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Continuing Revelation

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Take Some Time

I love the scriptures! I find great peace that comes into my life and in the lives of my family when I take some time to read. I have an urgency to make sure that as many as I can get to listen, have an opportunity to know and feel the spirit.

The scriptures have the power to change lives. If people will open them and read them. If they want to know. If they hunger and thirst and glean all they can from them. Then the holy ghost will begin a transformation in the lives of those who search and need answers. Those who want peace can find it within the pages of the book.

I found this link to how we have come to have the scriptures. So that it was feasible to allow every member in our family to have the copy and each are able to have their own relationship with their Father through the efforts of good men who have sacrificed much to bring to us a wondrous treasure.

This hour long documentary  will give you a testimony of the scriptures, of the scriptures and if we are always ready how the Lord can use us to be instruments in his hands.

I think it is so important to educate ourselves and come to know that love our father has for each of us!

It is time to open the books!

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