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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Action Required

Everything that we do in life requires us to do something. We are bombarded on every front to make decisions as to our next move.  Those things that motivate us to action are driving us to our destination. Are you happy with the direction that you are taking?

Those around us are looking for something ... someone to lead them to a safe haven. People grasp at straws to have a sense of peace. People want to have that security that they are can find rest.

The comfort and rest that comes a relationship with the Savior. Coming to the knowledge of him  does not come without action. One must seek, Ponder and Pray.

Three, very different yet very simple actions.

Seek, we must search out the Lord. Where can we find that knowledge? In the scriptures. They bring us the knowledge that is needed to cultivate a relationship with our Heavenly Father. The scriptures cause us to think. They help us to make moral decisions and then act on them. The greatest blessing of the scriptures is;  that if we will read with real intent, and if we really have a desire to know what we are to do, then the spirit will teach us(Moroni 10:3-5)!

Second Ponder, too often we are asked to make snap decisions. Under the pretenses that it helps others. While it might in the short term for someone to move, it does not mean that it is the right one. Take time to make the right decision even if you need to table the thought and come back to the need. Short term aggravation may set in. Long term you will be praised for making the right decision. Take the knowledge that you have been presented with. Think about what affect your decision might have on you and on those you care about. It is also important to think about those who are in your stewardship. Create new questions. Seek to be taught.

Third, Pray. Pray where ever you are. seek to have a working knowledge of the things that are of utmost concern to you. Lean on the spirit to be your guide. Prayer shows a willing heart and mind to bend to the will of God. Including him in your life brings you closer to him. Seek him!

By heeding a call to action you will find the greatest happiness and peace!

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