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Monday, April 25, 2011

Rightous Living

Every day we have the opportunity to choose the right. The beauty of the gospel is that we have that opportunity. The privilege and right to choose is among the greatest of all blessings that we have during our earth life. 
Along with it being a blessing it is our responsibility to make choices that are in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Choosing to follow the savior means to seek his will in all things. It means taking the time to make sure your testimony is intact daily. It means that we are continuously asking ourselves what we could do to be better.
Taking upon ourselves this responsibility prepares us for when the trials of life beat down upon us. At these times we find a peace in knowing that the decisions that are crucial have already been made. We can be sure not to stray from the path that leads us to eternal life.
Learning to know who the Savior is comes with daily prayer and scripture study. Daily prayer, brings us the opportunity to talk with our heavenly father. We humble ourselves to ask for help and express our heartfelt thanks for the blessings that are ours. The scriptures provide a means for the Father to speak to your heart and mind. Scriptures provide us with examples and offer a clear understanding for us to accomplish the things that we are asked to do.
Righteous living can be summed up in living the primary hymn “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus.”  We must be ever watchful that we are living to be like the Savior.  Striving daily to be like the Savior will not only bless our own lives, but it allows us the opportunity and desire to serve others.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Humble Followers of Christ

Where do you see yourself? How do you see yourself? Do you look for opportunities to serve? Do you have the   desire to choose the right?
Daily inspection of self is needed to ensure that pride is not edging its nose into the tent as it were. Pride is one of those things that comes on little by little until it has ensnared you and weighed you down. It is just like the man who was camping. He set up his tent and got out of the elements to shelter him from the cold. When the camel poked his head in from out in the cold and asked if he could just put the tip of his nose in and the man allowed him. Soon it was his head, then his shoulders then half of his body and then the man was out of the tent because the camel was left inside.
Humilty is not drawing attention to yourself. Seeking to be of service. The humble follower of Christ is the quiet countless acts of service. Those who seek to serve others over himself. It is trying hard to follow the example of Christ that we are blessed. We are able to find happiness and peace and work hard at performing an extraordinary work.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Moroni 7:45-47
45And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
 46Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—
 47But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

Tom, was a young man who was a little rough around the edges, to put it mildly. He wanted so badly to be liked and accepted and yet everyone could not understand him. He was a nerd.  No matter how you slice it the kid was awkward. Everything he did had to be followed up with because even his best work left much to be desired. There was no one who wanted to work with him. If his name was tied to theirs then it would be social suicide.
Ben moved in next door to Tom. Ben could see that what Tom really needed was a friend. Sure he was a little rough and sure he was awkward. Overall he was a nice guy that had feelings too. So Ben decided to be his friend.
At first Ben felt like he had bit off more than he could chew. There was no way that he could get the Tom to stop acting like ….. well, Tom. He was socially retarded and could not appreciate the help others were trying to provide.
Ben kept at it. Many asked him why he kept trying to get Tom to do certain things. Why he didn’t allow Tom to bother him. His answer came always quick and clear. “He’s my Brother.” people would shake their heads an walk away.
Even when it is hard we have to persevere through the hard times to reap the fruits of a lesson learned. Sometimes the lesson may never be learned. In this case our backs should never be turned from those we are striving to serve. What if the whole world had the attitude of, “he’s my brother.” The world would be a much better place. We should be willing to work hard to attain such an attitude. How important it is for us to be willing to suffer all we have to invite others into our circle, put an arm around them and help them feel good.
Throughout this process of learning and working together we need to remember that our attitudes, good attitudes go a long way. Seek the good in everyone and everything.  People are more apt to try your way of thinking when they feel loved. Being kind is a fruit of expressing charity.
Don’t worry about what others are doing. Worry about yourself.  (Isn’t that what your Mom used to say.) Don’t worry about what you don’t have. Focus on your talents and make them better. To many people focus on the  things that are beyond their control. They get offended and find that they are off that course that leads back home. What you are doing and the path you are walking is what makes us unique.
Focusing on what you are doing, does not mean to build yourself up. It does not mean to be prideful. I mean to have your focus on centering your life around the Savior.
Seek the good things. It is amazing how your perspective changes when you are looking for the good in everything.  Surrounding yourself with good things helps you to avoid even the appearance of evil.
We have to live in this world. We do not have to participate in everything that it has to offer. Set a course and plough through. Seek the guidance of the spirit and you will be blessed with happiness, joy and a peace to see your way through the trials that life throws at you.
Evil, is just part of living at this very special time in history. Coming to know Christ and feeling his love, helps you know the way to go. That special guidance will help you avoid evil. We must be able to identify evil. Recognize the very cunning enticing of the evil one. Then, run the opposite way!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Salvation: The great work that must be done!

Never at any time in history has it been more exciting. We have more technology than just 20 years ago we could have dreamed of. We are seeing the dreams of many become realized. We are also seeing What Moses saw as a faithless generation. No other time in history has it been of more import to be engaged in the work of Salvation.

Each of us must respond to those in distress. Many stand in need of rescue. They are lost in a wilderness of dross. This world is full of the distracting sloth that Satan stands at the helm. The world leads many in the ways of seeking riches and things that will satisfy the moment but never do they satisfy the eternal nature of things. In fact they dull the senses and as Nephi says"Satan, carefully  drags you down to Hell!

Our call is watch over all who stand in need of comfort. To be there when times are bleak. To build each other up not tear anyone down. There are those who want even need us to sit and listen. There are times when just sitting in a friends home listening to the what he has to say, prove to be the testimony builder that they need.

We never can truly know how much of an effect we will have on another. The great feelings that swell inside because you were willing to share. From a smile to a conversation it is the the things in between that rescue the lost and bring them back into the fold of God. Great will be your joy in the kingdom of my father if it so be that that you bring one soul unto him.

Bringing others to Christ is the miracle of the gospel. It changes not only them but you as well. You feel within you the spirit. You recognize the promptings and act on them. You seek the power and receive it from on high. The Lord told Joseph Smith that if you will open your mouth it would be filled.

Seek for the inspiration and the ability to carry out this wondrous work!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


The greatest bonds that we can have in this life are found in the home. It is becoming more and more important to guard our homes. The relationships that we build at home strengthen our everyday activities. We have to aware of the adversary and be one in fighting against him.

Satan knows that if he break down the family he has won. He knows that we are defenseless without each other. So, what are you doing to build unity in your home?  What are you doing to be one?

The greatest asset that I can give is my time. Spend at least 10 minutes everyday with each member of your family. The object is coming to know what they are all about. During this time you may try seeking to know their strengths and weaknesses. Doing this everyday will build them up and they will want be a little better.
As you spend time you back that up with quality activities. Doing things that teach skills and build testimonies. Working together cultivates lasting bonds that hold together through the beating storms of life.

Life is tough enough, compound it with trying to go it alone is dishearting. Heavenly father knew that we would need one another. The main reason why we were born to families is for us to experience life together. In our family we learn many lessons among which is working together. Lifting each other up win we are low.

Joy is found when we seek to be one. When we seek the Kingdom of God!!!

Seek the things of God

Everywhere we go there are evidences of our heavenly father. From things so very small, to things huge Jesus Christ is found there. We just need to learn to recognize him. It is vital to learn to focus on the things of the spirit. The learning that is needed can be found by asking yourself a series of questions.
What are my goals?
What do I focus on?
How do I view the world?
What really matters to me?
Everything that we do has to in one way or another lead us to the Master. This life is a time for us to prepare to meet God. Alma taught that we are here in a probationary state that we may learn and grow. The Savior taught that we must come unto him. We are to cast on him our every care and find shelter in within his embrace.
What are your goals? Everyone should set at least a few spiritual and temporal goals. Having goals creates an atmosphere of learning. Your willing to try new things your seeking to better yourself and your following the example of Jesus Christ. Your always striving. You are always growing in an effort to attain those goals you have set.
Each person is  different as such  your goals may not be the same as mine. The important thing is that you have them! it is so important that you set them high and self inspect often to make certain that you are on the road to attaining your aspirations.
Ask yourself, what do I focus on? What in the world excites me? What is it that gets my attention. Am I easily distracted from what I am doing?If so it is time to recognize it and discipline yourself. Focusing your attention is a huge asset to your family. Easily finding the ability to make the important decisions when it is time to make them!
How you view the world tells alot about what you care about. Recognizing the hand of the father in all things helps us see the greatness all around us. The strength of the oceans to the gentle breeze show us the hand of the father. All good things come from the father. Moroni tells us that all good things lead us to the Savior of the world, even Jesus Christ.
The last question to ask yourself is what matters most? Everything hinges on this question. If you are involved in something and you don't want to be you are not going to give one hundred percent. On the other hand if you recognize what you want and attack it you will accomplish so much more. Know that there is more than one way to skin a cat. How I would get there and how you get there are two different things. Yet in the end the same result happens. As long as you are doing your best striving to live the gospel to the best of your ability. That is all that is being asked of you !!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Enjoy Life

This life is way to short to worry all the time. In the funeral industry we call it the "FEAR." You wake up in the middle of the night worrying about the next days events. Did, I take care of this or that? What about X? Did I call that guy or gal? This way of thinking is not good. Let the things of the morrow care for themselves. Worry about here and now.

There will be enough time in the day to accomplish all we need to get done. Time allows us if we are not careful to beat ourselves up. We focus on the things we have no control over. In turn we miss out on the things that really matter.

That being said...what really matters? For everyone the amount of time spent may differ. For most the answer is God, Family, Church, Work. Fourth on the list and that is what keeps us awake at night. Granted working pays the bills and allows you to serve in the capacities the first three require of you. Ultimately, it doesn't matter.

Take time out to do the things that would strengthen you. Seek the best things in life and let everything else care for themselves!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Nothings brings as much lasting happiness, satisfaction or love as does the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is much around us to fill our time. We are easily distracted as to the mundane and thoughtlessness of the world. Fleeting passions will buoy us up for a time. It is only the message of Christ that will bring us eternal happiness.
How we feel and how we think are directly related to our testimonies. If we study the scriptures, we feel like we have accomplished something. If we seek the father in prayer, we receive answers. If we consistently seek to better ourselves, we grow stronger. If we try we are blessed.
Happiness,  is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Have you ever seen the look on someone’s face when they hear the message for the first time? Wonder, replaces pessimism. Peace fills the soul. The light seems to come on and the spirit starts to work on the soul. The power of the spirit works on the heart to turn it to the savior. The Savior reminds us “how great will be your joy in the kingdom of your father if you should bring save it be one soul unto me, and now if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me…how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me.”
Sharing the gospel is a simple and yet very hard work. The gospel message is simple, because all that is required of us is to open our mouths. The Lord tells us that if we will open our mouths, then they will be filled. Children are our best example of this. They are taught a gospel principle and they want to share it with everyone that they know.  
Matthew, a four year little boy sits on an airplane waiting to get home. So, like all little boys bored on an airplane he starts singing. He sings “I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I know who I am I know Gods plan.” In just those few short lines a testimony was shared. It melts the heart and makes his father feel good.
It is hard work because people have their free agency. They choose to hear what you have to say. Missionary work seems hard because life gets in the way. Fear overtakes us. Laziness seems to be attractive and we give in to the temptations of the easy way. We must be alert and mindful of the things of this world. These are the things that keep us from seeing our goals, spiritual or temporal to fruition.
It is obedience where we find happiness. Blessings are plentiful as we are obedient. It is like a V. While at first it may seem restrictive what you have been asked to do. As we are obedient the more freedom and access you have.
Joy comes from knowing that Christ lives. He has marked the path that will lead us to our Heavenly home. His victory over the grave provided salvation to all who come unto him and utilize the atonement.
The nephites shouted hosanna! Hosanna! To god in the highest as his son visited them. A host of angels were awaiting the Lord when the atonement was complete. The Savior crossed the viel and greeted those in the world of spirits. What joy the twelve must have felt when the Savior of the world showed himself to them.
His charge was then as it is today be of good cheer. Come unto Christ and he will give you rest. They who follow his example will find happiness. They will find prosperity both spiritually and temporally.   


Leave everything at the table

Now is the crucial 4th quarter. Bring all you have including the kitchen sink and let the adversary have it. Give everything you have got and you will win. It is so very simple, we step up and bring our "A" game.
We know that all we have will never be enough. We need some help. That help comes from a loving elder brother, even Jesus Christ. He makes it possible for us to return home.

That atonement even the victory over sin and death unlock the gates to allow us in. The atonement takes with it all of our pain. The Savior took upon him our suffering. He felt every emotion in the garden.

The reason for such an act maybe summed up in one word, love. His love for us is real! He wants us to succeed.
All that he asks of us is to follow him. To trust in him. To lay at his feet all our cares. To make our wants, desires, passions his. There is safety in coming to the God of Israel. Lasting peace can and will be yours as you come unto Christ and be perfected in him.    

Sunday, April 3, 2011

General conference Day 2

Another conference has concluded. It was a wonderful day to listen to the speakers. I have enjoyed the last two days. I have felt the spirit and feel closer to my heavenly father. How grateful I am to those who strive to know what to say, and how to say it.

Some of my highlights from today are: President Uchtdorf encouraged us to hearken to the prompting of the Holy Ghost. As we listen for the spirit we must act on those promptings. I loved the message from Elder Johnson of the Seventies talk on trials and how growth comes from the experience.

this afternoon I enjoyed Elder Robbins talk on to be vs. To Do. I am forever grateful to know they are connected but to be is greater is better that the to dos. C Scott Grow talked about the Atonement.

I am looking forward to reviewing the material from the conference.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

General Conference Day 1

What a great opportunity to be taught by apostles of the Lord. I feel so richly blessed. I am humbled to live in a day when there is a hope, an idea of what and who we are to look toward. It is a promise to a better way of life for all of us if we obey.

The conference has recharged my batteries and has given me ideas to better myself. I love that even though the speakers are some 600 miles away it feels as if they are speaking right to me. I can feel the love and concern that they have for me and my family.

President Monson announced 3 new temples in Canada, and two here in the States.

Priesthood was amazing. I feel privileged to have been in attendance. I could have worked and had a little overtime tonight. But traded to a coworker and I was fed richly. It is not a choice for me, I made the commitment to go when I was ordained a deacon. It is of great import that we honor the priesthood that has been given us!!