides all things necessary to return home. Although it may be rough at first the end is filled with much fruit. You will find happiness in following this path.

Often when we are looking for the easy way out we lower our defenses. We dull our minds and focus on the things that don't matter. We stop doing the little things that are essential to bulding a Zion people. At first it may not be a big deal. But, given time we give up the very heart of everything that we hold dear.

Never has there been more of a need to study our scriptures, Pray and have Family Home Evening. The goal is to fortify ourselves. Be the watchmen that the Father needs us to be. If we will do these simple things  we will be instruments for the Father to help protect one another.

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