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Continuing Revelation

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Seek the things of God

Everywhere we go there are evidences of our heavenly father. From things so very small, to things huge Jesus Christ is found there. We just need to learn to recognize him. It is vital to learn to focus on the things of the spirit. The learning that is needed can be found by asking yourself a series of questions.
What are my goals?
What do I focus on?
How do I view the world?
What really matters to me?
Everything that we do has to in one way or another lead us to the Master. This life is a time for us to prepare to meet God. Alma taught that we are here in a probationary state that we may learn and grow. The Savior taught that we must come unto him. We are to cast on him our every care and find shelter in within his embrace.
What are your goals? Everyone should set at least a few spiritual and temporal goals. Having goals creates an atmosphere of learning. Your willing to try new things your seeking to better yourself and your following the example of Jesus Christ. Your always striving. You are always growing in an effort to attain those goals you have set.
Each person is  different as such  your goals may not be the same as mine. The important thing is that you have them! it is so important that you set them high and self inspect often to make certain that you are on the road to attaining your aspirations.
Ask yourself, what do I focus on? What in the world excites me? What is it that gets my attention. Am I easily distracted from what I am doing?If so it is time to recognize it and discipline yourself. Focusing your attention is a huge asset to your family. Easily finding the ability to make the important decisions when it is time to make them!
How you view the world tells alot about what you care about. Recognizing the hand of the father in all things helps us see the greatness all around us. The strength of the oceans to the gentle breeze show us the hand of the father. All good things come from the father. Moroni tells us that all good things lead us to the Savior of the world, even Jesus Christ.
The last question to ask yourself is what matters most? Everything hinges on this question. If you are involved in something and you don't want to be you are not going to give one hundred percent. On the other hand if you recognize what you want and attack it you will accomplish so much more. Know that there is more than one way to skin a cat. How I would get there and how you get there are two different things. Yet in the end the same result happens. As long as you are doing your best striving to live the gospel to the best of your ability. That is all that is being asked of you !!!

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