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Continuing Revelation

Monday, March 28, 2011

Be who you say you are

In word and deed in all places they must be the same. Is what you claim to believe in accordance with your actions? Do you step up to the plate, to put your money where your mouth is.

Wherever we go people are watching. Not because we are special, but because we claim to be different. The world wants us to fail. Here is the deal. People need something or someone to look to. In our world there reallhy is not much that isn't slacious or sleezey. So when someone comes along claiming to be a certain way they put us under microscope. They ask questions about why we do what we do. and then they sit back and watch. They watch how we perform.

Our children are the same way. They mirror us so much, they want so badly to be like us. We are their heros even if sometimes they don't want to admit it. They are the fruit that is first affected by the decisions that you make. I love the movie "October Sky." Near the end of a movie where the father and son had fought through the whole picture the son talking to his father says"Sure, Walter Von Braughn is a great scientist but he is not my hero....." that tells me a lot about the integrity of the boys heart. We as fathers are our boys heros!

Use that great power to of teaching to touch the hearts of people you come in touch with. Be an example of the believers. Share your testimony in word and in deed. Be there when a friend is down. Be the listening ear for the brother that just needs to talk. Be a friend and you will find yourself loved.

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