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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Watch over the church

At twelve, like normal, I recieved the Aaronic priesthood. With that I was able to be that really cool guy that passed the sacrement to the congregation. When my parents joined the church I remember looking up to those deacons and wanting to be like them.

I had been told that my calling to hold the Aaronic prieshood was really important. I thought it an honor to be able to be a part of some thing. I don't think that I really understood the magnitude of the responsiblity that I was taking on.

I had heard but I never really thought much about the statement of watching over the church. The job of the deacon was really beyond me.

I was reading a few days ago now of watching. How it is a responsibility. The deacons are to Watch and pray over and warn, expound, teach the church.

All of sudden the power of the those words hit me. What I had agreed to do when I was twelve was a huge responsibilty. The word "watch " means to have a responsibility. It was a responsibility to stand up for the gospel of Christ. To invite all men to come unto Christ.

Jesus, talking to peter said "When Thou Art Converted Strengthen Thy Bretheren." Jesus talking to Joseph Smith taught us to sanctify ourselves and teach one another the gospel. Christ said "Behold, I sent you out to testify and warn the people, and it becometh every man that hath been warned to warn his neighbor."

The responsibility of watching, is making sure that we strengthen one another. Each of us have our flaws. Some of us big, others small, no matter the size of the is ours to help where we are able. To give succor to those in need and lift those whose arms hang low!!!

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