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Continuing Revelation

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


When I was a scout on more than one occasion I was sent out to gather wood for camp.  On more than one camp out I would go out to about a hundred yards away from camp. I would see there was no wood or the few little twigs (nothing to build a lasting fire.) I turned around went back and reported that there was no wood to be found. My leaders would then send me back out telling me I had to look for it.

All to often we expect to come to Lord explain to him what we need or desire having not done anything to help ourselves. We have to do our part. We have to look, search for an answer to what is on our minds. We have to exercise faith. Faith that will carry us through to the next life. That is why immediate answers do not come. We have to do our part and then come to the Father. Explaining how he could help us.

As we have faith to search it out and make every attempt to know and understand we can call on the spirit. The spirit searches out all things, he teaches us all things and brings light and understanding to our minds.

I was told to go back out and look for wood. I found more but it was not where I had been looking. Sometimes it takes the help of him who is mightier than all of us to make heads or tales of our dilemmas. He points us in the direction that we need to go.

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