Stand up!
Be counted. What are you all about? What is it that means the most to you? Find out then shout it from the rooftops.
The greatest gift that we have been given is the Savior.
The Atonement has made it possible for all things impossible switch to possible. He gives us hope. He shares with us the gifts of conquoring death and sin. How great is that?
We have a loving Heavenly Father that has our needs,desires at the forefront of his mind. It is his desire to have all of us come back to him. The only way to have that happen was to send his Son. His son, came to earth to as the hymn says "suffer bleed and die for man." another hymn reads"For Jesus died on calvary that all through him might glory be."
The great message of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that because he came to earth we can return to our heavenly home. His selfless act helped both the Father and us. The Father because it is "his work and glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Us, because we are helpless without the atonement. We are nothing without divine help.
It is our responsibility to recognize what source we are to look for redemption and Salvation. Then we are to look for the bright light of the spirit in others and bring them to the knowledge you have received. "Let your light so Shine."
When you feel run down, your batteries need a little boost. Look to the light of Christ to buoy you and carry you til you may stand on your own.
Continuing Revelation
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
The importance of being one
Imagine for a moment that you are apart of a outlying community. A messenger comes to your door asks you to gather all your belongings. He tells you that you must bring all of your animals, all of your provisions to last you. You ask him what anybody would ask, why. He only tells you that the prophet has ordered it and it will be until further notice leave nothing behind.
He leaves you to pack and goes on to the next home.
When you get to town all of your neighbors are there. You notice that there are a lot of people. Your leader and prophet stands so all can hear and tells you of the great danger. He tells you of the great strength that you are as one.
Those who sought to harm you come out of their hiding places and try to lute but there is nothing for them in surrounding communities so they have to come to you. Because of your strength in numbers they do not overtake you.
Like those who come out of their hiding places there are many who seek for power, for honor, for success without putting forth the effort. They want the reward and will lie cheat and steal to get it.
Our defense is to turn inward. Shelter ourselves fortify, guard ourselves from the Gadianton robbers that are all around us. Seek the blessings of heaven. Learn the things that will bring you back into the presence of the father. Gather all your belongings spiritually and stand together. Stand up and fight for the things that you hold dear.
The opportunity is now to share with others what we know. Seek out those whose arms hang low. Seek out those who need. Help them, pull them in and fight together to come off conqueror
Seeking The Kingdom of God
This life is a time for us to prepare to go back home to our Heavenly Father. Everything that we do in this life should be geared to that goal. That is our Father's goal. That is his work, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (Moses 1:39).
How do we go about helping the Father in this work? We seek the kingdom of God. We seek the will of the Father. Where need we look? The scriptures have everything that we need. We seek him through prayer. I love the saying if you want to talk to God you need to pray, if you want God to talk to you, read your scriptures.
We need to be anxiously engaged in building up the kingdom. What does that mean? It means establishing righteousness. Loving our fellowman. Sharing with others the light and knowledge that we have received. What a great work. Paul taught that we must love our fellowman, treat every man as the Savior would treat them. Strive to see and build up the light of every man (Eph 5:2).
Now more than ever we must seek out and find the good in everyone we see. Help them see the potintential that led us to them. As we follow that spirit we are able to rejoice with them in the kingdom of our Father.
How do we go about helping the Father in this work? We seek the kingdom of God. We seek the will of the Father. Where need we look? The scriptures have everything that we need. We seek him through prayer. I love the saying if you want to talk to God you need to pray, if you want God to talk to you, read your scriptures.
We need to be anxiously engaged in building up the kingdom. What does that mean? It means establishing righteousness. Loving our fellowman. Sharing with others the light and knowledge that we have received. What a great work. Paul taught that we must love our fellowman, treat every man as the Savior would treat them. Strive to see and build up the light of every man (Eph 5:2).
Now more than ever we must seek out and find the good in everyone we see. Help them see the potintential that led us to them. As we follow that spirit we are able to rejoice with them in the kingdom of our Father.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Study the life of the Savior
The life of the Savior. One of my favorite Christmas Carols is the Little Drummer Boy. He too made his way to the new born king. He desparetly wanted to give the child something. So, humble, so sweet was the innocense of this boy. All he had to give was his talent. He played his drum for him. He played his best for him.
We learn a great truth from this wonderful carol. We learn that humility is key to returning to our Father. Humility helps us to serve. We are to seek to be led. Led by the Holy Spirit of promise. The spirit then guides us back to the savior.
The Savior, from a humble birth. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. He was as many of our parents accused us of being born in a barn. From that humble birth to teaching of the Father. He truly had no guile as he called us all to repent and come unto the Father. He taught to repent. He wanted from the very beginning to do the will of his Father. His goal had always been the same; to bring all men to the Father.
We learn a great truth from this wonderful carol. We learn that humility is key to returning to our Father. Humility helps us to serve. We are to seek to be led. Led by the Holy Spirit of promise. The spirit then guides us back to the savior.
The Savior, from a humble birth. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. He was as many of our parents accused us of being born in a barn. From that humble birth to teaching of the Father. He truly had no guile as he called us all to repent and come unto the Father. He taught to repent. He wanted from the very beginning to do the will of his Father. His goal had always been the same; to bring all men to the Father.
Monday, December 20, 2010
What makes the man?
1. Rise up, O men of God!
Have done with lesser things.
Give heart and soul and mind and strength
To serve the King of Kings.
Have done with lesser things.
Give heart and soul and mind and strength
To serve the King of Kings.
Men of God must seek to serve. Service, helps us become like our Heavenly Father. We are helping where others need us. Service to God allows us to put off the natural man and brings us closer to him.
2. Rise up, O men of God,
In one united throng.
Bring in the day of brotherhood
And end the night of wrong.
In one united throng.
Bring in the day of brotherhood
And end the night of wrong.
Men of God seek the good in all things. Finding joy in all things fills the room with light and brighten all around you. Finding the good is hard, yet it is all around us. The secular world fills our minds with the need to seek out the evil. The things that we call sin, the world glamorizes. The things that are noteworthy and good, the world calls that boring, old fashion, dumb and even flat out wrong.
3. Rise up, O men of God!
Tread where his feet have trod.
As brothers of the Son of Man,
Rise up, O men of God!
Tread where his feet have trod.
As brothers of the Son of Man,
Rise up, O men of God!
We must go to work. The work of the Lord is awesome. There has never been another time when it has been so important to be anxiously engaged in a good work. There is much to do. The gospel must be preached to all the world. The temples have much to be done. We must stand tall. Stand up, get to work and seek to teach the word of God.
It is time to come unto the Savior. Learn of him! Nephi taught, "And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."
Christ brings us to the Father. He seeks to bless us. He made it possible for mercy to have its claim on us.
It is time to redouble our efforts and seek to come closer to the savior!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Road Map
As I was preparing to make a cross country move I asked a church leader what I should do as I moved on. He replied to me that I should seek the spirit. Seek the spirit in everything that you do, he counseled.
I have reflected on that counsel a lot over the last year. There is a hymn that reads: Let the holy spirit guide, Let him teach us what is true. He will testify of Christ; Light our minds with heavens view.
The spirit will guide those who seek him. The Savior taught that the spirit will guide us to him and he will bring us into the presence of the father, to receive celestial glory.
Right there is a road map for us to follow. As we seek the spirit we actively are doing things that qualify us to. Have the spirit with us always. Some of those things are: reading your scriptures, praying, temple attendance and family home evenings. Complete obedience brings us to Jesus Christ. He promised by his atonement to be our advocate with the father!
This gives me hope! A hope that I can make it back home. Hope that someone always cares about me. Hope for a new and much brighter tomorrow.
It is through doing those little things that brings us closer to the spirit. They allow us to recognize the spirit working inside us. The little things provide a savings account into the big things!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Quiet Noise
Today during Church I was so distracted I could not think. I had so much going on around me (I thought). I felt that the kids were rather fidgety. I heard the bags open and close. I felt each movement around me amplified.
After Church Dedra commented about how good the kids were. I mocked her and said they had been awful. She asked me what meeting I had been in because the kids were great.
Satan, seeks to get at us every chance he can. Even if it means that he can catch you wandering in a church meeting.
The blows from the adversary are subtle. They come when we are not looking because if we were, we would duck rather than be smacked square in the face. I love the story of the frog and the boiling water. If a frog were to be placed in a boiling pot of water he would jump right out. However if the water were warm and the frog was placed in it and the water heated up to a boil. The frog would stay and die. Beware of being affected by degees.
How important it is for us to be ever watchful. People are hurting including those we meet those we rub shoulders with. Paul taught Lift up the hands that hang down and the feeble knees. Lead them to the waters of Christ.
After Church Dedra commented about how good the kids were. I mocked her and said they had been awful. She asked me what meeting I had been in because the kids were great.
Satan, seeks to get at us every chance he can. Even if it means that he can catch you wandering in a church meeting.
The blows from the adversary are subtle. They come when we are not looking because if we were, we would duck rather than be smacked square in the face. I love the story of the frog and the boiling water. If a frog were to be placed in a boiling pot of water he would jump right out. However if the water were warm and the frog was placed in it and the water heated up to a boil. The frog would stay and die. Beware of being affected by degees.
How important it is for us to be ever watchful. People are hurting including those we meet those we rub shoulders with. Paul taught Lift up the hands that hang down and the feeble knees. Lead them to the waters of Christ.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Lord Need Not Change
The Lord requires that we be obedient. That we search out his will concerning us and then put that knowledge to use. Sounds easy enough. Then why is it so stinkin' hard!!!! Everyday we fall short and have need to repent. Why?!!! We are human. We are learning. The Lord knows that. He also knows the intent of our hearts. He knows where we are.
Where much is given much is required. As we learn we must apply.
In 1st Samuel 15 Samuel teaches that even when provoked the Lord is slow to anger. He is kind, and gentle. The way that he parents should be our model. Teach. Help others feel and recognize the spirit. As we do we will grow together and rejoice in the blessing of the Lord!
The Lord does not change for us. We must change to meet the Lord. When we turn our hearts to him we gain peace and happiness. We gain courage and hope for a brighter tomorrow.!
Where much is given much is required. As we learn we must apply.
In 1st Samuel 15 Samuel teaches that even when provoked the Lord is slow to anger. He is kind, and gentle. The way that he parents should be our model. Teach. Help others feel and recognize the spirit. As we do we will grow together and rejoice in the blessing of the Lord!
The Lord does not change for us. We must change to meet the Lord. When we turn our hearts to him we gain peace and happiness. We gain courage and hope for a brighter tomorrow.!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Put off the Natural Man
We must learn how to control ourselves. Learning to shake off the natural man and controlling everything about us. That is the beauty of this life. We are trying to master our bodies. We must master these bodies to be allowed back into the presence of the Father. King Benjamin taught that the "Natural man is an enemy to God." Man, the greatest creation of our father, out of control is his enemy. Our task is to not limit ourselves or purposefully go without just because. We are to learn to control this human body.
We are to allow our Heavenly father to guide us. There is so much out there that is leading us astray. Everywhere you look someone or something is clammering for our attention. Our goal is to put up our blinders and plow forward. There are some really great things out there. But if we do not bridle our passions, if we allow ourselves to run amuck, that allows satan closer and little by little he wins.
It is so easy when met with trials to not plow forward and ignore what is around us. All of us fall short and have a need to repent. To realize that we have done something wrong and continue moving forward.
The father wants all of us to move closer to him. His work is that all of us may return home to him. However, there will be some that will not heed is voice. They will not bridle the natural man and reign him in. these are they that will be met with terror and ultimate distruction.
Nephi taught "turn away from sin" The counsel form the father is constant, pray to combat sin. Pray with all your heart. Seek the promptings of the spirit and they will cut off the natural man and allow us to win the prize. Learn all you can. Once you have been converted teach others. Seek, that all around you know of your love and devotion to the Savior of the world. You, be that sounding alarm.
Yes, there will be those who will mock you. They will make light of things you hold dear. Satan uses others just as the father does. However, the servants of lucifer tear down not up. They seek that all are miserable like unto themselves. Know this, the Lord protects those he calls to the work.
The Lord does not leave us alone. He gives us prophets. He calls leaders to guide us down the path. They are a light in a ever darkening world.
Be obedient! If needed, repent. Take the time to put your life in order. There still is enough time. Come Unto Christ, and be perfected in him!(Moroni 10:32)
We are to allow our Heavenly father to guide us. There is so much out there that is leading us astray. Everywhere you look someone or something is clammering for our attention. Our goal is to put up our blinders and plow forward. There are some really great things out there. But if we do not bridle our passions, if we allow ourselves to run amuck, that allows satan closer and little by little he wins.
It is so easy when met with trials to not plow forward and ignore what is around us. All of us fall short and have a need to repent. To realize that we have done something wrong and continue moving forward.
The father wants all of us to move closer to him. His work is that all of us may return home to him. However, there will be some that will not heed is voice. They will not bridle the natural man and reign him in. these are they that will be met with terror and ultimate distruction.
Nephi taught "turn away from sin" The counsel form the father is constant, pray to combat sin. Pray with all your heart. Seek the promptings of the spirit and they will cut off the natural man and allow us to win the prize. Learn all you can. Once you have been converted teach others. Seek, that all around you know of your love and devotion to the Savior of the world. You, be that sounding alarm.
Yes, there will be those who will mock you. They will make light of things you hold dear. Satan uses others just as the father does. However, the servants of lucifer tear down not up. They seek that all are miserable like unto themselves. Know this, the Lord protects those he calls to the work.
The Lord does not leave us alone. He gives us prophets. He calls leaders to guide us down the path. They are a light in a ever darkening world.
Be obedient! If needed, repent. Take the time to put your life in order. There still is enough time. Come Unto Christ, and be perfected in him!(Moroni 10:32)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Following the Spirit
I am grateful for the spirit. I believe that the spirit will guide us and use us as instruments in the lives of others as we are worthy to hear.
There is a great hymn that I have come to love. "Let the holy spirit guide." It reads:
1. Let the Holy Spirit guide;
Let him teach us what is true.
He will testify of Christ,
Light our minds with heaven's view.
The spirit has our best interests at heart. He wants us to succeed. The only way we can is if we are willing to listen. Listen for that still small voice that teaches us all truth. Moroni taught that by the spirit we can know the truth of all things. Christ taught that he would send the "comforter. He would teach us all things and bring all things to our remembrance....
2. Let the Holy Spirit guard;
Let his whisper govern choice.
He will lead us safely home
If we listen to his voice.
Father's work and glory is to see that we make it home to him. He did not leave us alone. The spirit helps us to make choices to listen and then go and do. By following that still small voice, we are able to enter back into the presence of the father.
3. Let the Spirit heal our hearts
Thru his quiet, gentle pow'r.
May we purify our lives
To receive him hour by hour.
Text: Penelope Moody Allen, b. 1939.
Life allows us the opportunity to make choices. We succeed and we fail. It isn't so much what happens to us during this life. It is how we react to what happens to us. How we move forward measures the man. The Atonement makes it possible for us to make corrective action. We are able to repent and continue on that journey. The spirit takes our hand and leads us to a better life. If we allow him to work in our lives. He leads us to healing living waters.
There is a great hymn that I have come to love. "Let the holy spirit guide." It reads:
1. Let the Holy Spirit guide;
Let him teach us what is true.
He will testify of Christ,
Light our minds with heaven's view.
The spirit has our best interests at heart. He wants us to succeed. The only way we can is if we are willing to listen. Listen for that still small voice that teaches us all truth. Moroni taught that by the spirit we can know the truth of all things. Christ taught that he would send the "comforter. He would teach us all things and bring all things to our remembrance....
2. Let the Holy Spirit guard;
Let his whisper govern choice.
He will lead us safely home
If we listen to his voice.
Father's work and glory is to see that we make it home to him. He did not leave us alone. The spirit helps us to make choices to listen and then go and do. By following that still small voice, we are able to enter back into the presence of the father.
3. Let the Spirit heal our hearts
Thru his quiet, gentle pow'r.
May we purify our lives
To receive him hour by hour.
Text: Penelope Moody Allen, b. 1939.
Life allows us the opportunity to make choices. We succeed and we fail. It isn't so much what happens to us during this life. It is how we react to what happens to us. How we move forward measures the man. The Atonement makes it possible for us to make corrective action. We are able to repent and continue on that journey. The spirit takes our hand and leads us to a better life. If we allow him to work in our lives. He leads us to healing living waters.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Fight for them
Webster defines the word PROTECT as:
a : to cover or shield from exposure, injury, damage, or destruction : guard b : defend 1c <protect the goal>
My goal in writing here is to invite others to protect themselves. It is so important that we be ready at a moments notice to fight. What are we fighting? Elder Quintin Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve stated in the last general Conference, "Our day has been described as “a time of plenty and an age of doubt.”8 Basic belief in the power and authority of God is not only questioned but also denigrated." We do have so much to be thankful for. We have at our fingertips the ability to do many mighty things. Yet we doubt ourselves. We doubt that we can change lives through our faith and actions. We doubt our affect on others. We must realize that people are watching. People care, that you might have something to say! The ideal opportunity does not just happen it comes when you are willing to create them. Fight for them!
Elder Cook went on to say, "My personal experience of living and interacting with people all over the world has caused me to be optimistic. I believe that light and truth will be preserved in our time. In all nations there are large numbers who worship God and feel accountable to Him for their conduct. Some observers believe there is actually a global revival of faith. As Church leaders, we have met with leaders of other faiths and have found that there is a common moral foundation that transcends theological differences and unites us in our aspirations for a better society."
Each day we are met with new challenges. Some will be easily conquered; others will have to have much time spent. No matter the task we must come off conquorer. The only way that we will protect ourselves, our family, and those around us is if we focus. Focus on the positive. Focus on the things that matter most. To quote President Uchtdorf.
These things are Reading our scriptures and the words of living prophets. The word of God is the way our Heavenly Father speaks to us. Next time you are reading focus in not only on the words, but on the way you are feeling. The spirit has taught me many lessons as I have read.
Prayer has great power. Through prayer we show our willingness to be obedient. We show our need for help. Prayer, allows us to call on him to protect us. It helps us when we need to be seen us through the very hard times. Prayer helps us identify our problems and then to seek for help and guidance.
Family Home Evening, this time that we set aside to bring our families together is so very important. We grow together. We learn together. Isn't it fun to see the light bulbs go on when a principle is being taught. How about when the children teach the adults. This time spent with family is priceless. No treasure in the world is worth more to me than my family.
Take the time. Protect those you Love by starting at home and start with the basics. Once you have got the basics down, never put them down. Make them apart of you. These talents are that whole Armor of God. They are what will defend and protect you and lead you back to the Father.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
During church on Sunday one of the speakers talked about the little things. He shaped his talk around Pres. Uchtdorf's talk. He talked about how because of life he was missing out on the things that matter most. He talked of calling his father who helped him recognize that he needed to put back in his life the things that made him who he wanted to be.
So, many times in our lives we are just trying to make it through. We are trying to recognize the good and live in a hectic fast paced world. It is Hard! We have many things vying for our time and talents. Many of which are important.
We have to prioritize! We have to be willing to see things for what they are. The first and foremost must be our own spiritual welfare. Make sure that whatever you are doing it is building your own testimony. Second, One must look out for his family. Family is what this life is all about. We are to take care of one another. Make sure that as a immediate family we are moving forward. Then, we are to look out for those time busters. Seek to better yourself while serving your fellowman.
There is great joy that comes from service spent to our Heavenly Father. It is more important than any other activity spent outside of the home. We have callings, Priesthood assignments, and we have the things we like to do. Notice that comes last. Normally, when you choose rest or recreation something important gets put on the back burner.
It is my prayer that we as men will recognize what is important. Then make those things, the things that we want to do!
So, many times in our lives we are just trying to make it through. We are trying to recognize the good and live in a hectic fast paced world. It is Hard! We have many things vying for our time and talents. Many of which are important.
We have to prioritize! We have to be willing to see things for what they are. The first and foremost must be our own spiritual welfare. Make sure that whatever you are doing it is building your own testimony. Second, One must look out for his family. Family is what this life is all about. We are to take care of one another. Make sure that as a immediate family we are moving forward. Then, we are to look out for those time busters. Seek to better yourself while serving your fellowman.
There is great joy that comes from service spent to our Heavenly Father. It is more important than any other activity spent outside of the home. We have callings, Priesthood assignments, and we have the things we like to do. Notice that comes last. Normally, when you choose rest or recreation something important gets put on the back burner.
It is my prayer that we as men will recognize what is important. Then make those things, the things that we want to do!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
This week my study became literally a part of my life. I was supposed to start this week to study the word Family. I thought alot about where I might take this weeks study. I had ideas that were good but boring . I just didn't feel it coming together for me.
Heavenly Father, knew exactly what I needed to be able to understand this topic.
The ride of a lifetime started last Saturday morning. We got a call from a very dear friend. Dedra took the call while I went back to sleep. Dedra was told about a little girl. Our friend told her that she was four years old, and that she needed a family to give her a home. Dedra told her that we would take her. Our friend told us that she would talk with this other family and get back to us.
All day long Dedra could not get the thought of this little one out of her mind. She kept telling me that the little girl had been on her mind. Not just a little bit!!! She was being consumed with the idea.
A few hours later she called me and said that our friend had called again. The friend told us that the family who had this little girl was willing to sign papers over to us relinguishing guardianship to us. They wanted to nullify their adoption and let us move toward that for ourselves over time.
Dedra was so excited. We got in the car and went to our friends home three hours away.
The next day we met with the adoptive Mother. She was really emotional but wanted the girl out of her home. We met the father who was a stand up guy! He told us he just wanted what was best for Anna. I came home Sunday night and left my family there to work out the details. I had to be to work the next day.
I came back two days later. We met with both parents and they signed off on the guardianship papers. then we met with a soical worker who was helping us sort through this mess. She told us about a meeting they were having to decide if we needed to work through the courts or if we could just bring her home and work form here.
About 5:45 on Thursday they called us and said that Anna was ours and that we could bring her home.
There have been so many lessons of prayer, recognizing the spirit, watching the spirit work in our lives. Not only in ours but Anna's adoptive family, Our friends family and our family.
I truly have been well taught this week of the power of families. How it is in the family unit that we obtain exaltation. We recieve the most choice of heavenly blessings while cultivating these relationships.
How grateful I am for those who listen and follow the promting of the spirit.
Heavenly Father, knew exactly what I needed to be able to understand this topic.
The ride of a lifetime started last Saturday morning. We got a call from a very dear friend. Dedra took the call while I went back to sleep. Dedra was told about a little girl. Our friend told her that she was four years old, and that she needed a family to give her a home. Dedra told her that we would take her. Our friend told us that she would talk with this other family and get back to us.
All day long Dedra could not get the thought of this little one out of her mind. She kept telling me that the little girl had been on her mind. Not just a little bit!!! She was being consumed with the idea.
A few hours later she called me and said that our friend had called again. The friend told us that the family who had this little girl was willing to sign papers over to us relinguishing guardianship to us. They wanted to nullify their adoption and let us move toward that for ourselves over time.
Dedra was so excited. We got in the car and went to our friends home three hours away.
The next day we met with the adoptive Mother. She was really emotional but wanted the girl out of her home. We met the father who was a stand up guy! He told us he just wanted what was best for Anna. I came home Sunday night and left my family there to work out the details. I had to be to work the next day.
I came back two days later. We met with both parents and they signed off on the guardianship papers. then we met with a soical worker who was helping us sort through this mess. She told us about a meeting they were having to decide if we needed to work through the courts or if we could just bring her home and work form here.
About 5:45 on Thursday they called us and said that Anna was ours and that we could bring her home.
There have been so many lessons of prayer, recognizing the spirit, watching the spirit work in our lives. Not only in ours but Anna's adoptive family, Our friends family and our family.
I truly have been well taught this week of the power of families. How it is in the family unit that we obtain exaltation. We recieve the most choice of heavenly blessings while cultivating these relationships.
How grateful I am for those who listen and follow the promting of the spirit.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
What a big word. It means a lot. It means that we are willing to do something. We are willing to engage in whatever it is 100% while we are doing it. It means that we will do what we say we are going to do!
There are many that have taught the principle of committment. Nonone taught it like my dad. He did not say much. He let others dominate a conversation. He rarely had much to offer in the way of verbal communication. His actions however spoke volumes. When he was asked to do something he did it 110%.
He was the guy that people called because they knew he could get it done. He would give up his time talents and everything he had for someone in need. Not only would he preform the act of service he would do it with a smile.
I remember asking him how he felt about my mom. He told me that he loved her. That he would do anything for her. To this day that example is lived day in and day out.
Committment, is the backbone of each man. The scriptures teach to be anxiously engaged in good works of our own free will. I think it is ever important to stand up and be counted with a smile rather than a frown. Those who are there grudgingly will reap the rewards of selfishness, pride....etc.
There are many that have taught the principle of committment. Nonone taught it like my dad. He did not say much. He let others dominate a conversation. He rarely had much to offer in the way of verbal communication. His actions however spoke volumes. When he was asked to do something he did it 110%.
He was the guy that people called because they knew he could get it done. He would give up his time talents and everything he had for someone in need. Not only would he preform the act of service he would do it with a smile.
I remember asking him how he felt about my mom. He told me that he loved her. That he would do anything for her. To this day that example is lived day in and day out.
Committment, is the backbone of each man. The scriptures teach to be anxiously engaged in good works of our own free will. I think it is ever important to stand up and be counted with a smile rather than a frown. Those who are there grudgingly will reap the rewards of selfishness, pride....etc.
Monday, November 8, 2010
DO Something!!
The time is now to stand up and be counted. No longer can we sit on the fence and be indecisive. Stand up for your family, Stand up for morality, Stand up for standards, stand up for light and knowledge, stand up for integrity, stand up for truth, Stand up for Love.
Too many are sitting on the fence and watch. It is time to get in the game. The Lord needs you! He needs you to help in this battle that he is waging against sin.
In today’s world there is no room for indifference, complacency, laziness, and whining. In fact the preceding is the exactly the things that we are fighting. These are stopping us from swinging an ever damaging blow.
Our world is quite literally building up walls that force us to conform to the influences of darkness. All around us there are barriers that must come down. They will not come down all at once. The walls will however fall little by little stone by stone. We must take tiny steps. These actions will be steps that will lead us to the tearing down of the walls of sin.
It starts from a very young age. We see it in our schools and in our neighborhoods. We see it come into our homes through different streams of media.
One day I was eating lunch with my daughter at her school. We sat down and began to eat. We were talking to other children at the tables. One of the boys was talking of a movie that he and his mother had watched the night before. He told (in detail) of how a man’s face was ripped off. The boy repeated language that was vile. He continued to tell about his exciting evening and the rest of the students were also engaged in the story. I looked at my daughter and she was making gagging reflex noises as he talked.
What if we could change the thinking of others? What if we could help others feel and recognize that the stories like the boy told at lunch were wrong? What if we took back our neighborhoods from all the violence? What if we could bring God back into the daily arena of public thought?
All of these are daunting to the any of us at a glance. I purpose that each one of these walls can be dismantled. Brick by brick layer by layer they will come down if we come together and work as one body. Acting as One in purpose.
The purpose that I speak of is taking back humanity. Our desire should ever be; to put into the minds and wills of the people, a desire to serve others. To know who their neighbors are and above that what needs might they have.
A few years ago, a school was having a food drive. The school had made a deal with the local pizza place to give a pizza party to the class that brought in the most canned goods. Two boys who really loved pizza set a goal for their class to get a pizza party before the end of the day.
They went home they raided their families pantry. One of the boys mothers asked the young men what they were doing. The boys told the parent that they needed canned goods to win the pizza party. They came in the next day with 65 cans of food each. The teacher aghast at the amounts the young men had brought in asked them where they had gotten that much food they simply replied mom’s cupboard. They then asked for their classmates to do the same thing. They came back the next morning again with much food to be donated.
The class won their pizza party.
It is simple acts of people stepping forward to show the way that cause a community to work together. Little acts, go along way. They bring people together. They show people that they can do something great if they are willing to work together.
The great prophet and leader Moses, stood up and lead by example. The Lord gave him a mouthpiece to help others to understand the will of the Lord. Aaron, was just that person to stand up and be that strength for Moses. Aaron was able through the use of his talents to gather and rally the Jewish people.
Each of us has been given talents. Talents, that when developed influence others for good. We are to use those talents to help and build others. Just think for a moment what we could do if we were to act as one and stand up.
There will always be pain and suffering during this life. Our challenge is to be there for those whose heads hang low and build up the walls of righteousness around them. These people will thank us and be prepared to help when others are in need.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Watch over the church
At twelve, like normal, I recieved the Aaronic priesthood. With that I was able to be that really cool guy that passed the sacrement to the congregation. When my parents joined the church I remember looking up to those deacons and wanting to be like them.
I had been told that my calling to hold the Aaronic prieshood was really important. I thought it an honor to be able to be a part of some thing. I don't think that I really understood the magnitude of the responsiblity that I was taking on.
I had heard but I never really thought much about the statement of watching over the church. The job of the deacon was really beyond me.
I was reading a few days ago now of watching. How it is a responsibility. The deacons are to Watch and pray over and warn, expound, teach the church.
All of sudden the power of the those words hit me. What I had agreed to do when I was twelve was a huge responsibilty. The word "watch " means to have a responsibility. It was a responsibility to stand up for the gospel of Christ. To invite all men to come unto Christ.
Jesus, talking to peter said "When Thou Art Converted Strengthen Thy Bretheren." Jesus talking to Joseph Smith taught us to sanctify ourselves and teach one another the gospel. Christ said "Behold, I sent you out to testify and warn the people, and it becometh every man that hath been warned to warn his neighbor."
The responsibility of watching, is making sure that we strengthen one another. Each of us have our flaws. Some of us big, others small, no matter the size of the is ours to help where we are able. To give succor to those in need and lift those whose arms hang low!!!
I had been told that my calling to hold the Aaronic prieshood was really important. I thought it an honor to be able to be a part of some thing. I don't think that I really understood the magnitude of the responsiblity that I was taking on.
I had heard but I never really thought much about the statement of watching over the church. The job of the deacon was really beyond me.
I was reading a few days ago now of watching. How it is a responsibility. The deacons are to Watch and pray over and warn, expound, teach the church.
All of sudden the power of the those words hit me. What I had agreed to do when I was twelve was a huge responsibilty. The word "watch " means to have a responsibility. It was a responsibility to stand up for the gospel of Christ. To invite all men to come unto Christ.
Jesus, talking to peter said "When Thou Art Converted Strengthen Thy Bretheren." Jesus talking to Joseph Smith taught us to sanctify ourselves and teach one another the gospel. Christ said "Behold, I sent you out to testify and warn the people, and it becometh every man that hath been warned to warn his neighbor."
The responsibility of watching, is making sure that we strengthen one another. Each of us have our flaws. Some of us big, others small, no matter the size of the is ours to help where we are able. To give succor to those in need and lift those whose arms hang low!!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
One of the hardest things for me to do is keep on top of things. To prepare for tomorrow. Like many foolish people I have been caught inside that trap of procrastination. Putting off today, what I can do tomorrow.
There are many who watch and wait to snare us. They watch for that ideal time when we are playing catch up. When we are stooped low resting a moment longer than is needful.
This life is a time for us to prepare to meet God! It is a time to build ourselves up. A time to create memories and build relationships. These relationships are the only things that we can take with us, when we leave this life.
The Lord taught us to prepare now. To watch continually for his coming. We recieve great blessings as we prepare. We prepare to come into the presence of the father. We can do this by being watchful. That means living the gospel of Christ. Showing that you want to bring yourselves and your families home.
My favorite verse of the Book of Mormon expresses it as clearly as you can get: Moroni 10:32 reads,
32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and dlove God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.
To be watchful, we must perfect ourselves and then invite others to do the same!
There are many who watch and wait to snare us. They watch for that ideal time when we are playing catch up. When we are stooped low resting a moment longer than is needful.
This life is a time for us to prepare to meet God! It is a time to build ourselves up. A time to create memories and build relationships. These relationships are the only things that we can take with us, when we leave this life.
The Lord taught us to prepare now. To watch continually for his coming. We recieve great blessings as we prepare. We prepare to come into the presence of the father. We can do this by being watchful. That means living the gospel of Christ. Showing that you want to bring yourselves and your families home.
My favorite verse of the Book of Mormon expresses it as clearly as you can get: Moroni 10:32 reads,
32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and dlove God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.
To be watchful, we must perfect ourselves and then invite others to do the same!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
During the election time of year I watch to wait and see what is going to happen. I watch to see who is going to win. I soak it up. I am a junkie for those kind of things. Last night the results from the latest election came in. I really was interested more in the local stuff than the national stuff. It is as if they are beyond hope now.
The local stuff has brought a lot of conversation my way. I was talking to a friend that was telling me how taxes save programs. I understand the logic behind what he was saying but I disagee with him. We left each other with a warm smile and we were better for having had a conversation.
I thought about it a bit more since and I read in Alma 48. While Amalikiah was gaining his power, Moroni was training his people to be a God fearing people. He was helping them to use the peace time to fortify the cities. He was creating a safe place for his people.
We should be placing leaders in postions that will fortify and work for us. We need to seek to be a God Fearing people. When we can accomplish that we will be able to move our families, our communities, and even our country forward into a brighter tomorrow!
The local stuff has brought a lot of conversation my way. I was talking to a friend that was telling me how taxes save programs. I understand the logic behind what he was saying but I disagee with him. We left each other with a warm smile and we were better for having had a conversation.
I thought about it a bit more since and I read in Alma 48. While Amalikiah was gaining his power, Moroni was training his people to be a God fearing people. He was helping them to use the peace time to fortify the cities. He was creating a safe place for his people.
We should be placing leaders in postions that will fortify and work for us. We need to seek to be a God Fearing people. When we can accomplish that we will be able to move our families, our communities, and even our country forward into a brighter tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
They Watch and Wait
When I was a scout we did a lot of camping. For me my favorite part of these trips, was the night games; particularly the game called "Capture the Flag."
This game included many people working together for a common goal. To get the other teams flag. I was usually the watch man that stayed back and guarded the flag and the prisoners. I also alerted the others when people were invading.
One of my friends was exceptionally good at just lying in the grass waiting for others to come across. He watched carefully and patiently and watched the other team at times just walk right by him. He brought many in who would get brave and try to beat him at his same game. He always seemed to me to have night vision or some extra help.
Part of the reason that I was always stuck in the back with the flag is because I could not be patient enough to sneak in. I was always the one who got caught first. So, I was of better use at our jail than being in jail.
Satan, is watching us. He is seeking to make us his. He lurks in the grass and springs on us when we have lowered our defenses. He seeks for ways that will chip away at our exterior. If we are not careful and fail to repair what has been damaged we will loose what has been built up.
We have been promised that those who seek to put the work of the Lord first will be built up. The Lord will strengthen us and we will be able to withstand those blows of the adversary. Likewise those who seek evil and call evil good will be thrashed and destroyed by the Father.
Now is the time for us to rise up and call on the Father to save us. Put off the adversary, and seek to be obedient to the mind and will of God.
Just as in the game there has to be someone guarding the home front, continually watching. We must be ever vigilant of that one lurking in the grass studying and searching out ways to claim you, as his prey. When it gets to hard to bear know that you can call in reinforcements to help comfort and guide through the turbulence!
This game included many people working together for a common goal. To get the other teams flag. I was usually the watch man that stayed back and guarded the flag and the prisoners. I also alerted the others when people were invading.
One of my friends was exceptionally good at just lying in the grass waiting for others to come across. He watched carefully and patiently and watched the other team at times just walk right by him. He brought many in who would get brave and try to beat him at his same game. He always seemed to me to have night vision or some extra help.
Part of the reason that I was always stuck in the back with the flag is because I could not be patient enough to sneak in. I was always the one who got caught first. So, I was of better use at our jail than being in jail.
Satan, is watching us. He is seeking to make us his. He lurks in the grass and springs on us when we have lowered our defenses. He seeks for ways that will chip away at our exterior. If we are not careful and fail to repair what has been damaged we will loose what has been built up.
We have been promised that those who seek to put the work of the Lord first will be built up. The Lord will strengthen us and we will be able to withstand those blows of the adversary. Likewise those who seek evil and call evil good will be thrashed and destroyed by the Father.
Now is the time for us to rise up and call on the Father to save us. Put off the adversary, and seek to be obedient to the mind and will of God.
Just as in the game there has to be someone guarding the home front, continually watching. We must be ever vigilant of that one lurking in the grass studying and searching out ways to claim you, as his prey. When it gets to hard to bear know that you can call in reinforcements to help comfort and guide through the turbulence!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Watch yourself
Ever since I was a young boy, I have been told to be careful, to watch out of this or that. My parents were the first to tell me this. they made sure that my needs were met. They saw to it that when a correction needed made they let me know. (Typically, by warming my backside.) There have been many who have been there to make sure that I, at the very least, towed the line.
Each one of these people have touched my life. They have made sure that I have found the right way. Sometimes it may seem that I have stumbled on to what was so clearly in front of me. I will be forever grateful to those who have made me....well, me!
We must be willing to allow those around us to help us. Leaders, are in place that are called to guide and mold us. Nehemiah taught that we need to only allow the gates to be open when the sun is hot and when the night comes bar up the doors and set a watch.
There are times when we must help others. There are also times when we must allow our leaders to help us. Today we must work together to fight off the advances of the adversary. We must bar up our hearts and watch. Watch through the long night and rely on what we know is true!
When Christ was in the garden he came out to find his apostles sleeping. He asked them; if they could not watch. Even the strong can be affected. If we fail to watch Satan wins. He seeks to have us his. We must be watchful and pray for others to strengthen; and that can strengthen us!!
Each one of these people have touched my life. They have made sure that I have found the right way. Sometimes it may seem that I have stumbled on to what was so clearly in front of me. I will be forever grateful to those who have made me....well, me!
We must be willing to allow those around us to help us. Leaders, are in place that are called to guide and mold us. Nehemiah taught that we need to only allow the gates to be open when the sun is hot and when the night comes bar up the doors and set a watch.
There are times when we must help others. There are also times when we must allow our leaders to help us. Today we must work together to fight off the advances of the adversary. We must bar up our hearts and watch. Watch through the long night and rely on what we know is true!
When Christ was in the garden he came out to find his apostles sleeping. He asked them; if they could not watch. Even the strong can be affected. If we fail to watch Satan wins. He seeks to have us his. We must be watchful and pray for others to strengthen; and that can strengthen us!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I thought many times this week about how my own prayers have been going. How I felt about my relationship with my Savior. There have been some very choice experiences as I have learned about prayer, this week.
I have a new respect for taking time alone. I have recognized the need for finding and preparing a place that I could go to and spend time with my Father. How I love that time. I have learned this week to make that time meaningful. I watched this week as my son; (who has seen me pray at the couch kneeling in the front room.) used the same spot to say his personal prayers.
I have come to know how important it is to follow those promptings to help others. I so enjoy serving others. It allows me the privilege to forget my own woes and help someone else. Even if that help comes in the form of communication. I have a friend who is always in some kind of crisis. I know, I know you could probably put me in this category. However, This friend just needed someone to talk to. they needed to feel validated and to feel hope. I prayed the whole time that I was talking to him that I would say something that might help him. The thoughts came quick. I was talking and I was able to echo the voice of the spirit.
Tonight, I had a truth hit me hard. I learned this equation:
I have a new respect for taking time alone. I have recognized the need for finding and preparing a place that I could go to and spend time with my Father. How I love that time. I have learned this week to make that time meaningful. I watched this week as my son; (who has seen me pray at the couch kneeling in the front room.) used the same spot to say his personal prayers.
I have come to know how important it is to follow those promptings to help others. I so enjoy serving others. It allows me the privilege to forget my own woes and help someone else. Even if that help comes in the form of communication. I have a friend who is always in some kind of crisis. I know, I know you could probably put me in this category. However, This friend just needed someone to talk to. they needed to feel validated and to feel hope. I prayed the whole time that I was talking to him that I would say something that might help him. The thoughts came quick. I was talking and I was able to echo the voice of the spirit.
Tonight, I had a truth hit me hard. I learned this equation:
Repentance + Prayer + Obedience = The ability to see the face of God
The verse goes on to say that not only will we be able to see him we will be able to recognize him. We will know him. What a great promise. If we will exercise our agency with these simple concepts we will be welcomed into the presence of the father.
How grateful I am for parents that taught me to pray. They taught me from a young age to be very comfortable in talking to a kind, loving God.
I know that prayers are answered. Often they are not the way in which we want. They are however answered in a time and place of our needs.
Seek the father
Take time to seek the Father. Learn about him. There is much we can glean from what the scriptures tell us. Seek that spirit that will guide us on our journey here below.
We can do that by reading.
But we seek him through Prayer. We come to him. We bring our cares, our likes, dislikes passions, to him. Through prayer we are able to act on our behalf to invite the presence of the Lord.
It prayer that is an outward demonstration of our faith and committment. It shows the father where he stands in our lives. Each of us has a breaking point as to what we will and will not do.
It is through this thing called faith that starts us building that relationship.

We can do that by reading.
But we seek him through Prayer. We come to him. We bring our cares, our likes, dislikes passions, to him. Through prayer we are able to act on our behalf to invite the presence of the Lord.
It prayer that is an outward demonstration of our faith and committment. It shows the father where he stands in our lives. Each of us has a breaking point as to what we will and will not do.
It is through this thing called faith that starts us building that relationship.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Building a relationship with God
I have many favorites when it comes to songs from the children's song book. One of those being the song "Search, Ponder, and Pray." I love this song because it tells us what we must do to build a relationship with our Father. In very simple terms we can see very clearly a well marked path. Heavenly Father loves us. Because of that great love he allows us the privilllage to come to him on our terms. We have to take that leap of faith and come to him in prayer. For some that may seem a hard thing. Why do I have to seemingly talk to myself? Why do I have to ask? Didn't he talk to Paul and Alma?
He wants us to act in faith. He will not force himself to us. I have recently come to enjoy a new hymn that I did not know. It is called "Know This That Every Soul Is Free" the song repeats in different ways the idea that God will force no man to heaven. He wants us all there. However, we must do somethings first.
First, we need to recognize that we need him. We need to prepare ourselves and come to him. By pouring out our hearts to him we show our willingness to be taught.
John Bytheway said "If you want to talk to God, pray. If you want God to talk to you, read your scriptures."
God helps us understand as we are willing to seek his word. The scriptures are the rod of iron that guides to the tree of life. The fruit thereof is truly exquisite. They bring light and life. I love coming to recognize the voice of the Lord as I am seaching his word.
Finally, Once we have gotten started down this path now we must put into action the things that we have learned. Heavenly Father holds us accountable for the knowledge that we recieve. act on what you hold to be true. Take time to sincerly ponder on the things of the spirit.
He wants us to act in faith. He will not force himself to us. I have recently come to enjoy a new hymn that I did not know. It is called "Know This That Every Soul Is Free" the song repeats in different ways the idea that God will force no man to heaven. He wants us all there. However, we must do somethings first.
First, we need to recognize that we need him. We need to prepare ourselves and come to him. By pouring out our hearts to him we show our willingness to be taught.
John Bytheway said "If you want to talk to God, pray. If you want God to talk to you, read your scriptures."
God helps us understand as we are willing to seek his word. The scriptures are the rod of iron that guides to the tree of life. The fruit thereof is truly exquisite. They bring light and life. I love coming to recognize the voice of the Lord as I am seaching his word.
Finally, Once we have gotten started down this path now we must put into action the things that we have learned. Heavenly Father holds us accountable for the knowledge that we recieve. act on what you hold to be true. Take time to sincerly ponder on the things of the spirit.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Pray for ..........
Each one of us at different times and reasons wander. Each of us need direction. Each of us must learn to feel and to recognize the source of that spirit. The only way that we will be able to feel that is to pray.
It is during these hard times that we need to pray for Strength. Ask for the ability to make it through to a new day. Sometimes that is all we can do. Endure we must to see our way back to our heavenly home.
I have two kids, who have recieved the Grandmothers curse that they become exactly like me. They ask questions all the time. Why is this? Why is that? Beware of tuning out that innocent question. That answer to their question may just be the thing that lights them on fire. Through questions we gain knowledge. It is through gaining knowledge we grow to understand the plan that our Father has for us. Pray for the ability to ask questions. Make your life a persuit of knowledge. When we quit learning we are no longer living. Find the new, in everything you do!
In our society today there are many who need help. Many who are crying out for guidence. Many who have left that iron rod and need a hand back. I recieved a call from a friend the other day. He told me of a mutual friend who had been doing some "research" and found "inconsistancies" and that he had to leave the church. It shook his testimony right to the core. My friend that called me asked me to call our friend. He said that he really needed someone who had the knowledge. I told him that I could not do anything more than what he had already done. Bare testimony and Pray for him. We agreed to fast together for our friend. I went to the temple fasting. I put our friend on the temple roles. The thought came to me that our friend knew what was right. and although he might wander he would eventually come back. I have not talked to this friend, since I heard the news. I know that many prayers are being sent to heaven for this brother. I know that prayer has power and it is the spirit that will touch the heart and bring him back. I just need to be the instrument for the Lord to do a great work.
It is during these hard times that we need to pray for Strength. Ask for the ability to make it through to a new day. Sometimes that is all we can do. Endure we must to see our way back to our heavenly home.
I have two kids, who have recieved the Grandmothers curse that they become exactly like me. They ask questions all the time. Why is this? Why is that? Beware of tuning out that innocent question. That answer to their question may just be the thing that lights them on fire. Through questions we gain knowledge. It is through gaining knowledge we grow to understand the plan that our Father has for us. Pray for the ability to ask questions. Make your life a persuit of knowledge. When we quit learning we are no longer living. Find the new, in everything you do!
In our society today there are many who need help. Many who are crying out for guidence. Many who have left that iron rod and need a hand back. I recieved a call from a friend the other day. He told me of a mutual friend who had been doing some "research" and found "inconsistancies" and that he had to leave the church. It shook his testimony right to the core. My friend that called me asked me to call our friend. He said that he really needed someone who had the knowledge. I told him that I could not do anything more than what he had already done. Bare testimony and Pray for him. We agreed to fast together for our friend. I went to the temple fasting. I put our friend on the temple roles. The thought came to me that our friend knew what was right. and although he might wander he would eventually come back. I have not talked to this friend, since I heard the news. I know that many prayers are being sent to heaven for this brother. I know that prayer has power and it is the spirit that will touch the heart and bring him back. I just need to be the instrument for the Lord to do a great work.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Make yourself a place
Turn off the world!!!
Make time for the Lord. The scriptures are full of people who cried unto the Lord. Before they called on him they made themselves a place to pray. They prepared themselves. They prepared their surroundings to receive guidance from above.
Abram said that he made an alter and called upon God.
Nephi was commanded to get up into the Mountain.
We have been commanded to enter into our closets and offer up alms to the Lord.
The place may be different for each of us. The point being is that we find that place where we can tune out the world and allow the spirit to work on us. A place where we can come and offer up the thoughts and feelings of our hearts. That place could be as simple as our closet, a shower, a car, the office at work. We must find that place!
We must prepare ourselves for that time spent with our father. Come to him with questions. Alma said that he wrestled with the Lord in mighty prayer for those he was trying to teach. Make lists that will help you remember what you are wanting to convey. Seek not to be repetitious but pour out your soul. You can not do that in a place that you or those around you might be distracted.
Have joy in the time you have.
I know that that prayer is real. It is through prayer that a deep relationship is formed that will bring us back into the presence of the Father
Make time for the Lord. The scriptures are full of people who cried unto the Lord. Before they called on him they made themselves a place to pray. They prepared themselves. They prepared their surroundings to receive guidance from above.
Abram said that he made an alter and called upon God.
Nephi was commanded to get up into the Mountain.
We have been commanded to enter into our closets and offer up alms to the Lord.
The place may be different for each of us. The point being is that we find that place where we can tune out the world and allow the spirit to work on us. A place where we can come and offer up the thoughts and feelings of our hearts. That place could be as simple as our closet, a shower, a car, the office at work. We must find that place!
We must prepare ourselves for that time spent with our father. Come to him with questions. Alma said that he wrestled with the Lord in mighty prayer for those he was trying to teach. Make lists that will help you remember what you are wanting to convey. Seek not to be repetitious but pour out your soul. You can not do that in a place that you or those around you might be distracted.
Have joy in the time you have.
I know that that prayer is real. It is through prayer that a deep relationship is formed that will bring us back into the presence of the Father
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Power of Prayer
I filled out a worksheet one time that had the question on it: Where are your prayers? The idea was showing you, where you felt you were with your relationship with the father. A few of the sample questions were. What do you talk about in your prayers? Do you have an attitude of gratitude?(to steal a line from President Monson) After answering a series of questions you could see how they lined up on a graph in a bulls eye pattern. By the way they lined up showed how much faith you had and if you had sincere, meaningful conversations with the Father.
I liked the idea behind the graph. It was a tool to ask oneself how is their relationship is with the father. To look within and ask those simple questions. Everyone now and again needs that opportunity to self evaluate. To progress forward to be a little bit better. To stretch and pull. that is what this life is all about. Making ourselves better.
The only way that we can make ourselves better is, to seek the will of the father. Sincere, honest, prayer helps us to develop a relationship with our Heavenly Father.
My parents for years had a picture on their wall of Christ standing at the door knocking. He will not force himself upon us. Oh, how he longs for us to open that door and let him in. Allow him to be a part of our lives.
Through our acknowledgement of a need for constant nourishment we are showing our willingness to be humble. We show that we realize that we cannot do it all on our own. Prayer is that conduit that allows us to develop a sincere relationship with the Father. He knows what we need before we ask of him. However, we must be willing to ask. We must be willing to put forth an effort.
I testify that prayers are answered. I know that you can develop a personal relationship with the Savior through prayer. I know that the blessings of prayer bring great power. Through sincere, meaningful prayer our families with have the power to crush the fiery darts of the adversary!
I liked the idea behind the graph. It was a tool to ask oneself how is their relationship is with the father. To look within and ask those simple questions. Everyone now and again needs that opportunity to self evaluate. To progress forward to be a little bit better. To stretch and pull. that is what this life is all about. Making ourselves better.
The only way that we can make ourselves better is, to seek the will of the father. Sincere, honest, prayer helps us to develop a relationship with our Heavenly Father.
My parents for years had a picture on their wall of Christ standing at the door knocking. He will not force himself upon us. Oh, how he longs for us to open that door and let him in. Allow him to be a part of our lives.
Through our acknowledgement of a need for constant nourishment we are showing our willingness to be humble. We show that we realize that we cannot do it all on our own. Prayer is that conduit that allows us to develop a sincere relationship with the Father. He knows what we need before we ask of him. However, we must be willing to ask. We must be willing to put forth an effort.
I testify that prayers are answered. I know that you can develop a personal relationship with the Savior through prayer. I know that the blessings of prayer bring great power. Through sincere, meaningful prayer our families with have the power to crush the fiery darts of the adversary!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Power of Scripture
I once herd a story of a man who was seeking great treasure. He searched high he searched low but never could find enough to satisfy his needs. He gave up every earthly possession that had any value. He wanted to find the treasure that would bring him fantastic wealth, happiness beyond measure and with them love that was unquenchable. He would travel on a whim to find that diamond in the rough. When he got to the place. The picture was the same. There was something rare and worth much money. He could buy momentary pleasure but not what he really needed. So he would set off on his journey with his few possessions to find that treasure. He carried a change of clothes a Bible and a pad of paper. Little did he know that he carried the greatest treasure known to mankind. The word of God!
The scriptures have within their pages the power to change lives. I remember as a youth reading with my Dad. We did not read everyday but when we did he brought the pages to life. He wanted to share with us the lessons he learned. My parents instilled in me at a young age to love the stories of Jesus. There was a book that my Brother and I loved called Bible Stories. I was about 250 pages long but we loved the stories of Christ. We loved the pictures that told that story.
Today I liken the words unto me. I love the messages of hope inspiration and the invitation to come unto Christ. That is what the scriptures do they teach lessons that I would get in no other place. they teach the way to eternal happiness, to the greatest treasure known to man. They lead the sinner to change and become like Jesus.
I feel very blessed to be close to by Father as I read. The scriptures literally help us come to know the voice of the Father. We come to recognize his will for us. We find the eternal rewards for following that voice.
A seminary teacher once told me to be on R.E.D. A.L.E.R.T. : Read Every Day And Learn Every Rightous Thing.
The scriptures have within their pages the power to change lives. I remember as a youth reading with my Dad. We did not read everyday but when we did he brought the pages to life. He wanted to share with us the lessons he learned. My parents instilled in me at a young age to love the stories of Jesus. There was a book that my Brother and I loved called Bible Stories. I was about 250 pages long but we loved the stories of Christ. We loved the pictures that told that story.
Today I liken the words unto me. I love the messages of hope inspiration and the invitation to come unto Christ. That is what the scriptures do they teach lessons that I would get in no other place. they teach the way to eternal happiness, to the greatest treasure known to man. They lead the sinner to change and become like Jesus.
I feel very blessed to be close to by Father as I read. The scriptures literally help us come to know the voice of the Father. We come to recognize his will for us. We find the eternal rewards for following that voice.
A seminary teacher once told me to be on R.E.D. A.L.E.R.T. : Read Every Day And Learn Every Rightous Thing.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Stand up for family
Everywhere we look we can see the family being assaulted. From the media that we bring to our home, the numerous activities calling for our attention.
Satan is working around the clock to claim families. If he can claim just a fraction of a hold on a family he thinks he has an ability to cash in. His goal is for us to not experience happiness.
The times when I have experienced pure joy have been with my family. When my children were born, nothing can prepare you for that moment when that child enters your home. Everything changes, you desire to give them everything. The desire to protect and teach and nurture is instant.
I remember when my daughter was born. I was so excited to be a Dad. I was not excited to change diapers but we dealt with that. One day I was driving in the mall parking lot after she had been born. I thought I needed to be just a little bit more careful with her in the car. My wife asked me why I was driving so slow. I told her that I wanted to protect the baby. (I have since learned that it is ok to drive normal.)
If we are not willing to take care of these little ones, the world will! The way of the world is bumpy and tumultuous. Slowly but surely it will be a slow road to destruction for body and soul!
The Nephites were willing to fight to defend their families and their freedoms. So, many of us are stepping back and allowing others to dictate how we are running our homes. They tell us how to think......IN OUR OWN HOMES.
Now is the time to arm our youth. The arming of our youth needs to be with the full armor of God. I am not advocating violence. As a matter of fact I believe that the worlds weapons will never conquor the spiritual Armor of God: Your loins girt about with truth,The sheild of faith, The breastplate of rightousness, feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit.
Stand up and say enough is enough and take the reigns of our homes. No longer will be slaves to a world that is wicked and slow to remember the Lord.
It is time to call our neighbors to action. Arm yourself with the spirit of God! Seek to build up a Zion people!!!!
Satan is working around the clock to claim families. If he can claim just a fraction of a hold on a family he thinks he has an ability to cash in. His goal is for us to not experience happiness.
The times when I have experienced pure joy have been with my family. When my children were born, nothing can prepare you for that moment when that child enters your home. Everything changes, you desire to give them everything. The desire to protect and teach and nurture is instant.
I remember when my daughter was born. I was so excited to be a Dad. I was not excited to change diapers but we dealt with that. One day I was driving in the mall parking lot after she had been born. I thought I needed to be just a little bit more careful with her in the car. My wife asked me why I was driving so slow. I told her that I wanted to protect the baby. (I have since learned that it is ok to drive normal.)
If we are not willing to take care of these little ones, the world will! The way of the world is bumpy and tumultuous. Slowly but surely it will be a slow road to destruction for body and soul!
The Nephites were willing to fight to defend their families and their freedoms. So, many of us are stepping back and allowing others to dictate how we are running our homes. They tell us how to think......IN OUR OWN HOMES.
Now is the time to arm our youth. The arming of our youth needs to be with the full armor of God. I am not advocating violence. As a matter of fact I believe that the worlds weapons will never conquor the spiritual Armor of God: Your loins girt about with truth,The sheild of faith, The breastplate of rightousness, feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit.
Stand up and say enough is enough and take the reigns of our homes. No longer will be slaves to a world that is wicked and slow to remember the Lord.
It is time to call our neighbors to action. Arm yourself with the spirit of God! Seek to build up a Zion people!!!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Stand up for the Holy Ghost
I find great strength that comes when I step back and listen for the sweet promptings of the Holy Ghost. I am so grateful for the times when I have been directed to do things in my life. Sometimes it has been things that I might not have wanted to do but things that I have needed to do.
I am ever grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knew that we needed that help. Before Christ was ready to take on the atonement he promised us,
"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
When I think of a comforter, I think of a nice warm blanket that I can be comfortable in. In this day and age we need that. We need the ability to feel comfortable. We need to feel that the things that we are doing are manageable. The Holy Ghost gives us this confidence. It may not be easy but with help we are able to face the tough times.
Today, there is more and more shutting out the spirit than allowing it to work in our lives. As men we must have that guidance to help guide our families and help others find their way. We must be willing to turn off and tune in.
I am ever grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knew that we needed that help. Before Christ was ready to take on the atonement he promised us,
"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
When I think of a comforter, I think of a nice warm blanket that I can be comfortable in. In this day and age we need that. We need the ability to feel comfortable. We need to feel that the things that we are doing are manageable. The Holy Ghost gives us this confidence. It may not be easy but with help we are able to face the tough times.
Today, there is more and more shutting out the spirit than allowing it to work in our lives. As men we must have that guidance to help guide our families and help others find their way. We must be willing to turn off and tune in.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Stand up for Baptism
The greatest day of my childhood was the day I got baptized. My parents joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints a few short months before I turned 8. I rememeber the faces smiling back at me as I came up out of the water. I remember being told how my friend Billy and I were the cleanest members of the church. (We had gotten baptized the same day.) I remember thinking that it was a good thing to have been Baptized.
Twenty seven years have passed since that day in March. I still feel the same way I did then. It was a good thing to be baptized.
That day I started on a road back to my Heavenly Father. To get back to him all of us have to start there. That gate is called baptism. Following the Savior, the example he set for us to be obedient and be baptized that we might come to him.
This thing called baptism is not just something that we do. It really means something. We are outwardly showing that we want to follow the Savior. We show that we are willing to put off the natural man and become more like our elder brother.
To be baptized is symbolic of the death, burial and resurrection of the Savior. Quite literally we are putting to rest the evil. then we are raised to a new life. We are exercising our faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Paul taught "Why tarriest thou" if you know you should be baptized... why aren't you? Alma the Elder taught at the Waters of Mormon.
"8 And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;
9 Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witneese of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—
10 Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?
The great thing is that this is where it all begins. This is where it all starts to count. We become responsible for repenting and coming closer to Our Father.
Twenty seven years have passed since that day in March. I still feel the same way I did then. It was a good thing to be baptized.
That day I started on a road back to my Heavenly Father. To get back to him all of us have to start there. That gate is called baptism. Following the Savior, the example he set for us to be obedient and be baptized that we might come to him.
This thing called baptism is not just something that we do. It really means something. We are outwardly showing that we want to follow the Savior. We show that we are willing to put off the natural man and become more like our elder brother.
To be baptized is symbolic of the death, burial and resurrection of the Savior. Quite literally we are putting to rest the evil. then we are raised to a new life. We are exercising our faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Paul taught "Why tarriest thou" if you know you should be baptized... why aren't you? Alma the Elder taught at the Waters of Mormon.
"8 And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;
9 Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witneese of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—
10 Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?
The great thing is that this is where it all begins. This is where it all starts to count. We become responsible for repenting and coming closer to Our Father.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Stand up for Repentance
There was a young man who was loud, irreverent and in every sense past feeling. He had a bright smile. For the most part though he was not trustworthy. He had many problems in school and at home. Many people in the church he attended avoided him. They sought to exclude him. Good leadership and lots of prayer got him out on a mission and he was gone from his home ward for two years.
While gone for the two years the young man had changed. He had become a servant of God. He had the spirit. The once boisterous boy had become a very humble man.
When, he returned the congregation only remembered the boy who had gone. They treated him as if he were the boy. They were unable to see the man he had become. He left the ward and became inactive with his faith. He had few that showed interest in his change.
We must must allow others the privilege of repentance.We need that oppertunity daily to plead for forgiveness from our Heavenly Father. Each of us make mistakes and fall short of the glory of God.
Satan works on each of us in different ways. As long as he succeeds he doesn't care how he got there. He just cares that he has. He is working around the clock to claim each of us as his.
The power of the Atonement saves us from our mistakes. If we put our faith in Christ, utilize his perfect atonement and repent. We are then able to come into the presence of the father.
How great the wisdom and the love!!!!
While gone for the two years the young man had changed. He had become a servant of God. He had the spirit. The once boisterous boy had become a very humble man.
When, he returned the congregation only remembered the boy who had gone. They treated him as if he were the boy. They were unable to see the man he had become. He left the ward and became inactive with his faith. He had few that showed interest in his change.
We must must allow others the privilege of repentance.We need that oppertunity daily to plead for forgiveness from our Heavenly Father. Each of us make mistakes and fall short of the glory of God.
Satan works on each of us in different ways. As long as he succeeds he doesn't care how he got there. He just cares that he has. He is working around the clock to claim each of us as his.
The power of the Atonement saves us from our mistakes. If we put our faith in Christ, utilize his perfect atonement and repent. We are then able to come into the presence of the father.
How great the wisdom and the love!!!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Stand up for faith
It is time to stand up! Stand up for faith!
What is Faith?
Paul writes to the Hebrews that "Faith is the Substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen."
Faith guides us to action. Without it the world would be awful depressing. We live in a time when we have to rely more and more on our Father in heaven. Christ truly brings us to the Father.
If we can believe in that and trust that sweet atonement of Christ then we have nothing to fear.
It all starts with a desire to act. A Desire to believe that there is something greater than ourselves. The prophet Alma taught to experiment with the word of God. What is the fruit of what you are learning? Does it make you a better person?
Think of the faith the woman had who just desired to touch the hem of the Savior's garment. Christ told her that her faith had made her whole.
Just think of the power that we would have if we could harness that faith. We as a group could change the world.
What is Faith?
Paul writes to the Hebrews that "Faith is the Substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen."
Faith guides us to action. Without it the world would be awful depressing. We live in a time when we have to rely more and more on our Father in heaven. Christ truly brings us to the Father.
If we can believe in that and trust that sweet atonement of Christ then we have nothing to fear.
It all starts with a desire to act. A Desire to believe that there is something greater than ourselves. The prophet Alma taught to experiment with the word of God. What is the fruit of what you are learning? Does it make you a better person?
Think of the faith the woman had who just desired to touch the hem of the Savior's garment. Christ told her that her faith had made her whole.
Just think of the power that we would have if we could harness that faith. We as a group could change the world.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Some time ago I felt a need to give a voice to the idea that we need to stand up. I have put it off. I thought what do I have to offer. Well, I have to get out of my comfort zone and just do start somewhere. So, I asked my wife what she thought of the idea. She was super excited about the idea. So, I hope that the ideas expressed here will help someone. Even if that someone is me.
It is important for the men of God to stand up and be counted. Now is the time to decide. What side of the fence are you on? There are two clearly marked sides, right and wrong.
There are to many of our sisters and children who are not seeing a rightous man stand up for the Lord. Too many are caught up in the mundane. They are focused on the worldly treasures that bring little of what really matters.So that then begs the question; What really matters?
For each, that list could be a little different. For each the first three should be the same: God, Wife, Children, and then we must look to our neighbors. What is going on around us that we can help with.
Don't ever miss an oppertunity to serve!
"who's on the Lords side who? Now is the time to show. We ask it fearlessly: who's on the Lord's side who?"
The hymn does not ask us who wants to be on the Lord's side. The chorus is asking each of us to make a conscious decision to choose where we stand. If we are looking deeper, truly it is a rally cry for all of us to step forward.
It would be very easy for us today to be negative. There is a lot to be concerned with. The news headlines of the day are almost redundant in the amount of hate and discontent that is in the world right now.
Much of the darkness that covers our world is complacency. No one wants to stand out of the crowd. Everyone wants to go with the flow. To some extint I believe that people want to do what is right....they just have a hard time knowing where to go and then do not want to be that person leading out.
Comfortable is not an option. If you are comfortable you are not growing! Now is the time to reach up and help those whose arms hang low. There are some who can only be helped by you! Will you Stand with me to help them?
It is important for the men of God to stand up and be counted. Now is the time to decide. What side of the fence are you on? There are two clearly marked sides, right and wrong.
There are to many of our sisters and children who are not seeing a rightous man stand up for the Lord. Too many are caught up in the mundane. They are focused on the worldly treasures that bring little of what really matters.So that then begs the question; What really matters?
For each, that list could be a little different. For each the first three should be the same: God, Wife, Children, and then we must look to our neighbors. What is going on around us that we can help with.
Don't ever miss an oppertunity to serve!
"who's on the Lords side who? Now is the time to show. We ask it fearlessly: who's on the Lord's side who?"
The hymn does not ask us who wants to be on the Lord's side. The chorus is asking each of us to make a conscious decision to choose where we stand. If we are looking deeper, truly it is a rally cry for all of us to step forward.
It would be very easy for us today to be negative. There is a lot to be concerned with. The news headlines of the day are almost redundant in the amount of hate and discontent that is in the world right now.
Much of the darkness that covers our world is complacency. No one wants to stand out of the crowd. Everyone wants to go with the flow. To some extint I believe that people want to do what is right....they just have a hard time knowing where to go and then do not want to be that person leading out.
Comfortable is not an option. If you are comfortable you are not growing! Now is the time to reach up and help those whose arms hang low. There are some who can only be helped by you! Will you Stand with me to help them?
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