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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Flashlight parable

The common everyday flash light has a handle, A switch ,a light bulb, a power source, a housing for the light bulb. It is a simple thing really. A tool that brings light to a room to provide the opportunity for every person that looks upon its rays the ability to find great sources of power. The flashlight opens up a new world of color and information.

That common Flashlight is like each one of us.

The Handle
Each individual stands alone as a empty flashlight handle. We go through this life and are individually affected by the experiences that we live through. Some are cared for, used and meet their purpose. Others are battered, scared and torn. Some are dirty from use. Some clean and polished. However, they all have one thing in common they are a tool. A instrument in the hands of the user.

The Power Source
Each light requires a power source to give off the Energy that will illuminate the dark of night. Our source of power that our Heavenly Father has given us is the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ promised us that he would not leave us comfort less. He said “but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring to your rememberance   whatsoever thing I have said unto you. The Holy Ghost is the power source. He is the power to see, Hear, gain knowledge and develope an abiding faith and hope in the Savior Jesus Christ.

The Switch
To utilize that power source the switch must be placed in the on position. The switch engages the power allowing the instrument to begin to work inside The individual. That switch is a course of daily searching and diligently studying the scriptures. The scriptures lighten our minds. Reading, then doing the mind and will of God begins the journey of allowing the power source to work within the individual.

The Light Bulb
The light bulb itself is illuminated when one is able to discern between good, better and best. The person is able to share what has become a part of them. Testimony is borne of the love of God to his children. Questions are asked and answered; on the Lords timetable. This is done that all may be able to be taught on their level the blessing of living and loving as the Father loves.

The Housing For the Light Bulb
The blessing of the power illumination of the bulb has to be constantly nourished. Without the housing applied to flashlight the bulb if placed in just the right place with the right amount of pressure will for a time illuminate the bulb. However once the pressure is released the light turns off and is cold. The light must be held in place with constant nourishment. Yes the primary answers. Personal prayer, read the scriptures personally and with the family. What a blessing!

The prayer today is that everyone will realize that they are an instrument in the hands of the master. Each one of us has the ability to help others turn on their switch and shed the light of the gospel in a dark and scary world. The individual has a mandate to learn and apply lessons from the best books. Then seek to be taught from others. Everything that is experienced during this life has a lesson.

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