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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Power of Repentance

I have many needs in this life. These needs are mere wants when viewed on the grand scale of all things. None of these are more important than the ability to repent. It is a wonderful blessing to know that each of us      has the oppertunity to have a do-over. 
Repentance is such a wonderful gift and so hard to understand at the same time. There have been many times when I have wondered what in the world? Where do I even start? Through the ashes I am prompted to pray. Just getting to that point has been a struggle for me I have to admit. It was at these times when I have had the need for that help to guide me. 
The great thing about repentance is the hope that comes from above. Yes an error was made and yes there is a punishment affixed to that wrong. But that wrong can be made right. You are not put down in any way and encouragement is given. The invitation is to all men come home! Put things right and come back to the fold. 
There have been many times in my life when I have seen first hand the power of Repentance. It truly has transformed the person. Christ has said  in Mathew 11:28-29 :
                       28 aCome unto me, all ye that blabour and are heavy laden, and I will give you                       
                      crest 29 Take my ayoke upon you, and blearn of me; for I am cmeek and dlowly in eheart
                       and ye shall find frest unto your souls.
Over the last year I have watched as the Lord truly has worked a miracle in the life of my little brother. He went from relying upon himself to relying upon the Lord. He received the priesthood and took his wife to the temple. He had the privilege of having his family sealed to him. all because he finally understood the importance to change his life.
Repentance is the process of recognizing that a problem exists in your life. One can not start on this road unless you recognize a need. why change if there is not a problem. Why do I have to change even if others around me see the issue while I don't. Repentance is not a blessing spawned from compulsion. It is the fruit of an internal battle. 
As you recognize that the problem exists then the work begins. It is more than stepping through a door admitting a problem and then turning around and walking out the door. You have to feel sorrow for the wrongs you have done. So much so it pains you to keep on in the actions that have caused you to be where you're at.
Further, now one must be willing to turn from and never look back at the event that caused such chaos . It is so important to run far from the wrong just to ensure that it never happens again.
Next, one must take the opportunity to talk it out with the Lord. Tell him what has been on your mind. What has fueled the actions that have burdened you so and then what steps you are willing to take. Just getting this far should start to ease the pained heart. Heavenly Father already knows what you have done. It takes great humility to bring your burden to him and ask for help. 
So, now as the journey is in full swing it is time to put right what was wrong. Full restitution is needed for repentance to be complete. Rather it is service to others or paying a monetary form it is necessary to go over and above to make things right.
then we have to forgive others. It is so important to help others on their journey. There is something about allowing others to move forward that allows you to move forward as well. This also helps in the process of learning to serve others. It is the same principle. When you are serving others you forget about yourself and just go to work!
Which brings us to conclude the process of keeping on keeping the commandments of God. Endure to the end. The great part of this process is a loving father does not quit blessing you as you go through this process. His blessing are ever flowing.
What great power is that of Repentance!

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