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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Who Can We Follow

Who can we follow? That's a hard question. Especially when there are many who are saying do this and you'll be saved. There are many who are just doing their own thing. These people are lost. 
There is someone that we can look to, to bring us to safety. That person is the prophet of the Lord. 
The prophet has been prepared for our day. Like many that have come before him they were to guide their people through the torent of worldly wisdom. The prophet speaks for our day and time to bring us to safety.
The heavens are not closed. The Father loves and expects much from us. We need a leader who has a knowledge of and experience with listening to the father. The scriptures have taught that "surely the Lord God will do nothing, save he will reveal his secret to his servants the prophet. (Amos 3:7)" The prophet speaks with the Father. 
With that knowledge then... that we have a leader. Someone who is willing to guide us through the storm. We have to then choose to follow him. No one is going to make us choose to follow him.
Just like everything in the gospel of Jesus Christ we are free to choose. We are given the things that we need to make it through this life. Christ tells us that he'll take care of us. As long as we are willing to follow him (2nd Nephi 2:27-29). One of those tools that has been given to us; is following the prophet. 
Once we have set off on that path it is important for us to recognize those who have wandered far from that path. Those who have had the knowledge and encourage them to come back. Take the opportunity to share your testimony  every chance you can. Invite others to recognize the loftiness and pride of the worldly wisdom that is all around them. Be willing to share your testimony of how the Gospel has changed your life. Be able to offer examples of how your testimony of the prophet and following  his example has led you to come to know more of your Savior, Jesus Christ.
This is truly the work of the master. Bringing others to the knowledge of the Savior. Helping others back when they have fallen short. Ours is not to judge. It is but to be a help in facilitating our Heavenly Father in rescuing some of his children.

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