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Monday, February 28, 2011

Prayer and Fasting

I need all the help I can get. Knowing that about myself has made the topic for tonight really hard. It is one that I struggle with truly understanding. It is that of fasting. It is developing a relationship with God while putting off the natural man and seeking the spirit even more earnestly.

Christ, the great exemplar taught us that as we fast we are seeking the spirit to guide us. We are humbling ourselves before the Father to show our love for him. We show that we can bridle our passions and truly desire the guidance form above.

Christ also taught, that man can not live on bread alone but by the words of God. How can we know everything that we need to if we are not seeking the spirit to guide us? It is so very simple and yet we make it so very hard on ourselves. Bread, will take care of us physically. It will nourish and strengthen us. However if we are given to fasting and prayer the spirit will heighten our awareness. He will guide our wants and desires and give us what we need to go that much farther than we could go on our own.

While I have seen this in my life. I struggle putting off the natural man. I pray constantly that I will not give in to the incessant banter of Satan and his legions. The scriptures tell us that they laugh at us they seek our failure. If they can get us to fail than they have had success. Misery loves company and that is what they are miserable.
The temptations in the scheme of things are but a small moment. As we overcome them however they are huge victories. Victories that lead us home, to be with our Heavenly Father.

One of those great victories that we can have is having the veil taken form our eyes. Moses taught that while Satan laughs at us and relentlessly seeks our destruction, we are striving to know the mind and will of God, the blessing is that we will be able to have sure knowledge of things. That the murky will be made clear and we will have great joy!

God, knows what we need when we need it. So, we must have the faith to prepare ourselves to receive what he is going to give us. We must come to know the mind and will of God. Seek the strength that comes from mighty prayer.


The Lord sends prophets to help us, know and understand his will. Throughout history prophets have been called to show the way. They teach and call on everyone to repent and come unto Christ. If we follow their counsel, history has also shown us that we will be blessed.

In these turbulent days we need light and hope. Someone that can help us see in an ever darkening abyss is the prophets. The Prophet is a lighthouse that shines out to the world. They offer peace for the lost soul. Refuge from the raging storm. The world is a great place to be if we are aware of all it has to offer.

We must recognize that we are spirits having a mortal experience. As such we must learn to cast from us the natural man, and seek the best opportunities. The guidance that we need comes from one source, a loving Heavenly Father. 

We know that God is a God of order. He makes his will known unto us through his servants the  prophets. that is not to say that we should not cease to pray and only rely upon the words of a man. We must internalize their words. Pray, ask God if there is a prophet on earth and if he speaks for him. Then go and do! 

The prophets are there for our benefit to bring us to the savior of the world. As we heed the promptings that come from the prophets we truly will bask in the life giving light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


There is great power in prayer. Prayer influences how we act. It helps us realize how we handle the everyday life. As we take a few minutes everyday to include the father in our lives we actually are guided to better ourselves. 
Christ taught us to Pray always to avoid the temptations of the devil. The world is full of suggestive material. There is a multitude of things that vie for our attention and with out the aid of a loving Heavenly Father we could miss the mark. Prayer guides the way to life. It is the one constant thing that we can do to make everyday life a little bit brighter. 
Have you ever noticed how you feel when you pray and when you don't? Is there an difference? For me there is a stark difference. The things that I am trying to accomplish are just a little easier. I am aided in my decisions and I seek to always know if I am choosing the right. On the flip side when I have not counseled with the Lord, I find that my efforts are bogged down. I feel like I am out of control and have no vision for what to do next.
We are to pray always that we may come off conqueror. We are the ones who benefit from cultivating a relationship with God. Prayer is how we talk with him. We win when we humble ourselves to his will for us. We win when we are actively seeking to know what is the best course of action. The great thing about us having our own relationship with God is that each of are unique to him.  Each one of us learns differently, likewise each of us have the ability to have our own unique relationship with the Father. The great message is that we win, when we talk to God!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Learn to feel and recognize the spirit

Everyday we have experiences where the spirit tries to talk to us. Learning to recognize those sweet promptings is a process. That process can be mastered only through obedience and experience. Doing the small things! Diligently seeking to have an understanding and striving to learn.

I had a friend tell me once, that I was lucky. He said it seems it just comes so easy for you. He told me how much he struggled to feel the spirit. I told him that I was not lucky at all. I told him how I  found it hard to listen for those precious moments. I told him that I had to put to the test the remarks of the prophets and Christ. I had to fight for my testimony.

Today we have to actively do things that will guide us to receive a testimony. No longer can anyone ride the coat tails of another. We can not sit and wait for it to just fall into our laps we must go out and get it. Satan is working around the clock to ensure us his. Why then should we not be diligent in obtaining our own relationship with our Father.

There are times when I can not deny the spirit. He beats me over the head til I do get it. But lately, I have found that when I start my scripture study off with a prayer; I am able to hear and tune in loud and clear.
I have found that when I am diligently seeking for an answer; when I am reading, praying, and trying my hardest to do what is right, that is when I learn the most.

I have learned to pray that I will recognize the prompting of the spirit. I start out my day asking that I will be able to recognize the tender mercies that are all around me. How great it is, to know that if we will ask in faith we can be answered.

Follow the Prophet

My favorite primary song is "Follow The Prophet." I love it for the doctrine it teaches and the musical tempo it provides. It makes me happy. It helps me feel the spirit and seek to be a little better, a little brighter and excited for what is to come.

The prophet does a couple of things. He invites all to come unto Christ, and is the mouth piece of the God on earth today. He tells us what we need to hear. He invites us to come unto Christ and be perfected in him. He calls us to repent and to be better.

The children's song in the ninth verse reads:

"Now we have a world where people are confused.
If you don't believe it, go and watch the news.
We can get direction all along our way,
If we heed the prophets -- follow what they say.

Especially in a world where the answer for everything is to rely on yourself. So, many truly believe they must go it it alone. That simply is not true. There is a great oppertunity for us if we will recognize the need for our father in heaven to have a place in our lives. There is peace when we follow the prophet, and seek to be guides by the Lord.   

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Don't Give Up

Some my most favorite sections of the Doctrine and Covenants are 121- 123 all written when when the prophet was in the Liberty jail. I find great comfort in them because he is asking the Lord how long will the oppression last. The Lord tells him to keep pressing forward. The things that you are going through are for your experience.

I really enjoy it when I can relate to the experiences that the prophets talk about. I find many times that unless I am really looking for it I miss the lesson. I pray that as I start my study I might get what I am suppose to. With these sections I can really relate.

I have never been in jail or anything like that. However I have felt many times like Satan keeps getting in his licks how much more can I take right now. I feel like I am alone or just want to throw my hands up and quit. these are the times when I need to focus. Go to work and make sure I gain the experience but press forward.

How important it is for us to receive that experience. Often times we may just need to slow down and look at what is around us. Satan longs for us to be miserable. The mundane of life eats at our time and we keep crowding in things and before you know it we have a very hectic life. We fail to recognize the simple the beautiful.

I loved president Uchtdorf's message to settle down and enjoy the simple things. It is after the little things that will bring us closer to Christ.

If you are right on the edge and want to throw your hands up, will you think about two things? Remember how much your elder brother truly does Love you. Second, stop and look at all the beauty that is around you. Allow for only the important and clear out the mundane and of little value. 


The greatest opportunities for growth in this life are found with the walls of own homes. The family is where so many firsts are experienced. In the family is where so special memories are formed and eternal relationships are forged.

During this last  weeks FHE (Family Home Evening) I had been thinking a lot about the Proclamation on the family.

So I had everyone, spell the word family as an acronym

F (fart was the first choice) Forever Families. Families can be together forever. All of us are apart of an                                      eternal family. We are able to learn much from one another as we recognize that relationship with one another.

A Apply or Application We talked about applying what we learn. Internalize the lessons make them apart of our daily lives. study it out,  learn all you can and then put it to action.

M Marriage Recognize where and when it is appropriate to start a family. Marriage between a man and a woman is part of the plan. We are to work together and teach together and rise a familiy in unity an a desire to all return home.

I  Insurance, we might have stretched this a little. but the idea here is that we do those little things that insure us returning to our father. Reading our scriptures, Praying, FHE, going to church. These things build a safe haven from the outside world.

L Live, Laugh,LOVE memories that is where it is all at. Daily creating a atmosphere that will bring us closer together. I think it is so true that laughing provides for strong bonds. The greatest example of love is the Savior. If as a family we can learn about him and build our lives around him and his example we will come to be able to  love our neighbors that much easier.

Y Youth, You : In the family you are defined. Your character is molded and formed. Your values are created. 

The family is the greatest and biggest piece to our fathers plan.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

By their fruits

Sometime ago I was talking to my son. He asked me how I knew the church was true. At age 9 I did not have the words to tell him. I did not know how to share with him what I had come to know. When I tried he said "yea, but how do you know?"

Since that day almost a year and a half later I don't know that I can answer it any better now than I did then other than to say this.

If you try something out and wonder if it is right or wrong, pay attention to how you feel. Pay attention to the outcome of the things that you have chosen to do. It is very simple process that Moroni talks about in chapter 7. He say that all good things come from God. The things that lead us to Christ to rely on the savior these are the things that build our faith and give us hope. Hope that everything will be fine. Hope that God does exist and hope that we will one day, return to our Father in heaven.

Malachi, asks us to do the same thing referring to tithing. It is very simple actually, put the things that Heavenly Father has said to the test. See if he will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there would not be room to receive it. Think of that the Lord is asking you to gain a testimony for yourself. Come and see!!!

Alma, says that even if your faith starts as nothing more than a desire, plant the seed. Nourish it and see if it will grow into something worth keeping. It takes work to keep a testimony. It constantly needs to be shared and you need to listen to the testimony of others to build your own. Other things that nourish that seed are: constant prayer, daily scripture study, and following the prophet.

The good things in life are the things that will lead us home to our Heavenly Father!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Best Friend

This my be a day late and  little short but I want to tell you about my best friend.
Have you you ever had someone that completes you?
Someone that makes your world a much brighter place, a place where you would want to be?
She is the the best example of how to be Christlike. She teaches me everyday how to be better. She utilizes the atonement and makes me want to strive to be a better husband and father.

My wife is everything and more to me. She has taught me how  to be the man I want to be. I know that without her support and example I woulld be a lazy bum.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Take Some Time

I love the scriptures! I find great peace that comes into my life and in the lives of my family when I take some time to read. I have an urgency to make sure that as many as I can get to listen, have an opportunity to know and feel the spirit.

The scriptures have the power to change lives. If people will open them and read them. If they want to know. If they hunger and thirst and glean all they can from them. Then the holy ghost will begin a transformation in the lives of those who search and need answers. Those who want peace can find it within the pages of the book.

I found this link to how we have come to have the scriptures. So that it was feasible to allow every member in our family to have the copy and each are able to have their own relationship with their Father through the efforts of good men who have sacrificed much to bring to us a wondrous treasure.

This hour long documentary  will give you a testimony of the scriptures, of the scriptures and if we are always ready how the Lord can use us to be instruments in his hands.

I think it is so important to educate ourselves and come to know that love our father has for each of us!

It is time to open the books!

Learn Your Duty

Learn your duty. That statement in and of itself shows that we are all on different levels. It shows that we never stop learning, we all have a responsibility to hone our skills. We must keep moving, once we stop progressing forward, then we are sliding backward. It is a never ending battle that we will contine to fight even after this life.
Dallen H. Oakes taught in a general Conference talk the principle of Good, Better, Best. "We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families." We need to recognize those things that are better and once those are achieved we seek to better ourselves by extending again. Reaching for the best of all things. As we put ourselves through this grueling process we will be able to have our spiritual senses sharpened and be keenly aware of those things around us.
Focus on the positive. Recognize that while you are struggling through this life there are others who have a lot of the same experiences that you are having. You maybe that rock, the instrument that is needed to wrap your arm around that lost sheep and bring them back into the fold.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Come Unto Christ

I am gaining more and more of a testimony of the mercy of our Father and Savior. The Savior's gentle plea come unto me, is repeated many times in the scriptures. I have heard that phrase growing up time and time again.

Recently I read in 3rd Nephi 9:13. I felt like the spirit was strongly reminding me to 1) repent of your sins 2) Become converted to the gospel. Then this thought if you will do these two things, that would bring you the healing power of the Savior. Following that sweet experience I flipped the page to chapter 10:6. I love the language there. Turn your heart, Follow the prophets. These are simple steps that if we follow them they will bring us to the Savior.

Matthew taught us to hone our spiritual senses. In Matthew 13:15 Christ talking says to see with our eyes and hear with our ears. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we would take the time to see ourselves as Heavenly Father sees us. We could see our true potential.  We could see those who are in need. We could hear the sweet prayers and promptings of the spirit. We truly could see all of that if we would expect it. Pray for it! and read our scriptures!
We really could.

Then as we have fed ourselves we seek to share it with everyone. Isn't that wonderful?!
Never giving up on anyone of them just because they aren't ready when you think they should be. They have their free agency as well as you do. You never know what is going to change them and when you might be able to be that instrument in the father's hands!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Helping those who need a hand

I have spent a lot of time focusing the past few weeks about those who are less active. Mainly because of my calling at church. I have found great strength in reaching out to my brothers and sisters. I have had great satisfaction finding some of those lost sheep.

Today I was at and read a talk given by Elder Packer. He taught that:

"All of us who lead in the wards and stakes must open the door to the lost sheep; stand aside to let them through. We must learn not to block the entrance. It is a narrow way. Sometimes we assume the clumsy posture of trying to pull them through the gate that we ourselves are blocking. Only when we have the spirit of lifting them, pushing them before us, seeing them elevated above us, do we have that spirit that will engender testimony."

It touched my heart as he taught of those who could be receiving blessings and yet because of leaders wanting a "Spiritual meeting " They do not call on those who need it the most.

These less active members have much to offer. Many sit idle because they feel like they have been slighted. They feel as if they just are in the way. For a whole host of reasons they have left the flock. It is our job to bring them back.
We must be BOLD. The time is now for us to act. There maybe some growing pains but the end result will be a bounteous harvest. Christ taught us that the worth of souls is great in the sight of God....How great will be your joy save you bring one soul unto me.....How much great would be your joy if you brought many souls.

President Packer taught me; that if our meetings are guided by the spirit we would be taught great lessons. No longer would there be a need to choreograph our meetings. All would leave strenghtened by the spirit!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

2 in a row

yep your eyes are not deceived here I am two days in a row!

I want to cover faith. Having enough faith to come unto Christ. That invitation is all over the scriptures. Come and be perfected in him. Come and experience the joys of heaven. Come and feel true happiness. Come unto the Savior and know peace.

The Savior brings us to the father. The Savior frees us from the bonds of sin.  Amulek taught that there had to be an atonement made to save all of us. That all of us are fallen and lost and without the help of our older brother Jesus Christ we would be forever in a state of endless misery.

I love how muliple times the Savior says to test him. Come unto him, pay your tithing and see if he will not open the windows of heaven. Alma taught to plant a seed and judge by the fruit whether it be good or evil.
repeatedly the plea comes for us to try doing it the Lord's way. What is the effects? does it leave a bad feeling or a good one?

Yes, it takes a little effeort and guys you have to be able to recognize how you feel inside. Recognize how the you feel when the spirit is working on you. Recognize those little prompts that guide you forward. He will guide us if we but seek him out. that is the key. We must excercise our faith and come unto Christ and find that eternal peace!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Priesthood Journey

If you have taken the journey with me to read the priesthood sections of the Doctrine and Covenants outlined in the new years resolution post, then you should be up to section 84. 

I have really enjoyed taking these sections and making them a matter of study. I have studied many times the oath and covenant of the priesthood. In Verses 45-47 of section 84 I had either looked over these many times, not recognized them of import to me.  I learned tonight that every man is born with the light of Christ. 

It then becomes our job while here on earth to continue adding to that light. To study the scriptures, excersise our faith, Pray. As we do these little things they become the stepping stones that light our path back to the Father. 

See each of us has a potintential to do great things. It is in recognizing that potintential that we attain greatness. The thing is we have the ability and our spirits may say yes, yet the flesh is weak. We must hone our skills. Drive out from us the natural man and seek to become better than we are right now.  

We just had our Stake Conference just last weekend. A member of our Stake Presidency referred to these stepping stones as a doing thing. We have to recognize that action is required. We can't just hope that something will happen. We have to do something and expect results! It is so important that we recognize that we must expect those blessings. Recognize that the only way through this life is with our Father in Heaven in your corner.