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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sharpen your tools

Sharpen your tools.
Quinton  L Cook posed Alma's question in last conference "..... if ye have experienced a change of heart and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love , I would ask , can ye feel so now?" In other words where are you right now? How is your testimony? Are you working daily to strengthen it? Are you seeking to obtain that highest of all glories?
The great part is we just have to do the best we can. We have an elder brother who is willing to pick us up and carry our load. If we are willing to let him. If we are seeking to follow him and make him the focus of our lives. Are we going to fall short? Yes, because we are human. The Atonement of Jesus Christ provides us a very special tool. 
The tool of repentance. It is an eraser if you will. Repentance allows us to keep progressing forward toward the goal of living altogether at our heavenly home. What a valuable tool!
Everyday requires us to take inventory. What is a little dull? What needs tossed? What tools do I have in my arsenal? 
With a little effort we are prepared to meet the days battle. Everyday is a BATTLE! Satan never gives up. Ever is he looking for the weak and then he exploits that to the fullest.    
Recognize the danger that is out there.Realize the power that you have. Now go out and wield the sword of truth!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Testimony + Prayer + Dilligence = Strength

Never has there been a more critical time than now. We have a need of strong willing men that will stand up and guide their families. Guide them through very tumultuous waters. The battle is waging and if we do not use every ounce of effort we will fail.

The scriptures are full of examples that we could look to. Are you a modern day example? Are you holding that banner high for all to see. Are you that light that will guide others through the darkness?

*The Lord is counting on you. We have a great work to do and many are lacking! Nephi counseled in 1Nephi 15:11 we need to pray we need a testimony and we need to be diligent in doing the mind and will of God.

Our families must know that we are prayerful  We must be constantly mindful of them. We need the Lord's help to know where to guide them. Prayer is our link to our father. Through prayer we are able to seek the Lord's help and expect he will inspire and answer you.
Answers come as we read the scriptures, as we pay close attention to things around us. That is how our Heavenly Father answers our prayers. He puts people in our path. He speaks as we are reading. Tune out the world and you will find that the answers are not as fuzzy as they might seem.

Strengthen your testimony daily. Expect to be taught by the spirit as you are living your everyday life. Gems are out there every day, in everything you do. Are you your greatest example? What are you doing to build your testimony?

In a church meeting a brother asked What are you thankful for? He went down a list of things that many just take for granted. From the air that we breath, the food that we eat, the job that we have. Our lives are rich with blessings.

Do we recognize that? Do you recognize that all things that are around you come from a loving Father? These are testimony builders. Sometimes, these experiences may come with a price. Sometimes it may require that you loose worldly wealth. It may require a little heartache. But truth and light will be what matters most.

Finally, a little hard work is what it takes. Don't be afraid to get a little dirty. Jump in and give it your all. Family is sometimes not the easiest to deal with. We need our family to be there. We  may not show it. If we do our job, if we accept our responsibility than they will know where to turn when Life has gotten them down!

More often than not the greatest memories come from spending time. Where do you spend your time? Are you serving others? Are you serving those you love? I heard from a man not of my faith that the reason why he works is so he go and do things. Camp,ski and be with those he loves. That is what this life is all about. The rest is just fluff.

Now is the time to stand up be counted. Be who the Father intended you to be. Be an example. Share your testimony, pray, put to work those things you have learned from the spirit. Be who you know your to become! The more you build the more your increase from on high.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

There is NO gray area!

So many in our world today would tell you that there are only gray and shades of gray. But the gospel provides clear lines lines that are either right or wrong it's black or white. One can find great solace in heeding to the counsel of church leaders, Studying the Scriptures, participating in the things that will strengthen the soul. The more one focuses on right and wrong the more clear the lines become. 
Many have said to me that they don't think Christ would hold them accountable if they just did this or did that living in the gray area. They justify their behavior to fit their lifestyle! When if they would just realize that they are rationalizing and moving farther away from the father and his plan for them.
 Many call of the ways of the church old-fashioned or think them unrealistic, the truth is that the church standard sets one free. Like any parent our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy. True happiness can only be found as we exercise our agency and choose to follow Christ. Like everything in life that is a choice you have to make right or wrong there is no gray area. You choose to follow Christ's example or you choose to find your own way which will lead you ultimately astray; it will lead you to destruction.
King Benjamin in his farewell address said "My brethren, all ye that have assembled yourselves together; you that can hear my words which I shall speak unto you this day; for I have not commanded you to come up hither to trifle with the words which I should speak but that you should hearken unto me and open your ears that you may hear and your hearts that you may understand and your minds that the mysteries of God maybe unfolded to your view. I have not commanded you to come up hither that you should fear me or that you should think that I myself am more than a mortal man.(Mosiah 2:9-10)
King Benjamin asked us if we would just open our hearts and our minds and if will do that we can understand the mysteries of God. They will be unfolded to our view the great thing is that our minds are expanded as we follow the counsels of our Heavenly Father. We have an excellent opportunity to be leaders to be watchmen to be beacons on Mount Zion to show others a great and marvelous way to present to others a great plan of salvation but we have to be willing to open our minds! We cannot live in the gray area!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Power of Repentance

I have many needs in this life. These needs are mere wants when viewed on the grand scale of all things. None of these are more important than the ability to repent. It is a wonderful blessing to know that each of us      has the oppertunity to have a do-over. 
Repentance is such a wonderful gift and so hard to understand at the same time. There have been many times when I have wondered what in the world? Where do I even start? Through the ashes I am prompted to pray. Just getting to that point has been a struggle for me I have to admit. It was at these times when I have had the need for that help to guide me. 
The great thing about repentance is the hope that comes from above. Yes an error was made and yes there is a punishment affixed to that wrong. But that wrong can be made right. You are not put down in any way and encouragement is given. The invitation is to all men come home! Put things right and come back to the fold. 
There have been many times in my life when I have seen first hand the power of Repentance. It truly has transformed the person. Christ has said  in Mathew 11:28-29 :
                       28 aCome unto me, all ye that blabour and are heavy laden, and I will give you                       
                      crest 29 Take my ayoke upon you, and blearn of me; for I am cmeek and dlowly in eheart
                       and ye shall find frest unto your souls.
Over the last year I have watched as the Lord truly has worked a miracle in the life of my little brother. He went from relying upon himself to relying upon the Lord. He received the priesthood and took his wife to the temple. He had the privilege of having his family sealed to him. all because he finally understood the importance to change his life.
Repentance is the process of recognizing that a problem exists in your life. One can not start on this road unless you recognize a need. why change if there is not a problem. Why do I have to change even if others around me see the issue while I don't. Repentance is not a blessing spawned from compulsion. It is the fruit of an internal battle. 
As you recognize that the problem exists then the work begins. It is more than stepping through a door admitting a problem and then turning around and walking out the door. You have to feel sorrow for the wrongs you have done. So much so it pains you to keep on in the actions that have caused you to be where you're at.
Further, now one must be willing to turn from and never look back at the event that caused such chaos . It is so important to run far from the wrong just to ensure that it never happens again.
Next, one must take the opportunity to talk it out with the Lord. Tell him what has been on your mind. What has fueled the actions that have burdened you so and then what steps you are willing to take. Just getting this far should start to ease the pained heart. Heavenly Father already knows what you have done. It takes great humility to bring your burden to him and ask for help. 
So, now as the journey is in full swing it is time to put right what was wrong. Full restitution is needed for repentance to be complete. Rather it is service to others or paying a monetary form it is necessary to go over and above to make things right.
then we have to forgive others. It is so important to help others on their journey. There is something about allowing others to move forward that allows you to move forward as well. This also helps in the process of learning to serve others. It is the same principle. When you are serving others you forget about yourself and just go to work!
Which brings us to conclude the process of keeping on keeping the commandments of God. Endure to the end. The great part of this process is a loving father does not quit blessing you as you go through this process. His blessing are ever flowing.
What great power is that of Repentance!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

When thou art converted strengthen thy brethren.

What does it mean to be converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ? I think for everyone that question is a little bit different. The product is the same. I think that there are two bi products of this thing called conversion. First there is personal growth. Mosiah says...that we are willing to yeild to the enticing of the holy spirit, accept the atonement, put off the natural man and become a saint, to become as a child submissive, meek, humble and full of love. Christ is the ultimate example, he knew what had to be done and had the faith to see it through. When we have been converted we are willing to do what ever is asked of us. It is being willing to stand as a witness of God and his son , even Jesus Christ at all times and in all places. It is being willing to mourn with those that mourn. It is seeking out the sick an afflicted temporally and spiritually.
Seek for opportunities to serve. We live in a sick world! All around us there are opportunities to share not only our testimonies but our time talents and all we have to building up the kingdom of God on the earth. There are none that should be left alone and wandering. The world may leave others behind ours is to reach out and pick them up and walk with them until they can move forward on their own.
There are those who are hurting. They long for aid spiritual and physical. The question that we have to ask ourselves is are we going to be a Samaritan or leave the beaten man for the vultures? It does not take much. I helping hand, a smile, acknowledgment of a job well done. Recognize the little things and develop an attitude of gratitude. These little moments provide the lift that carries others forward. What power and strength lie in the in looking for opportunity.
There are many blessings that come from serving others. It is not something that can be half - hearted. We must be totally immersed in serving others. Otherwise it does not work. Total complete service builds relationships, carries us past our own trials, and provides answers to our prayers.
If your the guy that wonders what is in it for me. Roll up your sleeves an go to work. Try it! Use the advice from Alma and experiment with service. Watch and see what the seeds from your service will produce. You will see a great blessing come to fruition.
Finally, the master invites us to come follow him. He is there to mark the path. He is also there to lend a hand.  He puts others in our path that will carry us through. He puts us in others paths so that we can help them. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Moral In an Amoral World

The world in which we live is much like the people of Ammonihah. Worship has little meaning, church is a social gathering and people care more for themselves than for their neighbor.
Worship has to do with changing ones heart. Seeking to better yourself. Working out your salvation with your Heavenly Father. It is seeking the Lord in prayer. It is a very personal reflection on how your doing in your daily walk. Then as we become strong we stretch out our hand to seek out the those who need our help. Sometimes I think that we use worship interchangeably with caring more about the recent game score than how their relationship with God is. So much emphasis is given to the next big project that has to get done at work, or maybe the huge assignment that has to be turned in at school. What is wrong with success? Nothing, is wrong with being successful, it is the little things that are of high import as well. We must concern ourselves with as President Uchdorf sight "The Things that Matter Most." As we iron out those things that matter most; success will fall into place.
Going to Church needs to be so much more than a social gathering. The "mega " churches have their "Rameumtum" as it were. They have quite the huge edifice were a man stands up pounds a pulpit and someone plays the keyboard to bring home a point to make one feel good and yet the spirit has little to do with the presentation. Although it may be there in parts it is not apart of the service. Reverence is altogether replaced with the full band that sits waiting play out the minister. Then as the audience is released they go for coffee at the "Heavenly Grounds" cafe. 
Finally, Christ taught Peter, "When thou art converted strengthen thy bretheren" (Luke 22:32) The great blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that we are to lift one another up. I love the following picture:

As we help one another up and seek to give a hand. We will feel the presence of the spirit and gain a friend in the process. The social aspect of the church is not a bad thing. It is a by product of service rendered.
It is all the more important for us to be in the world and not of the world. Make the things that matter most a priority and help others make a difference for the better. Help restore a sense of commitment by setting a strong example. Enjoy the social aspect of church but don't make that a reason.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Want A Day Off!!

Have you ever just wanted sometime to yourself? Life seems to be running you around in circles just to get on with a new days events. It seems like that has been my attitude of late. I just want to have some time off. Time when deadlines or responsiblity can wait. I just want to be left alone!

At these times I have found great comfort in relying on strong examples. I think of President Eyring who spoke about immersing ones self in work. Just plough through and find joy in hard work. The fact of the matter is that this life is for us to work. We had better recognize that we are always going to be doing something. Even if we are wanting that cherished time alone, our minds are still working our bodies are working. So even when we mean not to we are doing something.

The greatest blessings come from serving others. The service rendered to others allows us to forget our own craziness and work out our problems while helping someone else. Often when we solve issues around us it really was not as hard as we originally thought.

So really what are we wanting to get rid of when we want to be alone? It is all the drama that comes with life. Life can  really throw some curve balls. It isn't so much what happens to you it matters most how you choosed to deal with it. You have to make choices! So now you have to choose to run away and be alone or hit the problem head on.

You don't really need time off. You need to remove all the drama, the extras and  find a balance between the quiet and the loud. Then choose to take everything as it comes never looking ahead until what is infront of you is complete.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Waiting for the Christ

Sunday's lesson was on Elder Robert Hales talk from last conference. I have thought a lot about the lesson over the last few hours. I have thought how much I have come to know and love my Savior even Jesus Christ. I am grateful for his sacrifice for the opportunity that he gives me. He gave his agency that I might exercise my agency. What a blessing that is that we have to choose.
Christ chose to see the atonement through. It was the fathers will that Christ suffer that agony in the garden of Eden. Christ's example to us shows how we are to endure our trials. As we choose to follow his example to make it through our dark hours and seek the will of the father we gain rich blessings. We are able to see great growth and able to help lead and guide our brothers and sisters along the path of righteousness.
Service allows us to find peace in our lives. We forget ourselves and go to work. One of my favorite stories from President Hinckley comes from his father. President was complaining that his mission was hard. He was telling of his misfortunes. His father wrote back and told him to forget himself and go to work. I have often found comfort in those words. When I am having a really hard time it is when I am worried more for myself and not about helping others.
Through, these things called trials we come to rely on the Lord. I love the hymn that says"Come cast your burdens on the Lord and trust his constant care." He is the true Shepard. He will bring us safely home. He is the only way. We must trust what he has said to be truth. He helps carry our burdens. He helps us when we are low. Through it all we can find lasting happiness and peace as we follow the Savior.
As we follow Christ we have the spirit and are able to have his constant companionship. We are blessed to develop Christ like attributes. What a great time to be alive. We are witnessing the unfolding of the last days. Along with that great blessing we are also tempted and tried more than any other people in history. Satan knows that his time is short. He knows what is happening and is desires all to fail. The great thing is we have the     knowledge and ability to combat Lucifer. Trials brings us closer to Christ and farther away from him who is the father of lies.
In times of great trial the best thing that we can do is pray. We must share our concerns with our Heavenly Father and give him opportunity to answer. Wait for him to answer our prayers listen for his answers. Expect him to answer your prayers. All to often we are ready to vomit out our concerns without waiting for our answers. Some answers will come quickly others won't. These are the times when we must sit back and wait. Answers will come but they not come in the way you might think. They may come in the form of service given or received. They might come  through a talk or article read. You can always be assured that answers will come!
As always there is this idea that we have to endure to the end. This to shall pass! We will come to know and feel our saviors love as we push forward even through the mundane of life. Recognize that there is always something to be learned through every trial, every minute of everyday. We just have to seek out that nugget of knowledge. What a blessing it would be in our lives if we could learn to endure our lives well.
I enjoyed Elder Hales concluding remarks "in my Gethsemane, and yours, we are not alone. He that watches over us shall neither slumber nor sleep, His angels here and beyond the veil are round about us."
I add my testimony that Christ does know each of us and cares what we are going through and longs to help us as we cast our burden upon him.  He is my light. He is my rock. I love him and am grateful for his loving atonemnet that will bring you and I if faithful back to the presence of the Father!