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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Priesthood Journey

If you have taken the journey with me to read the priesthood sections of the Doctrine and Covenants outlined in the new years resolution post, then you should be up to section 84. 

I have really enjoyed taking these sections and making them a matter of study. I have studied many times the oath and covenant of the priesthood. In Verses 45-47 of section 84 I had either looked over these many times, not recognized them of import to me.  I learned tonight that every man is born with the light of Christ. 

It then becomes our job while here on earth to continue adding to that light. To study the scriptures, excersise our faith, Pray. As we do these little things they become the stepping stones that light our path back to the Father. 

See each of us has a potintential to do great things. It is in recognizing that potintential that we attain greatness. The thing is we have the ability and our spirits may say yes, yet the flesh is weak. We must hone our skills. Drive out from us the natural man and seek to become better than we are right now.  

We just had our Stake Conference just last weekend. A member of our Stake Presidency referred to these stepping stones as a doing thing. We have to recognize that action is required. We can't just hope that something will happen. We have to do something and expect results! It is so important that we recognize that we must expect those blessings. Recognize that the only way through this life is with our Father in Heaven in your corner.

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