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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Stand up

Take notice of the things all around you. There is much in our world vying for our attention. It was made clear to me at conference that there is a great need for as many people as possible to stand up. Stand tall even when it is not the most popular thing to do.

Satan is fighting hard...why aren't we! Everything he does is spent in malicious, venomous attacks that will harm  you and I. Meanwhile for the most part we are waking up Monday morning wondering how our favorite sports teams did. We are focused in on the mundane and the things that matter most are getting left behind. They are claimed as "old fashioned."

No, is the time to choose. What side are you on? How do you want to be remembered? When it comes right down to it the things that matter most...are right under your own roof. We must consecrate and consider holy the time spent with our family. We need to teach lessons that can only be taught in the home. These lessons are NOT the responsibility of the world. But left unchecked the world will teach them.

Sand up and do not be ashamed of the testimony that is in you! The spirit has borne witness to your heart. Share it! Shout it upon the rooftops. Let the world know how much you care.

Monday, October 3, 2011

October Conference

Wasn't conference awesome!!! My batteries were recharged and I feel prodded to be better. For me this conference taught me the basics. Have faith, repent, read my scriptures and just open your mouth. I loved Elder Holland's message to the priesthood. In a word AMAZING!

It was my son's first time to go with me to the priesthood session. I kept telling him that they were speaking to him. I could not help but think it is time to stand up, stand out and be happy.

We are at war. That was made very clear to me. We have casualties of that war all around us. It is our job to be savior's on mount Zion. We are to be ever vigilant and help where we can. Serve our fellow man to the best of our ability and then strive to be and do a little more. Lengthen our stride.

I needed this time to feel the spirit and to put things into perspective. That is what conference did for me. Some specific thoughts that were directed to me:  time management and never neglecting my family. The greatest treasure in my life is my sweet wife. She makes me push forward. she is my rock. I am sooooo grateful for her and the effort she gives day in and day out! My children also need me to be a blaring example of what is right and good. In a crazy, spun out of control world, it is ever important to be there to be the first line of defense. There is only one thing that will stand out louder than words and that is action.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


To be meek is to show great strength, while still being humble, teachable. It is showing a willingness that you will do what is right no matter the cost. It is standing up when others are sitting down. It is seeking truth amidst the mud and the muck of the modern world. It is defending righteousness even though it might not be the most popular. The meek are obedient!

When Moses was called to be a prophet the Leviticus 26:41 tells us that he was more meek than anyone else on the earth. Moses did not think himself to be special. He knew what was expected and he went and did what was needed. He was bold. When he needed help or had a concern he had a conversation with the Lord. Through his faith the Lord was able to answer those prayers. 

Servants of Christ represent him and teach with humility and love. Paul, taught the people of Corinth that he represented the Savior and the Father as a missionary. He taught them it was as if the God the Father or Jesus Christ were there. He was not boasting. He was helping them understand. It is teaching with Love and humility that we come to learn and understand the principles of the gospel. Have you ever noticed how our church leaders help us learn with compassion and love. I have sat in many interviews when I have been loving taught a better way to accomplish my responsibilities. I was shown what need to happen not by force, but by love. That in turn has helped me to try it in my home as I preside there. 

Those who are teachable and humble will understand the things of God and rejoice in Christ. As we are meek we come to another level of understanding. We put into action the lessons taught. We seek to be better.In this pursuit we find peace. We seek in fact to be as Christ, perfect in all things.

Part of this things called meekness is learning. President Uchdorf in a recent Friend article taught that for Latter Day Saints learning is a commandment. Everyday, every minute our minds need not be idle. this life is a time to learn all we can. Gain as much education as you can. Learn from all you do. Ask yourself what can I learn from this (whatever this is).

As we walk with that attitude of learning we will develop talents that will give us experience to make it through the next challenge. The things that we develop help us on our journey here on earth. Not only do they bless our lives but the lives of others. We are able to be instruments in the lives of others.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Atonement to me....

I was in caught in traffic going over the mountain pass today. The workers had traffic down to a one way road  causing a 45 minute wait. As I sat there I went to my phone to find something to read. I read Elder C Scott Grow's talk form April Conference. I felt the spirit so strong I started to weep and sat the phone down. I thought about the Atonement and what in means to me. I thought about how far reaching the Atonement is. Then I thought about how it is apart of everything that we do. It was a small moment that I had, but I came home and recommitted myself to share my thoughts more here. 

To me the Atonement is the vehicle that the Savior has given us to return home to live with him. It seems to me as though the Savior has said to me "I know you, and I know you need help. I give it freely!" Many times I have thought how is that possible. Or why would he do that for me. When I ask myself those questions the only answer I can come up with is that he loves me! That means that he knows me! He wants me to succeed. And wants to insure that I have the help when I need it. It is not a matter of if I need it. It is when I need his help. I know that when I need help he is there to carry my load. The Atonement gives me hope to keep going amongst the craziness of  life. The Atonement provides light during the darkness of trial. 

He saw to it that not one soul would be lost as long as we turn to him. The Lord does not turn his back on us. Everyone of us is important to our father, so also to the Son. With that in mind everything that we do has something to do with the Atonement. The Atonement of Jesus Christ reaches everything temporal and spiritual. It is up to us to find the lessons that can be learned and take them into our lives.

He paid the price for my short comings. 

He marked a path and all he asks is that we follow him. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


There once was a man who owned a shipping company. He recieved daily shipments from all over the world. He had a man who was retiring who had been an incredible asset to him. Knowing that it would be very hard to vfind someone just like him he went in search of two to accomplish the task.
One day his oldest son, Alan came to the owner and asked his father for some work. The owner told him that he did have an opening and put the young man to work on the docks doing inventory. The days turned to weeks and the son was working out so well that he asked another of his sons to help out to even out thre work load. The other son Steve agreed and he came to work. At first all was well both brothers worked side by side. They talked of little but liked working together. Both brothers were being paid the same rate and were doing great. Six months past and Alan came back from lunch one day with a grin so wide and a spring to his step. Steve asked what he was so excited about. Then Alan replied that he had just recieved a large wage increase. That he was able to get his needs met just that much more quickly.  Steve just smiled and went about his work. At the end of the work day he went to his father and asked about why Alan had recieved a raise and he had not. The father replied that Alan had been doing a really good job. Feeling the rage Steve responded; "what does he do that I do not." "Well..."  The father started. "Let me answer your question with a question. What do you see, in these invoices."  He handed the invoices to Steve. Steve rifled through the stack. He told his father that the invoices had all the information and the amout of product in each box. The father looked at him and said "now go verify the order." That was his job look at the invoice and make sure that what was there was really there. So Steve walked out to the dock. Muttering all the while and fretting about the days events. About 20 minutes later Steve was back in his fathers office. He handed the manifest to his father. He looked at it and complimented the work that his son had performed. After looking at the work and evaluating the effort put forth by his son he gave him another manifest. This one was completed. The father asked what do you notice about this invoice? Other than the fact that it was completed by your Brother. Steve scanned the documents and started to recognize a pattern. Each item had been accounted for. Each box opened and attention to detail was made with each box on the manifest. He had actually made the effort to make sure that what the manifest said was there, was there. His goal was not to loose the company any profit because of a misaccounting. He had been perfect in all he did for his father. Steve looked at the papers, then back at his father and whispered I understand. He hung his head low and retreated from the office knowing what he had to do to be worthy of a raise.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rightous Living

Every day we have the opportunity to choose the right. The beauty of the gospel is that we have that opportunity. The privilege and right to choose is among the greatest of all blessings that we have during our earth life. 
Along with it being a blessing it is our responsibility to make choices that are in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Choosing to follow the savior means to seek his will in all things. It means taking the time to make sure your testimony is intact daily. It means that we are continuously asking ourselves what we could do to be better.
Taking upon ourselves this responsibility prepares us for when the trials of life beat down upon us. At these times we find a peace in knowing that the decisions that are crucial have already been made. We can be sure not to stray from the path that leads us to eternal life.
Learning to know who the Savior is comes with daily prayer and scripture study. Daily prayer, brings us the opportunity to talk with our heavenly father. We humble ourselves to ask for help and express our heartfelt thanks for the blessings that are ours. The scriptures provide a means for the Father to speak to your heart and mind. Scriptures provide us with examples and offer a clear understanding for us to accomplish the things that we are asked to do.
Righteous living can be summed up in living the primary hymn “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus.”  We must be ever watchful that we are living to be like the Savior.  Striving daily to be like the Savior will not only bless our own lives, but it allows us the opportunity and desire to serve others.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Humble Followers of Christ

Where do you see yourself? How do you see yourself? Do you look for opportunities to serve? Do you have the   desire to choose the right?
Daily inspection of self is needed to ensure that pride is not edging its nose into the tent as it were. Pride is one of those things that comes on little by little until it has ensnared you and weighed you down. It is just like the man who was camping. He set up his tent and got out of the elements to shelter him from the cold. When the camel poked his head in from out in the cold and asked if he could just put the tip of his nose in and the man allowed him. Soon it was his head, then his shoulders then half of his body and then the man was out of the tent because the camel was left inside.
Humilty is not drawing attention to yourself. Seeking to be of service. The humble follower of Christ is the quiet countless acts of service. Those who seek to serve others over himself. It is trying hard to follow the example of Christ that we are blessed. We are able to find happiness and peace and work hard at performing an extraordinary work.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Moroni 7:45-47
45And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
 46Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—
 47But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

Tom, was a young man who was a little rough around the edges, to put it mildly. He wanted so badly to be liked and accepted and yet everyone could not understand him. He was a nerd.  No matter how you slice it the kid was awkward. Everything he did had to be followed up with because even his best work left much to be desired. There was no one who wanted to work with him. If his name was tied to theirs then it would be social suicide.
Ben moved in next door to Tom. Ben could see that what Tom really needed was a friend. Sure he was a little rough and sure he was awkward. Overall he was a nice guy that had feelings too. So Ben decided to be his friend.
At first Ben felt like he had bit off more than he could chew. There was no way that he could get the Tom to stop acting like ….. well, Tom. He was socially retarded and could not appreciate the help others were trying to provide.
Ben kept at it. Many asked him why he kept trying to get Tom to do certain things. Why he didn’t allow Tom to bother him. His answer came always quick and clear. “He’s my Brother.” people would shake their heads an walk away.
Even when it is hard we have to persevere through the hard times to reap the fruits of a lesson learned. Sometimes the lesson may never be learned. In this case our backs should never be turned from those we are striving to serve. What if the whole world had the attitude of, “he’s my brother.” The world would be a much better place. We should be willing to work hard to attain such an attitude. How important it is for us to be willing to suffer all we have to invite others into our circle, put an arm around them and help them feel good.
Throughout this process of learning and working together we need to remember that our attitudes, good attitudes go a long way. Seek the good in everyone and everything.  People are more apt to try your way of thinking when they feel loved. Being kind is a fruit of expressing charity.
Don’t worry about what others are doing. Worry about yourself.  (Isn’t that what your Mom used to say.) Don’t worry about what you don’t have. Focus on your talents and make them better. To many people focus on the  things that are beyond their control. They get offended and find that they are off that course that leads back home. What you are doing and the path you are walking is what makes us unique.
Focusing on what you are doing, does not mean to build yourself up. It does not mean to be prideful. I mean to have your focus on centering your life around the Savior.
Seek the good things. It is amazing how your perspective changes when you are looking for the good in everything.  Surrounding yourself with good things helps you to avoid even the appearance of evil.
We have to live in this world. We do not have to participate in everything that it has to offer. Set a course and plough through. Seek the guidance of the spirit and you will be blessed with happiness, joy and a peace to see your way through the trials that life throws at you.
Evil, is just part of living at this very special time in history. Coming to know Christ and feeling his love, helps you know the way to go. That special guidance will help you avoid evil. We must be able to identify evil. Recognize the very cunning enticing of the evil one. Then, run the opposite way!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Salvation: The great work that must be done!

Never at any time in history has it been more exciting. We have more technology than just 20 years ago we could have dreamed of. We are seeing the dreams of many become realized. We are also seeing What Moses saw as a faithless generation. No other time in history has it been of more import to be engaged in the work of Salvation.

Each of us must respond to those in distress. Many stand in need of rescue. They are lost in a wilderness of dross. This world is full of the distracting sloth that Satan stands at the helm. The world leads many in the ways of seeking riches and things that will satisfy the moment but never do they satisfy the eternal nature of things. In fact they dull the senses and as Nephi says"Satan, carefully  drags you down to Hell!

Our call is watch over all who stand in need of comfort. To be there when times are bleak. To build each other up not tear anyone down. There are those who want even need us to sit and listen. There are times when just sitting in a friends home listening to the what he has to say, prove to be the testimony builder that they need.

We never can truly know how much of an effect we will have on another. The great feelings that swell inside because you were willing to share. From a smile to a conversation it is the the things in between that rescue the lost and bring them back into the fold of God. Great will be your joy in the kingdom of my father if it so be that that you bring one soul unto him.

Bringing others to Christ is the miracle of the gospel. It changes not only them but you as well. You feel within you the spirit. You recognize the promptings and act on them. You seek the power and receive it from on high. The Lord told Joseph Smith that if you will open your mouth it would be filled.

Seek for the inspiration and the ability to carry out this wondrous work!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


The greatest bonds that we can have in this life are found in the home. It is becoming more and more important to guard our homes. The relationships that we build at home strengthen our everyday activities. We have to aware of the adversary and be one in fighting against him.

Satan knows that if he break down the family he has won. He knows that we are defenseless without each other. So, what are you doing to build unity in your home?  What are you doing to be one?

The greatest asset that I can give is my time. Spend at least 10 minutes everyday with each member of your family. The object is coming to know what they are all about. During this time you may try seeking to know their strengths and weaknesses. Doing this everyday will build them up and they will want be a little better.
As you spend time you back that up with quality activities. Doing things that teach skills and build testimonies. Working together cultivates lasting bonds that hold together through the beating storms of life.

Life is tough enough, compound it with trying to go it alone is dishearting. Heavenly father knew that we would need one another. The main reason why we were born to families is for us to experience life together. In our family we learn many lessons among which is working together. Lifting each other up win we are low.

Joy is found when we seek to be one. When we seek the Kingdom of God!!!

Seek the things of God

Everywhere we go there are evidences of our heavenly father. From things so very small, to things huge Jesus Christ is found there. We just need to learn to recognize him. It is vital to learn to focus on the things of the spirit. The learning that is needed can be found by asking yourself a series of questions.
What are my goals?
What do I focus on?
How do I view the world?
What really matters to me?
Everything that we do has to in one way or another lead us to the Master. This life is a time for us to prepare to meet God. Alma taught that we are here in a probationary state that we may learn and grow. The Savior taught that we must come unto him. We are to cast on him our every care and find shelter in within his embrace.
What are your goals? Everyone should set at least a few spiritual and temporal goals. Having goals creates an atmosphere of learning. Your willing to try new things your seeking to better yourself and your following the example of Jesus Christ. Your always striving. You are always growing in an effort to attain those goals you have set.
Each person is  different as such  your goals may not be the same as mine. The important thing is that you have them! it is so important that you set them high and self inspect often to make certain that you are on the road to attaining your aspirations.
Ask yourself, what do I focus on? What in the world excites me? What is it that gets my attention. Am I easily distracted from what I am doing?If so it is time to recognize it and discipline yourself. Focusing your attention is a huge asset to your family. Easily finding the ability to make the important decisions when it is time to make them!
How you view the world tells alot about what you care about. Recognizing the hand of the father in all things helps us see the greatness all around us. The strength of the oceans to the gentle breeze show us the hand of the father. All good things come from the father. Moroni tells us that all good things lead us to the Savior of the world, even Jesus Christ.
The last question to ask yourself is what matters most? Everything hinges on this question. If you are involved in something and you don't want to be you are not going to give one hundred percent. On the other hand if you recognize what you want and attack it you will accomplish so much more. Know that there is more than one way to skin a cat. How I would get there and how you get there are two different things. Yet in the end the same result happens. As long as you are doing your best striving to live the gospel to the best of your ability. That is all that is being asked of you !!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Enjoy Life

This life is way to short to worry all the time. In the funeral industry we call it the "FEAR." You wake up in the middle of the night worrying about the next days events. Did, I take care of this or that? What about X? Did I call that guy or gal? This way of thinking is not good. Let the things of the morrow care for themselves. Worry about here and now.

There will be enough time in the day to accomplish all we need to get done. Time allows us if we are not careful to beat ourselves up. We focus on the things we have no control over. In turn we miss out on the things that really matter.

That being said...what really matters? For everyone the amount of time spent may differ. For most the answer is God, Family, Church, Work. Fourth on the list and that is what keeps us awake at night. Granted working pays the bills and allows you to serve in the capacities the first three require of you. Ultimately, it doesn't matter.

Take time out to do the things that would strengthen you. Seek the best things in life and let everything else care for themselves!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Nothings brings as much lasting happiness, satisfaction or love as does the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is much around us to fill our time. We are easily distracted as to the mundane and thoughtlessness of the world. Fleeting passions will buoy us up for a time. It is only the message of Christ that will bring us eternal happiness.
How we feel and how we think are directly related to our testimonies. If we study the scriptures, we feel like we have accomplished something. If we seek the father in prayer, we receive answers. If we consistently seek to better ourselves, we grow stronger. If we try we are blessed.
Happiness,  is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Have you ever seen the look on someone’s face when they hear the message for the first time? Wonder, replaces pessimism. Peace fills the soul. The light seems to come on and the spirit starts to work on the soul. The power of the spirit works on the heart to turn it to the savior. The Savior reminds us “how great will be your joy in the kingdom of your father if you should bring save it be one soul unto me, and now if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me…how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me.”
Sharing the gospel is a simple and yet very hard work. The gospel message is simple, because all that is required of us is to open our mouths. The Lord tells us that if we will open our mouths, then they will be filled. Children are our best example of this. They are taught a gospel principle and they want to share it with everyone that they know.  
Matthew, a four year little boy sits on an airplane waiting to get home. So, like all little boys bored on an airplane he starts singing. He sings “I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I know who I am I know Gods plan.” In just those few short lines a testimony was shared. It melts the heart and makes his father feel good.
It is hard work because people have their free agency. They choose to hear what you have to say. Missionary work seems hard because life gets in the way. Fear overtakes us. Laziness seems to be attractive and we give in to the temptations of the easy way. We must be alert and mindful of the things of this world. These are the things that keep us from seeing our goals, spiritual or temporal to fruition.
It is obedience where we find happiness. Blessings are plentiful as we are obedient. It is like a V. While at first it may seem restrictive what you have been asked to do. As we are obedient the more freedom and access you have.
Joy comes from knowing that Christ lives. He has marked the path that will lead us to our Heavenly home. His victory over the grave provided salvation to all who come unto him and utilize the atonement.
The nephites shouted hosanna! Hosanna! To god in the highest as his son visited them. A host of angels were awaiting the Lord when the atonement was complete. The Savior crossed the viel and greeted those in the world of spirits. What joy the twelve must have felt when the Savior of the world showed himself to them.
His charge was then as it is today be of good cheer. Come unto Christ and he will give you rest. They who follow his example will find happiness. They will find prosperity both spiritually and temporally.   


Leave everything at the table

Now is the crucial 4th quarter. Bring all you have including the kitchen sink and let the adversary have it. Give everything you have got and you will win. It is so very simple, we step up and bring our "A" game.
We know that all we have will never be enough. We need some help. That help comes from a loving elder brother, even Jesus Christ. He makes it possible for us to return home.

That atonement even the victory over sin and death unlock the gates to allow us in. The atonement takes with it all of our pain. The Savior took upon him our suffering. He felt every emotion in the garden.

The reason for such an act maybe summed up in one word, love. His love for us is real! He wants us to succeed.
All that he asks of us is to follow him. To trust in him. To lay at his feet all our cares. To make our wants, desires, passions his. There is safety in coming to the God of Israel. Lasting peace can and will be yours as you come unto Christ and be perfected in him.    

Sunday, April 3, 2011

General conference Day 2

Another conference has concluded. It was a wonderful day to listen to the speakers. I have enjoyed the last two days. I have felt the spirit and feel closer to my heavenly father. How grateful I am to those who strive to know what to say, and how to say it.

Some of my highlights from today are: President Uchtdorf encouraged us to hearken to the prompting of the Holy Ghost. As we listen for the spirit we must act on those promptings. I loved the message from Elder Johnson of the Seventies talk on trials and how growth comes from the experience.

this afternoon I enjoyed Elder Robbins talk on to be vs. To Do. I am forever grateful to know they are connected but to be is greater is better that the to dos. C Scott Grow talked about the Atonement.

I am looking forward to reviewing the material from the conference.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

General Conference Day 1

What a great opportunity to be taught by apostles of the Lord. I feel so richly blessed. I am humbled to live in a day when there is a hope, an idea of what and who we are to look toward. It is a promise to a better way of life for all of us if we obey.

The conference has recharged my batteries and has given me ideas to better myself. I love that even though the speakers are some 600 miles away it feels as if they are speaking right to me. I can feel the love and concern that they have for me and my family.

President Monson announced 3 new temples in Canada, and two here in the States.

Priesthood was amazing. I feel privileged to have been in attendance. I could have worked and had a little overtime tonight. But traded to a coworker and I was fed richly. It is not a choice for me, I made the commitment to go when I was ordained a deacon. It is of great import that we honor the priesthood that has been given us!!  

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nothing Less Than The Best

Bring your “A” game. There is something to be said for the man who brings all he has. Recognize where and what your strengths are. Know what you can do and exploit those things. No one else is going to seek out the best in you. However they will spend every chance they have trying to get ahead and make a difference of themselves.  It is so important that as you are seeking to better yourself that you also recognize your weaknesses. Know that Satan is working double time as well to find out those weaknesses and exploit them himself.  Surround yourself with people who will fortify you and want you to help them and in turn they will help you.  Bringing your best means you come with a complete package; strengths and weakness.  Knowing them will keep you ahead and mindful of what is going on around you.
Smile, confidence goes along way. Even when your scared for your life the best thing you can do is smile. Smiling melts mountains of the hardest hearts. Pick yourself up and get to work. Don’t worry about yourself, seek to boost another and your troubles will be brought into perspective. The Service that we render brings us closer to the Savior.
Work hard leave nothing at the table. There is so much that is out there for us. There is much out there that can be done. There much out there that is fighting for our time. We must seek for the best things. Elder Oaks gave a talk called Good, Better, Best. Recognize what is good, better, and best.  We have to prioritize and make sure that we have the very best. We have to know our needs. We have to continue moving toward always being better!
Seek the will of God in all things. Everything we have, all that we are comes from our Heavenly Father.  Recognizing the father and including him in your decisions  plays a huge part in building and fortifying your heart and life. In all things acknowledge him and he will guide you in all things.

General Conference

It is time again!!!! I am so excited for conference. We get to hear from church leaders, feel of their warmth and compassion. For two whole days we get to sit at the feet of the prophet of God and be taught.

Tune In!!!!!

It starts Saturday at 9:00a.m.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I once saw a poster in a doctor's office that read "This Life is a test it is only a test! Had it been an actual life you would have been given clear instructions on where to go, and how to get there." while thaat made me chuckle I was thinking tonight about how much Life gets in the way. At least it seems like that sometimes.
Often I think to my self that the way I am going to make it is to just give up. I feel like life has gotten the best of me. I also feel like it is not worth it to keep pushing forward.
I think these are the things that Satan wants us to think. If he can get even a small foothold he will take what he can get. That is why it is so important to ever be vigilant. Be mindful of what is going on around you. Be mindful of the just what the lord has given you.
How sad would it it be if we did not take the time to count our blessings. Life has so much to offer us. There are the little things that brighten our world that make all the mundane go away. I love it when I come home at night I could have had the worst day and my kids welcome me home with a Hug and even the big kids say Dad's home and are excited to see me. They make it all worth it for me! How great are the little things that color and give extra to our worlds.

This life is a test.

It is a test to see how we are going to react the days events and the things that are going on in life. How we deal is what matters. It doesn't so much matter what we do. It does matter how we react to the consequence of those actions.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Be who you say you are

In word and deed in all places they must be the same. Is what you claim to believe in accordance with your actions? Do you step up to the plate, to put your money where your mouth is.

Wherever we go people are watching. Not because we are special, but because we claim to be different. The world wants us to fail. Here is the deal. People need something or someone to look to. In our world there reallhy is not much that isn't slacious or sleezey. So when someone comes along claiming to be a certain way they put us under microscope. They ask questions about why we do what we do. and then they sit back and watch. They watch how we perform.

Our children are the same way. They mirror us so much, they want so badly to be like us. We are their heros even if sometimes they don't want to admit it. They are the fruit that is first affected by the decisions that you make. I love the movie "October Sky." Near the end of a movie where the father and son had fought through the whole picture the son talking to his father says"Sure, Walter Von Braughn is a great scientist but he is not my hero....." that tells me a lot about the integrity of the boys heart. We as fathers are our boys heros!

Use that great power to of teaching to touch the hearts of people you come in touch with. Be an example of the believers. Share your testimony in word and in deed. Be there when a friend is down. Be the listening ear for the brother that just needs to talk. Be a friend and you will find yourself loved.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Talk 3/27

I told a few people that I was talking in church on Sunday they wanted to see a copy of the talk so here it is:

Imagine for a moment you are on board a ship that is being tossed about in a ferocious storm. The storm has thrown the ship against some rocks and your ship begins to take on water. There is hope…for out in the distance one can see a lighthouse standing tall to guide you into the harbor. So, you fire into the air a signal flare.  A plan is launched to save your sinking ship. Your loved ones stand on the shore and watch as a rescue party seeks to come to your aid only to be tossed to fro as they work. Eventually they reach your vessel pull you to safety and to your home port.

Today there are many who stand awaiting the aid that only you can provide. Many are badly beaten down by the waves of life and need you to come their aid. They cannot make alone so they send up signal flares that need to be answered by you. I am talking about the newly baptized or those who are right on the edge of coming to church or not coming. Those who for whatever reason need an extra hand.  No longer can we wait for disaster to occur before we are there to help. We need to be in the homes. Brethren our job is to be the watchmen. We must be fulfilling our stewardship of home teaching more effectively.

When each of us were baptized we made covenants to as Alma taught “mourn with those that mourn.”  It always has been and always will be the responsibility of the members to answer the call when others are hurting. It is the job of missionaries to  create a respite cover from the dark night and the members have the duty of being there for friendship, fellowship and caring for the retention of the Investigator  or Recent convert. I think that when we start thinking of missionary work, or home teaching or any of those things we tune out or turn off because as simple as they are they often times seem fruitless and  we may become a little disappointed and even sad.  Brothers and Sisters now is the time to as Nephi says ( 2Nephi 8:24) No more is there the label of Home teaching or Missionary work or teaching or whatever job you are asked to do it is the work of saving souls. 

It is our job to navigate the whirlpools of the adversary and bring them safely to shore.

Today I would like to purpose five ways that you and your families can as President Monson says “Come to the rescue.”

1-      Know who your neighbors are. What is going on in their families?  Be a friend. I call it the 2x4 method. You need to know the neighbors in front  and in back of your house. Then the two to the right and two to the left.
This is going to accomplish a few things. Your neighbors are going to know who are and friendships are going to spark. People look out for those they know and care about. They will want to come to your aid. They will want to include you.  And you will want the same for them. They will ask you questions. You will ask them questions and then one day you will have an experience like Carol Zoss. She had a member friend this friend and her one day were working on her car. They started a gospel conversation. Before they knew it they had spent 6 hours talking about the gospel. She had been hit hard by life and needed some help. This member recognized the need and was there for Carol. 6 hours later the missionaries were called in and the missionaries started to teach her. 2 weeks later she was baptized. The lessons were held always with members of the ward and she had a support group that was incredible.

You might have a n experience where a friend comes and asks you things that they have heard. And you are able to talk about those concerns which turns into an opportunity for teaching. Skipp Hudson had a friend that helped him overcome childhood concerns that people had told him that Mormons were bad. He came to his friend who he knew was a “Mormon” and asked his questions. Today he has a family and serves in his ward in Idaho.

(Talk about Kari Paugh if time allows)

The church has found that if the members are actively involved in missionary work that the retention of the new convert is so much better. May I suggest that we not focus on the baptism of the individual, but getting them to the temple.  The missionaries give the investigator the respite needed for the short term. Members provide access to the ordinances that will last for eternity.

2-Pray daily that you will have missionary experiences and that you will recognize them.
Each day we are confronted with opportunities to share the gospel. It is up to us to open our mouths.   One day I was riding a bus from Port Angeles to Forks. I started talking to the guy I was sitting next to. He told me a little about himself and as a missionary I started teaching him. The bishop of the branch was sitting right there with me but did not recognize the moment for what it was. I helped him by asking him to bear his testimony right there on the bus. He thanked me for it later. Flights are the best place to have gospel conversations. All you have to do is take a four year old along with you and have him start singing at the top of his lungs “I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ.” Matthew did that on the way home from California.
Take the time to act on the promptings of the spirit, from (DC 33:8) we learn

3-Set up a profile. 
This is a great way for you to share your testimony if you feel you can not do it in public. Right now people are looking and asking questions. They are shooting a signal flare and need our help. The profile itself takes about 20 to 30 minutes to set up. You are able to chat with like minded people and are able to be the instrument that our heavenly father needs to help in very specific instantances. It is so very important that you know what is on this website because so many are going to the site. You need to be able to speak intelligently about what your church is doing. Knowledge is power. As we gain knowledge we are able to progress. We gain this knowledge by sharing with each other our testimonies. By reading our Scriptures and knowing the mind and will of our Father.

 4-Each Family should participate in at least 2 church tours a year
I love church tours. They help me see what the missionaries are doing . What they are like and allows me to trust them with my friends. You get to see them in action. They ask questions and you get involved with the investegators. You may be asked to share your testimony. Two things happen. Both you and those you are with are edified.  Second maybe what you have said helped the investegator to understand in a way that could not have been otherwise. I so enjoy the opportunity when the elders ask about the sacrament. They talk about the savior, his infinite atonement and then ask me what my thoughts are. At first it caught me off guard. I had to really think about it. What do I think about during the sacrament.  I answered the question and I was able to focus better the following week on the sacrament. The investegator did not come to church the next week.  However I was better  for participating in the Church tour.

5- Participate in a 90 Challenge “Conversation to Conversion”
                1-Prayerfully identify a neighbor or a friend
Include the Lord’s help. By so doing you are asking to be an instrument in his hands. This is his church, he will touch the hearts of those who are honestly seeking. We just need to know where he needs us to be… and then be there. Praying offers us the opportunity to pour out our concerns to our father. It makes it possible to make a plan c if A&B fall apart. Ultimatley, prayer takes out the guess work and makes what we are doing attainable.

                2-Have a gospel conversation
Do not feel like you have to force a gospel conversation let it happen if it goes there. Seek the opportunity out and  remember that if you are prepared. By praying and reading your scripture gaining knowledge then it will come. Realize that they have their free agency too. They have to choose. I love the Hymn “Know This That Every Soul Is Free” The message quite simply is that God is always there for us he persuades admonishes us and yet he will never force a man to heaven
The second verse reads:

3-Invite them to Dinner
The way to mans heart is through his stomache. Dedra knows she can get me to do anything as long as there is food involved. Not to mention that some find it an insult if you are sharing all of these special things and yet you won’t break bread with them. People need to be shown the value of something before they are willing to dive in. Not to mention you may even make a friend out of the deal

                4-Invite them to FHE
Share with them the glue that holds your family together. Family is so important but to so many they don’t know how to juggle everyday life with the demands of family. Life seems like the thing that matters most and so eventually the family is destroyed because they left it on the back burner and the members were tired of taking a back seat so they move on. These new members and investegators need to realize that family comes first above anything. Everything that we are about should be strengthening our families.

                5-Invite the missionaries to help formulate a plan to teach your friends in your home
The best place for missionaries to teach is in members homes they need to be teaching 20 lessons a week inside your homes collectively. That means that those who you home teach that are less active can be part of this 90 challenge. They need to be guided safely home….to the temple.  Recognize that the temple is the goal NOT BAPTISM. While the baptisms are great the road does not end there. Our goal is to create eternal families…. Eternal relationships (DC 18:15-16)

Brothers and Sisters these are suggestions that will help us aid in the rescue of those souls who are right now being beaten up by the storms of life. They need us to answer promptly and willingly when the flare is lit an aid is requested. We are not participating in organizations for activity or points we are participating in the Salvation of Souls. It is time for us as a ward to take ownership of our stewardship and not rely just on the missionaries (who do an incredible job, I am so thankful for the sacrifice that they have made and that Jared is making)

Bear your testimony 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The single greatest act of service was performed in the garden of Gethsemane, by the Savior. He gave himself freely that we might live. He opened the gate that we may enter in and find peace because he loves us.

Service is just another way to express your love. It is in the things that we do that shows how much we care. It may be visiting the sick, or going back time and time again just to be turned away, or maybe helping with a project that needs an extra set of hands.

Whenever we seek to help someone we are helping the Savior. Christ taught "When ye are in the service of your fellow men ye are in the service of your God." He also taught "If ye have done it unto the least of these, Ye have done it unto me. When we serve others we are serving our God, we are becoming more like Christ.

He who spent his life teaching, by example was teaching us to be a better people. His desire is that we love one another. We show that love by serving and teaching others. Teaching them how they might be effective instruments in the hands of the Father. The Savior said to Peter "When thou art converted feed my sheep." The invitation is just as clear today. When you have been warned... don't you think it would be just as important to help get the message out.

God loves us so much! He uses others to cross the paths of those in need. In turn a strange thing happens. Both are strengthened. Both rejoice together and are blessed not only in this life but in the next!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Beware of the word Easy

What comes to your mind when the word "easy" is used.

All to often the easy way is not necessarily the right way. Nor is it the most simple. The easy way shows that many a way to cut corners to get a job done. The easy way is broad and fleeting. One can not find lasting eternal fruits worth taking that path.

The path worth taking is the one less traveled. It is the path that leads to life. It is the path that shapes character. It provides all things necessary to return home. Although it may be rough at first the end is filled with much fruit. You will find happiness in following this path.

Often when we are looking for the easy way out we lower our defenses. We dull our minds and focus on the things that don't matter. We stop doing the little things that are essential to bulding a Zion people. At first it may not be a big deal. But, given time we give up the very heart of everything that we hold dear.

Never has there been more of a need to study our scriptures, Pray and have Family Home Evening. The goal is to fortify ourselves. Be the watchmen that the Father needs us to be. If we will do these simple things  we will be instruments for the Father to help protect one another.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Understanding the Atoonement

I don't think I ever will fully comprehend the Atonement. I hope to be able to know all I can. I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude as I contemplate the Atonement. Without I would be unable to attain my goals.

Christ taught that the reason why he performed the Atonement was so that none would suffer if they would repent. If they would rely on him the savior would bring us to the father and we could feel clean.

Isaiah wrote "With his stripes we are healed" I love the language showing us that the savior takes helps us. The graphic language shows us the sacrifice, the torture that the master would endure. That by so doing he would save us from suffering even as he.

On the flip side if we are not willing to take upon us the name of Christ, then the scriptures tell us that we must suffer as Christ has.

Friday, March 18, 2011

10 reasons why I have come to love the Savior

1. He invites, he does not demand.
The Savior, expects that we will come unto him and be partakers of the Atonement. However he does not take away our agency. He provides us with a simple plan; then it is up to us. It was Satan's plan, to force us. to make us less than our true potinential. Christ would have us continually be learning and growing and eventually make the choices that will lead us home. 

2. His hand is outstretched even if we are unwilling to (at the moment) seek him
The Savior is there with his hand outstretched. He may not like what we are doing. He will be there when we decide to finally call on him and seek his aid. It makes me happy to know that I have that ability to call and he will be there for me.

3. He calls me his friend.
My favorite scripture comes from the gospel of John Chapter 15:14-16. Christ tells us first of all that you are my friends. then he tells us why and then he says. "ye have not chosen me, but I have  chosen you. He seeks us to help one another. As we do we grow closer to him as well.

4. He is kind
Throughout the scriptures the savior has been asked for and each time he has come. He comes to us as we call on him. You know he cares about the things that you care about. If you have a problem he is there to help you solve it. When Joseph Smith had a question about what church to join he found an answer to his question in the scriptures. "If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God" The scripture goes on to say that he will not upbraid you or scold you for asking for help. he is kind

5. He is constant
Along those same lines he is constant. No matter what he will always be there for you. He does not change to our way of thinking. We are to turn our hearts to him. We are to seek him. He is as scriptures say the same yesterday today and forever. The great thing about that is that he can be our anchor. This sick world tosses us to and fro. We can take solace that we will be led out of those storms to peace if we are paying attention.

6. He is a great motivator.
Everything that I am I attribute to my elder brother. I would be lost without the help that I receive constantly from the spirit. The Spirit guides me to make righteous choices. I receive great strength knowing that I am doing the work of God.

7. He is an Teacher
I love the lessons from the scriptures that teach me how to be a better husband, and father even a better man. Christ's mission was to heal and free mankind from bondage of sin. Christ taught us by showing the way. He did what he taught. From baptism, to suffering in the Garden to the cross, his life was a lesson. It takes a short time to gain a testimony of the divinity of the Savior it takes a lifetime to master his teachings.

8. He listens to me.
Prayer is literally talking to God. He wants to hear form us. He rebuked the brother of Jared for 3 hours because he had not prayed. He wants us to share with his all things. From the mundane to the huge important things that shape who we are he wants us to have that line of communication. It need not be long and drawn out as long as it is sincere. There have been many times in my life when I have known the Savior was hearing what I was saying. I loose my keys all the time. The only way I find them is when I take it to the Lord. When I decided to move my family back to Washington from Kansas. I spent a lot of time making sure I was doing the right thing.

9. His compassion
I am so grateful for his compassionate heart. He wants us all to get back home. So, he came knowing that he would take upon him the sins of the world. He saved the woman who had been taken in adultry. He said "Let him without sin be the first to cast a stone at the woman." How beautiful. We could take a lot from that one lesson.

10. His love for me personally
I know he cares about me and knows me personally. He seeks to better me. He works in my life to sanctify me and molds me as I let him. I need him to be my advocate and if I am faithful I will be able to experience the love that he had in the Garden and on the cross where he died for me. I am grateful that I have a personal relationship with my Savior.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


The talk around our house has been a lot about friends and how much of a role they should play in our lives. From the kids spending time away from home to even how much time are we as parents spending away from home. For the most part we have come to an agreement that we need to spend as much time together as a family.

We also have had talks about the kind of friends we have. How well do we choose the friends that we will "hang out" with. Are they the kind of people that we want to be around. Do they build us up? Or do they tear us down? While in the moment it may not be noticeable. We may even want to spend time with those we would normally find offensive.

The interesting thing is that we should look to the Savior as a model in choosing our friends. He taught "Greater love hath no man than this that he layeth down his life for his friends." True friends will go to the mat for you . Take on your troubles and help you work through them. It is a friend that will give you a hand up. All of this a friend does for the good of both of you. The Savior is our truest friend. He sent the spirit to guide us. His hand is always stretched out. He is always there when we are ready to turn our hearts.

I love that he calls us his friends. He taught us that we are his friends as long as we are obedient and accept his sacrifice. He like the Father wants us all to be able to dwell with him again that is the purpose for the Atonement. It is through the atonement we are saved and may receive exaltation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Trust Christ

Jesus Christ the Savior and redeemer of the world. He paid the price for us to return home to live with him and the Father. It was in Gethsemane that Jesus prayed, taking upon him the sins of all mankind. He lived and showed us by example the way to live and lead. He taught the simple plan that if followed would not only bring happiness in this life as well as in the next.

We know the stories. We know the blessings that others speak of. We go to general conference and listen for divinely inspired counsel from God through his prophets. We see miracles everyday. The sun coming up everyday. The renewal of spring flowers, All these are proof that God really does exist.

Do we trust Christ? Do we have a testimony firmly planted in our hearts that he is real? Do we recognize the Savior working in our lives? Do we actively seek guidance from the Holy Ghost?

The only way that we are able to actively seek the answers is by prayerfully pondering, feasting on the words of Christ. Seeking Christ helps us to come to know the Savior. Learning who the Master is and what his personality  is like brings us to the knowledge that he lives.

Seeking guidence from the spirit, We truly can trust Christ and know that he is real!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Opposition in all things

Choice it is what makes us us who we are. What we are going to eat, how much we are going to eat. What we are going to wear. Each decision adds color to what we are. The decisions we make line a path that leads us to eternal destinations.

We have to taste the bitter so that we can taste the sweet. Life is full of  ups and downs, you win you loose. Ultimately it isn't about what you are doing. It is about how you are handling the situation. 

It is time to recognize the difference between right and wrong. Realize the path that you are or are not on and make the necessary changes to get to where you want to go. How sad would it be if you were not given every opportunity to achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. The greatest gift we have been given is to have the  opportunity to choose.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Power of Choice

Coming to earth, gaining a body, being able to choose, that is what this life is all about. We are able to choose right or wrong, left or right. Once a decision is made we do not have the ability to choose the consequences. They are already set.

Your choices no matter how big or small affect who you will become. Each decision made starts you down a path that leads to a desired outcome. From what you are going to wear that day to are you going to participate in different activities.

If you choose righteousness, you choose to be happy. If you choose righteousness, you choose to follow God. He promises to bless and protect you if you follow him. He will guide and direct you, if you choose to follow him. Therefore following Christ brings you happiness and peace.

If you choose evil, you choose Satan and sadness. You choose to be lost. You rely on yourself and wind up only spinning your tires. You choose to loose. Everything we have in this life comes to us from our Heavenly Father. Therefore, if we choose evil, if we choose to only to rely on ourselves then we have lost everything!

Faith is the power to do all things. By faith we can conquer all things. By faith we come into the presence of God the Father. By exercising our faith we grow. We grow toward greatness. We see things as God sees them.

It is as simple as it sounds. It is black and white. There are clear lines drawn in the sand. It is up to us to choose. We must choose for that is how it was in the beginning. Each of us fought for right and light. It is no different here!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Some of the sweetest experiences that I have ever had, have been when I have taken the time to listen. Likewise there have been many times when I would not listen. When I would see it only one way and I chose react. It is at these moments that I wish I could have backed up and slowed down to see all angles of the issue.

Listening to different ways to do things can bring new experience as well as provide opportunities to learn and grow. As a friend of mine always says there is more than one way to skin a cat? By listening to others we are able to recognize the different ways to get the job done. as long as we have the same end goal, why should we get lost trying to force our will. The fact of the matter is often someone is offended and not willing ot listen to you. Work hard at listening and you can solve many of these problems.

Listening helps both you and the other person be edified. When we are truly paying attention to those we are working with we will both feel the spirit and we will grow together. Often it is a listening ear that will calm rough seas. It is just being there to be the sounding board.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Seeking Refuge

Where Can I turn for peace?
Where is my solace,
When other sources cease to make me whole?
Where in my need to know, where can I run?

The answer is found in the Savior of the world. As we search him out through prayer and scriptures, we can also go to his house if we are worthy. There we can truly find him. We can commune with him and find peace.

The temple provides us peace, happiness, a lasting joy that will go on throughout all eternity. It is a refuge from a sick crying world. Here we leave our worldly cares and only focus on the things that extend beyond here. The temple shines light on what matters most, our Families.

The temple provides a place for the work of the Lord to be carried forth. What is that work, the immortality and eternal life of all  Mankind!(Moses 1:39). It truly is the sweetest work that you will ever have the opportunity to perform. It may seem like a little daunting at first but what worth doing does not stretch us. Everything that we do in this life requires work.

Why not be anxiously engaged in a work where the fruits last. The things that we do in the temple have consequences that last not just for this lifetime but go on for eternity. By serving, you are not only helping others of your Brothers and Sisters. You are creating eternal relationships.

What do you think?

For those who read what do you think? What Matters most? What are some ideas you would like me to expound on leave my two cents. You get the point.

I care because I want to make this special for others. I have made it special for me. I love the blog. I look forward to hearing from some of you.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


When I was a scout on more than one occasion I was sent out to gather wood for camp.  On more than one camp out I would go out to about a hundred yards away from camp. I would see there was no wood or the few little twigs (nothing to build a lasting fire.) I turned around went back and reported that there was no wood to be found. My leaders would then send me back out telling me I had to look for it.

All to often we expect to come to Lord explain to him what we need or desire having not done anything to help ourselves. We have to do our part. We have to look, search for an answer to what is on our minds. We have to exercise faith. Faith that will carry us through to the next life. That is why immediate answers do not come. We have to do our part and then come to the Father. Explaining how he could help us.

As we have faith to search it out and make every attempt to know and understand we can call on the spirit. The spirit searches out all things, he teaches us all things and brings light and understanding to our minds.

I was told to go back out and look for wood. I found more but it was not where I had been looking. Sometimes it takes the help of him who is mightier than all of us to make heads or tales of our dilemmas. He points us in the direction that we need to go.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Prayer and Fasting

I need all the help I can get. Knowing that about myself has made the topic for tonight really hard. It is one that I struggle with truly understanding. It is that of fasting. It is developing a relationship with God while putting off the natural man and seeking the spirit even more earnestly.

Christ, the great exemplar taught us that as we fast we are seeking the spirit to guide us. We are humbling ourselves before the Father to show our love for him. We show that we can bridle our passions and truly desire the guidance form above.

Christ also taught, that man can not live on bread alone but by the words of God. How can we know everything that we need to if we are not seeking the spirit to guide us? It is so very simple and yet we make it so very hard on ourselves. Bread, will take care of us physically. It will nourish and strengthen us. However if we are given to fasting and prayer the spirit will heighten our awareness. He will guide our wants and desires and give us what we need to go that much farther than we could go on our own.

While I have seen this in my life. I struggle putting off the natural man. I pray constantly that I will not give in to the incessant banter of Satan and his legions. The scriptures tell us that they laugh at us they seek our failure. If they can get us to fail than they have had success. Misery loves company and that is what they are miserable.
The temptations in the scheme of things are but a small moment. As we overcome them however they are huge victories. Victories that lead us home, to be with our Heavenly Father.

One of those great victories that we can have is having the veil taken form our eyes. Moses taught that while Satan laughs at us and relentlessly seeks our destruction, we are striving to know the mind and will of God, the blessing is that we will be able to have sure knowledge of things. That the murky will be made clear and we will have great joy!

God, knows what we need when we need it. So, we must have the faith to prepare ourselves to receive what he is going to give us. We must come to know the mind and will of God. Seek the strength that comes from mighty prayer.


The Lord sends prophets to help us, know and understand his will. Throughout history prophets have been called to show the way. They teach and call on everyone to repent and come unto Christ. If we follow their counsel, history has also shown us that we will be blessed.

In these turbulent days we need light and hope. Someone that can help us see in an ever darkening abyss is the prophets. The Prophet is a lighthouse that shines out to the world. They offer peace for the lost soul. Refuge from the raging storm. The world is a great place to be if we are aware of all it has to offer.

We must recognize that we are spirits having a mortal experience. As such we must learn to cast from us the natural man, and seek the best opportunities. The guidance that we need comes from one source, a loving Heavenly Father. 

We know that God is a God of order. He makes his will known unto us through his servants the  prophets. that is not to say that we should not cease to pray and only rely upon the words of a man. We must internalize their words. Pray, ask God if there is a prophet on earth and if he speaks for him. Then go and do! 

The prophets are there for our benefit to bring us to the savior of the world. As we heed the promptings that come from the prophets we truly will bask in the life giving light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


There is great power in prayer. Prayer influences how we act. It helps us realize how we handle the everyday life. As we take a few minutes everyday to include the father in our lives we actually are guided to better ourselves. 
Christ taught us to Pray always to avoid the temptations of the devil. The world is full of suggestive material. There is a multitude of things that vie for our attention and with out the aid of a loving Heavenly Father we could miss the mark. Prayer guides the way to life. It is the one constant thing that we can do to make everyday life a little bit brighter. 
Have you ever noticed how you feel when you pray and when you don't? Is there an difference? For me there is a stark difference. The things that I am trying to accomplish are just a little easier. I am aided in my decisions and I seek to always know if I am choosing the right. On the flip side when I have not counseled with the Lord, I find that my efforts are bogged down. I feel like I am out of control and have no vision for what to do next.
We are to pray always that we may come off conqueror. We are the ones who benefit from cultivating a relationship with God. Prayer is how we talk with him. We win when we humble ourselves to his will for us. We win when we are actively seeking to know what is the best course of action. The great thing about us having our own relationship with God is that each of are unique to him.  Each one of us learns differently, likewise each of us have the ability to have our own unique relationship with the Father. The great message is that we win, when we talk to God!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Learn to feel and recognize the spirit

Everyday we have experiences where the spirit tries to talk to us. Learning to recognize those sweet promptings is a process. That process can be mastered only through obedience and experience. Doing the small things! Diligently seeking to have an understanding and striving to learn.

I had a friend tell me once, that I was lucky. He said it seems it just comes so easy for you. He told me how much he struggled to feel the spirit. I told him that I was not lucky at all. I told him how I  found it hard to listen for those precious moments. I told him that I had to put to the test the remarks of the prophets and Christ. I had to fight for my testimony.

Today we have to actively do things that will guide us to receive a testimony. No longer can anyone ride the coat tails of another. We can not sit and wait for it to just fall into our laps we must go out and get it. Satan is working around the clock to ensure us his. Why then should we not be diligent in obtaining our own relationship with our Father.

There are times when I can not deny the spirit. He beats me over the head til I do get it. But lately, I have found that when I start my scripture study off with a prayer; I am able to hear and tune in loud and clear.
I have found that when I am diligently seeking for an answer; when I am reading, praying, and trying my hardest to do what is right, that is when I learn the most.

I have learned to pray that I will recognize the prompting of the spirit. I start out my day asking that I will be able to recognize the tender mercies that are all around me. How great it is, to know that if we will ask in faith we can be answered.

Follow the Prophet

My favorite primary song is "Follow The Prophet." I love it for the doctrine it teaches and the musical tempo it provides. It makes me happy. It helps me feel the spirit and seek to be a little better, a little brighter and excited for what is to come.

The prophet does a couple of things. He invites all to come unto Christ, and is the mouth piece of the God on earth today. He tells us what we need to hear. He invites us to come unto Christ and be perfected in him. He calls us to repent and to be better.

The children's song in the ninth verse reads:

"Now we have a world where people are confused.
If you don't believe it, go and watch the news.
We can get direction all along our way,
If we heed the prophets -- follow what they say.

Especially in a world where the answer for everything is to rely on yourself. So, many truly believe they must go it it alone. That simply is not true. There is a great oppertunity for us if we will recognize the need for our father in heaven to have a place in our lives. There is peace when we follow the prophet, and seek to be guides by the Lord.   

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Don't Give Up

Some my most favorite sections of the Doctrine and Covenants are 121- 123 all written when when the prophet was in the Liberty jail. I find great comfort in them because he is asking the Lord how long will the oppression last. The Lord tells him to keep pressing forward. The things that you are going through are for your experience.

I really enjoy it when I can relate to the experiences that the prophets talk about. I find many times that unless I am really looking for it I miss the lesson. I pray that as I start my study I might get what I am suppose to. With these sections I can really relate.

I have never been in jail or anything like that. However I have felt many times like Satan keeps getting in his licks how much more can I take right now. I feel like I am alone or just want to throw my hands up and quit. these are the times when I need to focus. Go to work and make sure I gain the experience but press forward.

How important it is for us to receive that experience. Often times we may just need to slow down and look at what is around us. Satan longs for us to be miserable. The mundane of life eats at our time and we keep crowding in things and before you know it we have a very hectic life. We fail to recognize the simple the beautiful.

I loved president Uchtdorf's message to settle down and enjoy the simple things. It is after the little things that will bring us closer to Christ.

If you are right on the edge and want to throw your hands up, will you think about two things? Remember how much your elder brother truly does Love you. Second, stop and look at all the beauty that is around you. Allow for only the important and clear out the mundane and of little value. 


The greatest opportunities for growth in this life are found with the walls of own homes. The family is where so many firsts are experienced. In the family is where so special memories are formed and eternal relationships are forged.

During this last  weeks FHE (Family Home Evening) I had been thinking a lot about the Proclamation on the family.

So I had everyone, spell the word family as an acronym

F (fart was the first choice) Forever Families. Families can be together forever. All of us are apart of an                                      eternal family. We are able to learn much from one another as we recognize that relationship with one another.

A Apply or Application We talked about applying what we learn. Internalize the lessons make them apart of our daily lives. study it out,  learn all you can and then put it to action.

M Marriage Recognize where and when it is appropriate to start a family. Marriage between a man and a woman is part of the plan. We are to work together and teach together and rise a familiy in unity an a desire to all return home.

I  Insurance, we might have stretched this a little. but the idea here is that we do those little things that insure us returning to our father. Reading our scriptures, Praying, FHE, going to church. These things build a safe haven from the outside world.

L Live, Laugh,LOVE memories that is where it is all at. Daily creating a atmosphere that will bring us closer together. I think it is so true that laughing provides for strong bonds. The greatest example of love is the Savior. If as a family we can learn about him and build our lives around him and his example we will come to be able to  love our neighbors that much easier.

Y Youth, You : In the family you are defined. Your character is molded and formed. Your values are created. 

The family is the greatest and biggest piece to our fathers plan.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

By their fruits

Sometime ago I was talking to my son. He asked me how I knew the church was true. At age 9 I did not have the words to tell him. I did not know how to share with him what I had come to know. When I tried he said "yea, but how do you know?"

Since that day almost a year and a half later I don't know that I can answer it any better now than I did then other than to say this.

If you try something out and wonder if it is right or wrong, pay attention to how you feel. Pay attention to the outcome of the things that you have chosen to do. It is very simple process that Moroni talks about in chapter 7. He say that all good things come from God. The things that lead us to Christ to rely on the savior these are the things that build our faith and give us hope. Hope that everything will be fine. Hope that God does exist and hope that we will one day, return to our Father in heaven.

Malachi, asks us to do the same thing referring to tithing. It is very simple actually, put the things that Heavenly Father has said to the test. See if he will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there would not be room to receive it. Think of that the Lord is asking you to gain a testimony for yourself. Come and see!!!

Alma, says that even if your faith starts as nothing more than a desire, plant the seed. Nourish it and see if it will grow into something worth keeping. It takes work to keep a testimony. It constantly needs to be shared and you need to listen to the testimony of others to build your own. Other things that nourish that seed are: constant prayer, daily scripture study, and following the prophet.

The good things in life are the things that will lead us home to our Heavenly Father!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Best Friend

This my be a day late and  little short but I want to tell you about my best friend.
Have you you ever had someone that completes you?
Someone that makes your world a much brighter place, a place where you would want to be?
She is the the best example of how to be Christlike. She teaches me everyday how to be better. She utilizes the atonement and makes me want to strive to be a better husband and father.

My wife is everything and more to me. She has taught me how  to be the man I want to be. I know that without her support and example I woulld be a lazy bum.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Take Some Time

I love the scriptures! I find great peace that comes into my life and in the lives of my family when I take some time to read. I have an urgency to make sure that as many as I can get to listen, have an opportunity to know and feel the spirit.

The scriptures have the power to change lives. If people will open them and read them. If they want to know. If they hunger and thirst and glean all they can from them. Then the holy ghost will begin a transformation in the lives of those who search and need answers. Those who want peace can find it within the pages of the book.

I found this link to how we have come to have the scriptures. So that it was feasible to allow every member in our family to have the copy and each are able to have their own relationship with their Father through the efforts of good men who have sacrificed much to bring to us a wondrous treasure.

This hour long documentary  will give you a testimony of the scriptures, of the scriptures and if we are always ready how the Lord can use us to be instruments in his hands.

I think it is so important to educate ourselves and come to know that love our father has for each of us!

It is time to open the books!

Learn Your Duty

Learn your duty. That statement in and of itself shows that we are all on different levels. It shows that we never stop learning, we all have a responsibility to hone our skills. We must keep moving, once we stop progressing forward, then we are sliding backward. It is a never ending battle that we will contine to fight even after this life.
Dallen H. Oakes taught in a general Conference talk the principle of Good, Better, Best. "We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families." We need to recognize those things that are better and once those are achieved we seek to better ourselves by extending again. Reaching for the best of all things. As we put ourselves through this grueling process we will be able to have our spiritual senses sharpened and be keenly aware of those things around us.
Focus on the positive. Recognize that while you are struggling through this life there are others who have a lot of the same experiences that you are having. You maybe that rock, the instrument that is needed to wrap your arm around that lost sheep and bring them back into the fold.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Come Unto Christ

I am gaining more and more of a testimony of the mercy of our Father and Savior. The Savior's gentle plea come unto me, is repeated many times in the scriptures. I have heard that phrase growing up time and time again.

Recently I read in 3rd Nephi 9:13. I felt like the spirit was strongly reminding me to 1) repent of your sins 2) Become converted to the gospel. Then this thought if you will do these two things, that would bring you the healing power of the Savior. Following that sweet experience I flipped the page to chapter 10:6. I love the language there. Turn your heart, Follow the prophets. These are simple steps that if we follow them they will bring us to the Savior.

Matthew taught us to hone our spiritual senses. In Matthew 13:15 Christ talking says to see with our eyes and hear with our ears. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we would take the time to see ourselves as Heavenly Father sees us. We could see our true potential.  We could see those who are in need. We could hear the sweet prayers and promptings of the spirit. We truly could see all of that if we would expect it. Pray for it! and read our scriptures!
We really could.

Then as we have fed ourselves we seek to share it with everyone. Isn't that wonderful?!
Never giving up on anyone of them just because they aren't ready when you think they should be. They have their free agency as well as you do. You never know what is going to change them and when you might be able to be that instrument in the father's hands!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Helping those who need a hand

I have spent a lot of time focusing the past few weeks about those who are less active. Mainly because of my calling at church. I have found great strength in reaching out to my brothers and sisters. I have had great satisfaction finding some of those lost sheep.

Today I was at and read a talk given by Elder Packer. He taught that:

"All of us who lead in the wards and stakes must open the door to the lost sheep; stand aside to let them through. We must learn not to block the entrance. It is a narrow way. Sometimes we assume the clumsy posture of trying to pull them through the gate that we ourselves are blocking. Only when we have the spirit of lifting them, pushing them before us, seeing them elevated above us, do we have that spirit that will engender testimony."

It touched my heart as he taught of those who could be receiving blessings and yet because of leaders wanting a "Spiritual meeting " They do not call on those who need it the most.

These less active members have much to offer. Many sit idle because they feel like they have been slighted. They feel as if they just are in the way. For a whole host of reasons they have left the flock. It is our job to bring them back.
We must be BOLD. The time is now for us to act. There maybe some growing pains but the end result will be a bounteous harvest. Christ taught us that the worth of souls is great in the sight of God....How great will be your joy save you bring one soul unto me.....How much great would be your joy if you brought many souls.

President Packer taught me; that if our meetings are guided by the spirit we would be taught great lessons. No longer would there be a need to choreograph our meetings. All would leave strenghtened by the spirit!