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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sharpen your tools

Sharpen your tools.
Quinton  L Cook posed Alma's question in last conference "..... if ye have experienced a change of heart and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love , I would ask , can ye feel so now?" In other words where are you right now? How is your testimony? Are you working daily to strengthen it? Are you seeking to obtain that highest of all glories?
The great part is we just have to do the best we can. We have an elder brother who is willing to pick us up and carry our load. If we are willing to let him. If we are seeking to follow him and make him the focus of our lives. Are we going to fall short? Yes, because we are human. The Atonement of Jesus Christ provides us a very special tool. 
The tool of repentance. It is an eraser if you will. Repentance allows us to keep progressing forward toward the goal of living altogether at our heavenly home. What a valuable tool!
Everyday requires us to take inventory. What is a little dull? What needs tossed? What tools do I have in my arsenal? 
With a little effort we are prepared to meet the days battle. Everyday is a BATTLE! Satan never gives up. Ever is he looking for the weak and then he exploits that to the fullest.    
Recognize the danger that is out there.Realize the power that you have. Now go out and wield the sword of truth!