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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Put off the Natural Man

We must learn how to control ourselves. Learning to shake off the natural man and controlling everything about us. That is the beauty of this life. We are trying to master our bodies. We must master these bodies to be allowed back into the presence of the Father. King Benjamin taught that the "Natural man is an enemy to God." Man, the greatest creation of our father, out of control is his enemy. Our task is to not limit ourselves or purposefully go without just because. We are to learn to control this human body.
We are to allow our Heavenly father to guide us. There is so much out there that is leading us astray. Everywhere you look someone or something is clammering for our attention. Our goal is to put up our blinders and plow forward. There are some really great things out there. But if we do not bridle our passions, if we allow ourselves to run amuck, that allows satan closer and little by little he wins.
It is so easy when met with trials to not plow forward and ignore what is around us. All of us fall short and have a need to repent. To realize that we have done something wrong and continue moving forward.
The father wants all of us to move closer to him. His work is that all of us may return home to him. However, there will be some that will not heed is voice. They will not bridle the natural man  and reign him in. these are they that will be met with terror and ultimate distruction.
Nephi taught "turn away from sin" The counsel form the father is constant, pray to combat sin. Pray with all your heart. Seek the promptings of the spirit and they will cut off the natural man and allow us to win the prize. Learn all you can. Once you have been converted teach others. Seek, that all around you know of your love and devotion to the Savior of the world. You, be that sounding alarm.
Yes, there will be those who will mock you. They will make light of things you hold dear. Satan uses others just as the father does. However, the servants of lucifer tear down not up. They seek that all are miserable like unto themselves. Know this, the Lord protects those he calls to the work. 
The Lord does not leave us alone. He gives us prophets. He calls leaders to guide us down the path. They are a light in a ever darkening world.
Be obedient! If needed, repent. Take the time to put your life in order. There still is enough time. Come Unto Christ, and be perfected in him!(Moroni 10:32)


Anonymous said...

Ken good post, but I think that scripture means more then just controlling ones self. I think it also means not to waste your life. As I look around the world and see humans everywhere I see many of them doing nothing with their lives. We get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, and go to bed, only to wake up and do the same thing the following day. Is that not a form of the natural man as dictated by todays society?

Ken Cheney said...

I think your exactly right. Do Something, be anxiously engaged in a good work. We have so much that we could be doing. There is an unending supply of Work.