Coming to earth, gaining a body, being able to choose, that is what this life is all about. We are able to choose right or wrong, left or right. Once a decision is made we do not have the ability to choose the consequences. They are already set.
Your choices no matter how big or small affect who you will become. Each decision made starts you down a path that leads to a desired outcome. From what you are going to wear that day to are you going to participate in different activities.
If you choose righteousness, you choose to be happy. If you choose righteousness, you choose to follow God. He promises to bless and protect you if you follow him. He will guide and direct you, if you choose to follow him. Therefore following Christ brings you happiness and peace.
If you choose evil, you choose Satan and sadness. You choose to be lost. You rely on yourself and wind up only spinning your tires. You choose to loose. Everything we have in this life comes to us from our Heavenly Father. Therefore, if we choose evil, if we choose to only to rely on ourselves then we have lost everything!
Faith is the power to do all things. By faith we can conquer all things. By faith we come into the presence of God the Father. By exercising our faith we grow. We grow toward greatness. We see things as God sees them.
It is as simple as it sounds. It is black and white. There are clear lines drawn in the sand. It is up to us to choose. We must choose for that is how it was in the beginning. Each of us fought for right and light. It is no different here!
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